Novica & Serene Night's Renders, Tips, Tutorials & Product Reviews Part 1



  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited August 2013

    The stalker hair rocks, I agree. I had some trouble posing it with gen 6 figures- but maybe that's just me, but the cool thing I like about the hair, is the front bang. The bang and skullcap is good for hooded outfits so that you can give a model hair without clipping.

    Your Chiara looks nice in her new swimsuit. I particularly like the paisley one.

    Oh, and forgot to mention, Stalker girl hair can work nicely on men for your long haired characters under the hood as well.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited August 2013

    Here's another awesome little vehicle with rotating propellers.

    It is:


    It comes with poses so you can man your zepplin with a pilot and passenger, and a propeller stop and start texture.

    It is another awesome little find by DAZ3d and Petipet.

    My only negative, is it comes with only one texture and I'm not super keen on the bright yellow logo on the tail However, This is a great vehicle to use in a scene patrolling your skies.

    998 x 855 - 417K
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    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited August 2013

    Here's one that I like:


    I think the promo art doesn't do this set justice. It has some nice sci-fi potential, and I love the styling of shoulders and the cool little adjustable hat which can move up and down and tilt jauntily. It particularly looks nice on standard v6, which it works perfectly well on. I love the Blue uniform in particular which is default. I am not over-fond of the shiny latex ones but the brown one is very nice. I know this is designed to be sexy, but I like it as a simple uniform. There are mats so the outfit can be recolored. (I've shown you some int he attached file). NICE.

    Great work on Girl Sergeant. I love the shoulders in particular. Hopefully if this one sells we'll see uniforms for the rest of the crew.

    Picture 1 shows some of the mats available for recoloration.
    Picture 2 shows girl sergeant in action

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    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    I have to agree about that logo on the Zepplin- bright yellow is a bit.....bright. It can take up a lot in a scene or be scaled down- do you have any recommendations as to what other aircraft "fits" well in the sky wth it? Meaning appears the same time period, whatever that is?
    The Girl Saregeant outfit is one that can be used for a lot of time periods or styles of renders, so that was a good purchase. The colors are what you would think of for a sargeant and with it being form-fitting, it shows her action lines. Cute doggie btw! (Why didn't he get a hat too?)

    Yeah, I only dabbled with the Stalker Hair quickly but that tail is very versatile. See images below, same hair position, different angles, to show you how it doesn't flair out at the ends like some other ponytails. There are SIX SECTIONS in the tail part to bend!!!

    There are two things, a skull cap and a skull base, which makes sure the hair is nice and thick. That's a good idea about using it with the guys and with a hood. I just bought that hood product so will come in handy.

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  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969 post has now been filled in with the images for the art studio makeover. DAZ has extremely poor cloudfare service in the midnight hours- it reverses images on the forums (can't handle the load or something, not MY problem to get fixed) so you won't see images loaded from me that require "going in order" late at night.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited December 1969

    I like your idea for a hat for the dog! Next time, Sgt. Dog! Atten-hut!

    Petipet's other items seem to be in a similar style, particularly Technopolis. I will render some of those this weekend so you can see them. I give Petipet props for nice work on propellers and putting out nice sci-fi items for the platinum club. A big High five for that. =-)

    I was challenging myself at one time to render all the vehicles I had gotten over time. In general these are platinum club freebies. This is an interesting challenge. The reality is I sometimes buy stuff and don't use them.. Well no more... I'm going to try to render all that I buy. =-)

    The zepplin looks good shrunk down as something floating in the sky. I have a few other vehicles which might go well with it. I like the idea of a skyline with a few floating machines in the sky.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited August 2013

    Good deal- you do that- and I'll branch out on FOG. Yep, I'm doing yardwork and rendering Fog samples for everyone. Will post later tonight. I simply plopped Chiara and Cassini on a sandy plane with a table, palm tree, and bushes as varying depths in the scene to test the depth of the fog.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited December 1969

    One thing I'm gearing up to discuss is expressions and sets with good expression sets for genesis. Some real gems are included with pose sets which might be interesting to readers. I have compiled all my expression sets by generation for easy access.

    I have a number of sets that have included expression sets which are also quite interesting.

