Novica & Serene Night's Render…
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Novica & Serene Night's Renders, Tips, Tutorials & Product Reviews Part 1
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I'm going to be taking a look at those Roman Bath pictures to see if anything can go in my L'atelier studio tutorial. They're huge and one can replace all those eclectic ones that I took out. So we're finding a lot of art prints / hangings to use in scenes, aren't we? First La Dolce Vita restaurant, then a Roman swimming pool set, lol. I'll be continuing that sometime today so you can see how the L'atelier and La Dolce Vita Restaurant get combined to change the look of the art studio. (L'atelier)
There was some discussion on the light set from Bot Shop? I had it on my wishlist and it's onsale as part of the interiors flash sale. Also on sale is 3D Plants and Ignis Serpentus.
Oh cool- I had wishlisted that as SereneNight used it as the background for our mechanical snake friend :)
One other thing- the AntFarm's Never series has cool props and the scenes have a lot of nooks and crannies. I have ALL of them. Only the interior ones are on sale, but do highly recommend. And of course, it's AntHill so super stuff. for interior cave shots
I usually don't recommend higher priced sets but this is another WOW factor one. The temple is big, comes with lit torches and the lightset is really good- golden glows. I've been working on a render with this set so it's not just a "have it" type recommendation. That mask coming out of the wall is downright AWESOME. So at 60% off you might want to take a peek. go look at the props- again, if you need pillows, and a lounger, and a firepit on a stand (you know what I mean, I'm in a hurry!) AND a pool, and a floor that can be raised up to use as a background for portraits (it looks like it from promos) - all for $5.31. A good deal! Remember you can use The Fabricator and change up those pillows materials with a couple clicks of a button! I have this set, haven't gotten to it yet. Check it out for 60% off
I have it, it's good, comes with a light set but I used mine (didn't try theirs) I've seen renders with this and it's a very nice tunnel, good rotation- different views give you a nice variety of scenes even though it's "just" a tunnel. by Jack- check out those upstairs windows in the small thumbnails. I'm grabbing the set just to get those! This set is really big, worth the money. (Again, not a cheapie, but you get more than what you pay for with Jack, as you know. And it's 60% off.
I have to keep posting shorties as I need to shop first before this sale ends. Keep checking back!
60% and talk about props, lighting (I checked- its got SO many lights- 4 distant lights, 12 linear lights. Haven't used, but you adjust all the settings so what a creative opportunity!!!) Set is really big. Lots of paintings, pots, you name it. It's what I just used for all those lighting examples. People LOVE this set, it's been discussed several times over in the forum.
Again, one of my top three picks for "if I could only have 3 sets" (along with Willow Spring, and probably The Priory has bumped Skull Cove for the outdoor scene that gives you so much variety)
ONE HUNDRED FIFTY PROPS and just awesome.
I hate this sale!
I've been checking out Ness Period Reproductions, their stuff looks pretty cool. I picked up Townhouse prop pack.
I also have Bot shop, BC Office Bundle, Interiors 4 the Jail, and I was thinking about the macleans Fashion studio, IG's Phatoms.
Look at that front door, the window to the side. A wonderful backdrop for a closeup portrait/scene render. I have this one already. BUT LOOK AT THE FLOOR- another good one to rotate and use as a backdrop for closeup portraits. With depth of field that would be pretty.
benches, modern seats, walls- and you can change the artwork. If you like the L'Atelier makeover I'm doing and want to doodle with art sets, etc- this is a good one for props (L'Atelier is not on sale and too pricey for just canvases. See what this one includes. I have it, but no time to check) It's only $3.18 ! great backdrop walls if nothing else! Also $3.18
Use artwork from Roman Bath and La Dolce Vita restaurant! YIPPEEE, been waiting on this. A high class art studio!
Even if you're not into steampunk, look at the exterior of this set for good background buildings- nice wood and stone. But you also get steins, tables, chairs, interesting stuff on the walls that could be used elsewhere perhaps- don't know if they come off the wall based on the props list! (there's a menu, a ship's steering wheel, etc) At 60% off, it's $7.98.
Tavern Figure (.CR2 and .OBJ)
5 Movable Doors
8 Hide-able Body Parts
Distillery Prop (.PP2 and .OBJ)
Liquor Cask Prop (.PP2 and .OBJ)
Beer Keg Prop (.PP2 and .OBJ)
Table Prop (.PP2 and .OBJ)
Stool Prop (.PP2 and .OBJ)
Stein Prop (.PP2 and .OBJ)
Left and Right Smartprop Versions For M4 and V4
Stein Hand Poses For M4 and V4 (.PZ2)
Poser Light Set (.LT2)
Been waiting on this too, look at the thumbnails, at the props. Also like the walls. A different feel of an interior set, so many give you the same old same old, this is unique. $7.98 instead of $19.95, may want to consider it.