    I also like your idea of compiling an 'under the sea list.,' of items which might be useful for when the mermaid comes out. I'll think what I have in my runtime that can add to that.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited August 2013

    Atmospheric Effects Cameras for DAZ Studio

    How it works- you use the Fog Camera view. That's it. The settings are in Parameters just like when you set your lights. The first word in the settings below (for instance "Color") is the section (Just like you have "Light" and "Shadow" for lights in Parameters.) It's very clearcut, easy to find and use. I'm only changing the distance of the fog for right now. Let's start with the easy stuff, right?! Saturation will be another fun thing but NOT steps to see what does what first.

    People and props have been placed in varying depths in the scene so we can see what the settings do. I left the plane visable out behind the palm tree (it has a curved edge) so we could get a feel for "out there" too. This isn't supposed to be a scene for a render, it's a scene to get foggy. (I did refrain from having trees coming out of people's heads.)

    If the figure is at World Center and this fog camera's XYZ is rounded- but approximately 280/155/300 You won't get similar results unless you know that information. Your camera being closer or farther away will change the visability setting results (logic tells me.)

    This would be really nice to help haze out depth of field too. The fog comes with a default color of medium gray, which I think is too dark. The new gray color I used for these mini-renders

    Only the settings which have been changed are noted. We're going to test VISABILITY METERS in this first group:

    Beach Fog 1
    Color>Contrast 0
    Color>Saturation 100%
    Fog>On-Off .70
    Fog>Color>232/232/232 (Light Gray)
    Visability Meters>28.09

    Beach Fog 2
    Visability Meters>38.07

    Beach Fog 3
    Visability Meters>45.58

    Beach Fog 4
    Visability Meters>52

    Beach Fog 5
    Visability Meters>62

    EDIT: Continue here with 72.12 to 102 Meters:

    I won't be able to post later as the forum will scramble the images. I will play with it some later tonight, headed to the barn to enjoy my Saturday night (mostly gone at 7:45p) If anyone has an renders from the Atmospheric Effects cameras, feel free to share.

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    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited August 2013

    Reserved- posting the original without fog so you can compare :)

    It's a bit darker than I remembered setting up, but that's okay as I went with a dull gray incoming storm from Skull Cove. So what you're seeing is fog related to a medium dark scene, such as almost dusk or before a storm. describes what you can do with these cameras. As you can tell, I'm just scratching the surface.

    400 x 300 - 78K
    Post edited by Novica on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,883
    edited December 1969

    Atmospheric Effects Camera render I did several months ago. I have no idea what settings I used for it back then.

    1920 x 1080 - 922K
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited December 1969

    I really like that this topic is being explored and looking forward to seeing these renders.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    barbult said:
    Atmospheric Effects Camera render I did several months ago. I have no idea what settings I used for it back then.

    That's really impressive- it's subtle so it looks real. And that's one humdinger of a vessel too! Do you recall which island you used? I like it.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,883
    edited December 1969

    The island is from Tropical Bundle
    The ship is the USS Arizona from Schell's Armour works

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    barbult said:
    The island is from Tropical Bundle
    The ship is the USS Arizona from Schell's Armour works

    I have that bundle. That other site is amazing- I do note it is Poser only (from what I saw) If anyone is interested in military themes, check that out. Details look amazing and there were good discounts/ sale items. Barbult- if you've done anymore of this type, would love to see them, fog or no fog lol!

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited August 2013

    Here is a old Render using Multi types of figures, Multi environments (prop sets), swapped out lighting, and Multi props.
    Main Environment: Alluring Garden Base load
    Second Set: Cheyenne Village Multi items used moved
    Third Set: Fantasy Camp II also Multi items used moved
    Fourth Set: Castle Ruins default load moved
    The Garden: Various plants both free and paid for moved
    The Garden ground: Textured primitive plane moved and parented
    And Last set: Zepplin Star
    Characters Close Figure: M4 morphed with Morphs++
    Clothing: Styling for M4 jeans, Shirt can not remember or the shoes, all have Grimerizer Shaders applied
    Other Characters: Lorenzo and Loretta's with different morphs and Textures
    Lighting: Alluring Garden Base lighting removed and replaced with Custom Distant Lights for Sun and Ambient Fill light total of 5 lights.
    All Poses on all figures: V4 and M4 with custom tweeking.

    I have no idea why I posted this. To me this is a good example of what we 3D artist can do when we think outside the box. This is what is known as Kit Bashing, using many items in ways they were not designed for, to me that is the real strength of any 3D art program. Your ability to combine any content we have to create NEW things that can not be bought. Most of my New characters in my own art thread are also examples of new things. As artist I applaud the PA's for the things we have but to me 90% of things need the Artist to take just that one little step to make it theirs. I hope you see things as I do and understand this is only posted as a FYI and Not a comment on anything done by others in this or any other thread.

    800 x 800 - 1M
    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited August 2013

    Jaderail said:
    I have no idea why I posted this. To me this is a good example of what we 3D artist can do when we think outside the box. This is what is known as Kit Bashing, using many items in ways they were not designed for, to me that is the real strength of any 3D art program. Your ability to combine any content we have to create NEW things that can not be bought. Most of my New characters in my own art thread are also examples of new things. As artist I applaud the PA's for the things we have but to me 90% of things need the Artist to take just that one little step to make it theirs. I hope you see things as I do and understand this is only posted as a FYI and Not a comment on anything done by others in this or any other thread.

    Wow, great render. I do agree, Kit bashing is great, since I tend to render men, and there just isn't enough content. I like your render and the way the people are looking up at the zeppelin and the guy in the distance with his hands up.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    I like that the Castle Ruins are close to the red tent- even though it's modern-day, you still get a medieval theme reinforcement with that tent style and the shapes contrast nicely against each other. The cream/light tent helps that dude's arms show up that is outside the red tent- he sure IS surprised! Did you use the Zepplin at full scale?

    Yep, you know I love kit bashing and changing things up. That art studio combination is going to be waaaaay different when I get done with it. Have you overhauled a room before? Show us some more stuff from your kit bashing if you get time/ want to share. I love your stuff!

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited August 2013

    I thought of this one when I saw the haze effects in the other posts. This one has 90% of it built in and the rest is done NOT with the DOF in the camera but the focal length of the camera. As I said before I love that the PA's offer items that we can use. But keep in mind some very good things can be done with just the default items. If you have never played with JUST the camera you might kick yourself later for not doing so. the camera is a powerful tool in its own right. And many standard Photography tips on camera settings will transfer to 3D very well.

    EDIT: I'm so close to new sets for my comic work, a failed project I can now revisit, I will post some of my custom sets as I finish them. My time is limited as the Admin thing does take some work and RL yet more, but I do plod along as I can, think glacial movement here.

    EDIT Yet more: Every item in the Scene is at 100% full load size. This was a PITA to set up.

    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited August 2013

    IEDIT should qualify: Most of my kitbashing involves characters, their parts, and clothing. I sometimes add props, but in general my kitbashing is limited to wardrobe, skin, face and body modifications as my hardware is a notebook, and it tends to wheeze when I use big environments with many detailed bits, although often for outdoors areas, I add boulders ground rocks and trees to make a unique environment, environments aren't my focus overmuch in my work.

    EDIT To add: My goodness those are all full size. I can imagine that is a pain to set up Jaderail. That's amazing effort you put into that scene. Cool, I am in awe.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited December 1969

    Here's a character I kit bashed together.

    Outfit is Ashe, Nighhawk v4, Way of the Shinobi, veranil, cyber arm added.

    Hair is not visible but is stalker girl.

    Skin was discontinued from renderosity but was PDLeo

    Eyes are the Dark Elf for genesis female.

    900 x 1028 - 311K
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    That is a cool render! Explain "cyber arm added."???
    So you hid the Stalker Girl hair, lol. Did you use the skull cap /base whatever?

    I'm doing fog. It says to put the Fog "ON" to 1.0 to get fog, but notice all the ones so far have been at .70 So I tested 1.0 and am not seeing a difference. Then I just tested .50 for the ON and not seeing a difference. I may do two larger ones to see it better. If anyone has seen a difference with that ON (the guide says put it on 1.0), I wanna know. Test that sucker and see if you see a difference, using 100 for visability meters. Me, no.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Here's a character I kit bashed together.

    Outfit is Ashe, Nighhawk v4, Way of the Shinobi, veranil, cyber arm added.

    Hair is not visible but is stalker girl.

    Skin was discontinued from renderosity but was PDLeo

    Eyes are the Dark Elf for genesis female.