Movable/Removable Parts:
Barrels and Barrel Lid
Beds and Pillows
Boxes and Box Lids
Candle Circle
Chair Plain
Chair with Cloth
Circular Wall
Clay Pots
Crystal Balls
Dirt Ground
Door and Frame
Fireplace Flames
Fireplace Front and Stones
Floor Stones
Frying Pan Iron Pots and Metal Rack
Green Shelf Arch
Ink Bottle
Long and Short Shelves
Parchment Notes
Pen Holder
Plaster Walls
Quill Pen
Scrolls Blue
Scrolls Red
Stone Side Walk
Table Cloth
Thatch Roof
Wood Floor
Wood Lamp
Wood Support Beams
like the alien cave, with a twist :)
the thumbnails show the tunnel network.
Okay, think outside the box. These are all parts- and they reminded me of what you'd find on board an old ship. Need some marine render stuff? Think Titanic type. Depth of field would make these fit right in. Surprisingly, I'm going for it. Not sure when I'll get to it though, lol.
be sure and look at the thumbnails- taking the roof off this totally changes the look, it's more like "open air Greece" scenes, if you know what I mean.
SIGH- another one that the main promo is the wrong promo. Go look at the thumbnails. This is a gem. $7.98
Castle Room Props: (.PP2 and .OBJ)
Clay Pot
If you're looking for a scene to have someone dangling off a sci fi ledge, you can use this elevator and leave them hanging lol! Get the walls, the lift, etc. $5.18 One of those "don't know exactly WHAT I'll use it for, but..." And it's The AntFarm so it's good. at $12.78, loaded. See the list, need I say more?
I got this awhile back but had to wait for it to go on sale, normally it's $31.95 (I wouldnt do it for that- look at all this!)
94 Props Including:
An armchair, a stool, two styles of chairs
Two dinner tables, with and without a table cloth
Two dressers, a cabinet, two chests, a shelf
A book case with assorted book piles, and individual books opened and closed
A grandfather clock
A fireplace with its assorted props: fire, spit, andirons
Five different plates
Utensils: spoon, fork, two different knives and a wooden spoon
Three goblets
Three decorative tankards
A drinking horn
A pot and kettle
A cutting board
A loaf of bread, bread on a cutting board and a slice of bread
A whole chicken and chicken drumsticks
A dish containing ears of corn, and individual ears of corn
A fruit cup, a fruit platter, and grapes
Mashed potatoes, both in a dish and in individual servings
A sliced roast in a dish and individual roast slices
A gravy saucer
A bottle
Two floor lamps (on and off)
Two table lamps (on and off)
Two candles (on and off)
Two lanterns (on and off)
Two oil lamps (on and off)
Various decorative props:
Wall mounted antlers
A decorative hunting belt
A hiking stick, four canes and a cane stand
A regular and a fur rug
A hat
A jar
A magnifying glass
An owl decorated mirror
Three pipes, a pipe stand and a tinderbox
A post horn
Two hunting rifles
Three table runners
A decorative sled
I think this could be fun. That's my reason and I'm sticking to it. $7.98 instead of $19.95
So this is some of what I picked up (I put my money where my mouth is, I'm not going to recommend something unless I would buy it or have it.) This is from the interiors sale going on right now- 60% off:
Saunders Steampunk Tavern, Fantasy Hovel, Rybolt Mechanical,The Protohive, Steampunk Empire Set 1 Vignette Wall, Round Tomb,
Gravity Drop, Spa Changing Room and Showers, The Cistern, The Compartment (GORGEOUS for old fashioned train renders/ romantic couple renders- check it out!) Sauna, Fashion Studio, Anderson Hall, Bot Shop, Studio Paris.
EDIT: Anything you see that I recommend but don't list as purchased means I already have it. That doesn't mean I've gotten around to using it though, lol!
Yes, I noticed after I finished shopping that I had purchased their vintage railroad compartment. (Ness Period Reproductions) and the Fashion Studio,which was the very last item in the gallery (so hurry up folks before the sale ends or you might not get to it.) Did you end up getting all these?
A fast screenshot for you of Ancient Prophecies, that one with the mask in the wall. Ignore my two figures in front of it on our left :) You can barely see them, but those are not part of the set.
Reminder, I had posted:
I usually don’t recommend higher priced sets but this is another WOW factor one. The temple is big, comes with lit torches and the lightset is really good- golden glows. I’ve been working on a render with this set so it’s not just a “have it” type recommendation. That mask coming out of the wall is downright AWESOME. So at 60% off you might want to take a peek.
(You can see my light set in progress, lol)
Looks awesome but my pc will keel over and die if I tried to render that. I ended up buying Bot Shop, Townhouse street props, jail, the office bundle, gravity (I might finally use the robot of stonemasons' which looks like ED209), Fashion studio, spa changing room, the library - it was a toss up between this and the 150 item set you mentioned. In the end I figured I'd use the library more.
I have it and I like it :D It has a bit of a cursory outside, too. Played with it only a little, so I don't have much. Except for a tiny bit of the bed with a wall. That I painted green for my own purposes ;)
Oh! And a quick test render that shows off one of the shelves with the sparkly ball and pretty vials. Don't mind Jerutha, he's drunk ;) (I basically only needed a wooden floor, but those shelves made me giggle so I left them for the test)
I'm also totally in love with that fireplace so that will be used one day, too.
It's sad not to see any of Lisa's Botanicals anymore in the vegetation sale, which is just a reminder not to assume vendors will be around forever. I buy because my wishlist has had several "poof" vendors. These are ones you don't want to wait around for. (And NO, there's no behind the scenes talk of these folks leaving so far as I know, I'm just saying you would regret not getting these products. Pred packs, Merlin are really good products.) You'll use this first one ALL the time as mentioned repeatedly:
Dont have but buying. Watch the video, kinda cool.
I have all or almost all of the Pred-pack trees and Merlin trees. Great stuff! is a fun one. However, compare to which is a five pack of different trees. Includes Apple, Cherry, Fir, Silver Birch and Willow trees. You'd have to look at what you like. Both are nice!
mori_mann- thanks so much for sharing that- it looks fantastic and a great sample to let people know what they can do with it. Too bad the character isn't included, lol!
Anyone else with renders from the stuff on sale today feel free to share, appreciate it very much.
Do you mean Ancient Prophecies? turn off the other walls not in your scene and it zips right along. The ceiling and all walls and all props can be turned off. I am only using the mask section and that one wall.
I want to add that the table and chair are from (Zero price item aka freebie) Just so you know those are not part of this amazing set :)
As for the character.. he's mine *looks evil*
I had to look it up, but this is for the current Bryce (I THINK, it is version 7 under Products) I don't use Bryce 7 Pro yet but have it. The grass is $3.98 so got it anyway.
NOTE: To use the Instancing Lab you'll need Bryce 7 Pro. In Bryce 7 Basic you can use the grasses by placing them manually or by using the replicate and scatter feature.
the closeup thumbnail gives you a better idea of what this can do for $4.38 by Mada and Thorne, so good of course!
Just my fun purchase- it's gorgeous. $16.95 for $6.78
Likewise, Howie is always outstanding. If you have Carrara, (and also volume 2 on sale.)
Don't know how I missed this one before! Like the front door area for a render.
This sounds interesting. Going to try it for $3.98
Also getting this, the detail looks good. $5.58 for the BUNDLE.
Cornbundle (CR2 & OBJ)
CornStalks (CR2 & OBJ
3 completely poseable and translatable Cornstalks
DC CornRows(CR2 & OBJ)
DC Furrows Ground figure (CR2 & OBJ)
Center Hill
Corner Hills
Corner Hills_l
Corner Hills_r
DC Moon(CR2 & OBJ)
Fully poseable and translateable rope
(Can be used as and additional prop)
Handle lengthening dial
Scaling Tines
Poseable Tines
Scarecrow Hat:
Scaled and positioned for Michael 3, however easily fit to other figures
Selectable and hideable straw for additional appearance options
Selectable and hideable band for additional appearance options
Scarecrow Hat2 includes all these features, and uses a different object file which has an additional front buckle.
The Ultimate Scarecrow Cross:
All parts selectable, scalable, translatable, hideable and poseable!
Hide Rags MAT pose and material
ERC built into the body for easy adjustments to different figures
Ropes and weeds can be used as additional decoration props.
I want to add that the table and chair are from (Zero price item aka freebie) Just so you know those are not part of this amazing set :)
As for the character.. he's mine *looks evil*
Two great models and at a nice price, thanks for bringing them to our attention. I know what I will be doing today. ;-)
Hurry though, these are Flash Sales and very unpredictable at times so far as ending. I was trying to post and shop at the same time and it's not fun- would like to have given everyone more details by copying/pasting the wonderful props that come with some of these :)
Here's what I got that I didn't have:
Under $4
Bryce Instance Grass
Bryce Instance Daisies
Spooky Trees
Under $5
Forest Tree Large European Ash
Nimos Firewood (Think this is Bryce)
Papillon Dreams Pedestal
Under $6
Forest Dwelling
Dead Corn Bundle
Under $7
Petals Phalaenopsis Orchid
Under $8
Arboretum Volume 2 Carrara
Arboretum Volume 1 Carrara
Pose Controls-
Saw a comment about expressions and thought I'd play around a bit. Going to use my Ariadne as she has the most intense face of all my characters. Left the makeup on so you'll really see the impact!