    Great render, now silly question time. Why bother with the hair? You now know Hidden (not seen) items still get all the calculations done don't you? If needed to pose something turning it off with the EYE kills it from the Render engine. Anything not needed I turn off. Frees up Ram and speeds up the Renders.
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited August 2013

    I think (from a previous post a few pages back) she might be referring to using the cap or base- not sure if that dark line going across the upper forehead is the skull cap. I know she didn't use the Stalker hair in entirety because you have to add the "tail." (BTW, I'll say it again, awesome hair- the best one to show movement that I've tested so far! I didn't mention you can shorten it dramatically and can use if for the guys too)

    But Jaderail has a good point for any newbies reading the thread- if you have a bust shot for example- turn off everything below the waist. If you have props in the scene and change your camera angle, close the eye and get them out of the scene (if they don't show) before you render. Every time you render think, "How can I keep the quality but speed this thing up?"

    Post edited by Novica on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited December 1969

    Novica said:
    That is a cool render! Explain "cyber arm added."???
    So you hid the Stalker Girl hair, lol. Did you use the skull cap /base whatever?

    I'm doing fog. It says to put the Fog "ON" to 1.0 to get fog, but notice all the ones so far have been at .70 So I tested 1.0 and am not seeing a difference. Then I just tested .50 for the ON and not seeing a difference. I may do two larger ones to see it better. If anyone has seen a difference with that ON (the guide says put it on 1.0), I wanna know. Test that sucker and see if you see a difference, using 100 for visability meters. Me, no.

    Ruin's arm is really cool and comes from Cyberpunk M4. There is also a cyber leg, which he has but is not visible Both are textures which apply over the skin and you have to hide the base skin to not get poke through. Believe it or not he does have the fringe from stalker girl but its hanging on the right side of his face near the hood and almost looks like a shadow. It pokes down below the nighthawk hood so you can see it if you look. It is dark red as he is a redhead under there.

    I am in the process of giving Sarge some cyborg parts from Bot Genesis. They look really cool.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited August 2013

    So newbies understand, and to make sure I have it right as I haven't done anything like this- to hide the base skin you use Surface Selection tool (the 3 black sheets of paper by the Universal Tool), click on the arm for example then over in Surfaces turn the opacity to zero. Right?

    Here's the reference:

    Post edited by Novica on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited December 1969

    Novica said:
    So newbies understand, and to make sure I have it right as I haven't done anything like this- to hide the base skin you use Surface Selection tool (the 3 black sheets of paper by the Universal Tool), click on the arm for example then over in Surfaces turn the opacity to zero. Right?

    Here's the reference:

    I usually go to the scene tab and turn it off, which used to be enough and Cyberpunk comes with an autohide limb feature. But recently I've had a problem with the arm showing skin even though it was hidden and not visible in the viewport. It was odd.

    What I did then was click on his physical arm, and go to the parameters dial and make it not visible in render at all.

    Not sure if it is a bug in 4.6 or just a new feature that I'm not aware of or something changing. It all used to work perfectly but now I had to do that extra step.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Here's a character I kit bashed together.

    Outfit is Ashe, Nighhawk v4, Way of the Shinobi, veranil, cyber arm added.

    Hair is not visible but is stalker girl.

    Skin was discontinued from renderosity but was PDLeo

    Eyes are the Dark Elf for genesis female.

    Great render, now silly question time. Why bother with the hair? You now know Hidden (not seen) items still get all the calculations done don't you? If needed to pose something turning it off with the EYE kills it from the Render engine. Anything not needed I turn off. Frees up Ram and speeds up the Renders.

    Hah. =-) the answer is, probably I didn't think to do it. But that is a good tip. =-) The fringe is visible in the render, but the scalp is not from this angle.

    He doesn't have the ponytail, just the hairline. I was just trying to see what hair looked good on the character with the hood since his regular unhooded hair did not suit the hood as it clipped badly.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    The still showing in render thing can be caused by some of the newer skins as the Shader is 3Delight based. Your way of NOT visable by Parameters is the only way I have found to get past the problem. Good Tip.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    I also use that route when doing the manipulations in the viewport. I currently have Cassini hidden so I can work with the door across the room. She was blocking my way, so all I have are her clothes hanging there in space. So everyone should remember it's handy to close eyes (hide in Scene) even before they get to the rendering :) That was one of my first tips on the thread as it made it easier to zoom in without other things getting in the way, make it easy to turn things without being blocked. A lot of newbies don't know to shut those eyes so it was a very good reminder Jaderail.

This discussion has been closed.