Newbies- I am going to select my figure in scene (Genesis 2) then in Parameters use the Pose Control>Head and experiment.
THESE WILL BE SCREENSHOTS. I am raising the Taylor Hair so you can see her eyebrows and overall facial expressions better.
Want to have some fun? Try these on one of your characters and show us, or take one of these comments (OR USE YOUR OWN, but keep it family friendly language) and show us what you can do with it using JUST the face. Use your morphs, or use / combine these. JUST HEAD SHOTS PLEASE. Label your comment as your title, aka, "You Wanna Rethink That?"
This is going to be fun- Let the morphing begin! And yes, you can also use the Expressions, products, whatever morphs you want to use.
It would be helpful (not required, but appreciated) if you tell folks what morphs you used, or at least some of them. This is a helping thread. :) (At least I hope it is, lol!) So start posting, don't worry about interrupting the thread. I'm sure you have renders already done that you can crop the faces and easily post. You can post any expression, does not have to be along these sentiments below.
Kept the expressions subtle, you can ramp them up depending on the intensity you want.
Expression 1: Eyebrows That Mean Business / Angry / You Wanna Mess With ME? BUT VERY CALM AND DELIBERATE. Meant to be quietly menacing. "You're Really Gonna Wish You Hadn't Done That," "I Don't Think So, I KNOW So." (Nuff said, this is THE wrong quiet person to mess with.)
Brow Down 1.00 (going past 1.00 did nothing when I turned off the limits.)
Brown Inner Down 0.47
Expression 2: Eyebrows That State "I'm Watching You", "I'm Not Sure About This..." "Maybe, Maybe Not." "I Know You're There." (More tentative)
1. Use Settings Expression 1
2. Add Brow Outer Down 1
Expression 3: Eyebrows That State "I Don't Believe You," "I'd Better Keep An Eye On This," "You CAN'T Be Serious!" "I'm Not Budging" "Forget It."
Make this face- arch an eyebrow. Your eyebrows do pull together, the arched one comes down on the inside and up on the outside, the other brow action is primarily coming across and only lowers slightly (don't overdo it.)
Brow Down Left .70
Brow Down Right .59
Brow Inner Down Left .86
Brow Outer Down Left 1.00
Brow Outer Up Right .82
Brow Squeeze .62
I AM DOING A RENDER OF THIS and if it looks good or doesn't take forever, will post and let you know it's up. Going SLOW.
Ariadne is still rendering. I did her in my "dire consequences" lighting, lol. It's on high quality so will be taking awhile longer.
Anyone play with their purchases from today? I'm rendering so stuck. I've downloaded the orkid, Papillion Dream Pedestal, Spooky Trees, and Forest Dwelling and may play with those sometime soon.
I'll tell you about the stuff I bought today later tonight when I'm at the computer. . I'm returning a couple things though that didn't suit my taste.
I did buy Terrors of the Deep, which I've had wishlisted forever. I like the way they look in the promo art. Let me see if I can do something similar, Rumor has it a mermaid is right around the pike, and jellyfish will come in handy.
The bot shop is a great buy.
Oh, wanted to tell you about a light set, from a prop I almost certainly would never use, but is cool nonetheless it is the light set that comes with the Toxic goo freebie prop we got a while ago. I tried them out and not half bad, even though I have no use for the goo, those lights are pretty cool. Forget the name of the prop but will look it up when I get a spare moment.
We really need to get an ocean list going- I see these neat scenes and think "Where did they get that?" only to find out I have it. Some of the things don't show up in search results (surprise surprise eh?) but it's better than it used to be. I did just pick up all the merbabies/ merman/ mermaid stuff last week (and did list it here in case people wanted to know) but haven't gotten to it. Which mer-people are you possibly using?
Sorry some of the stuff you got didn't work out. It's hard to tell sometimes, isn't it? And then ones you are so-so about can be "AHHHH! Glad I got it!" I'm not sorry that I bought L'Atelier but am changing it up a lot. That's what I am finishing up on while waiting on the render of Ariadne- posting what I have so far but not done. Now going to bring in some of the Roman Bath stuff into the L'Atelier studio and see how that does! The L'Atelier has a lot of artists' stuff and canvases and can be used for the other gallery scenes, etc.
I remember the Toxic Goo so will try to remember to showcase those lights. Thanks for mentioning. Who would have thunk?
Here's one that is worth a look, it is DEAD CORN. It is 3.18, and has some nice ground furrows and is perfect for Sasquatch to chase these vandalizing college kids through the fields. True, the ground is a bit grainy for my tastes, but it is a good price right now. There is also a bundle, with other props I don't have: