Please overhaul the Pupeteer save and load process

hzrhzr Posts: 207
edited September 2017 in Daz Studio Discussion

Pupeteer is a great tool in DS, it allows for quick posing and basically saves out all those expressions and custom morphs you used on your poses and keeps those with the figure for easy reloading.

But there is one thing I have never liked very much, that it bloats up the saved files because it writes EVERY morph value on the figure to the file even if those values are at their default. This may not be such a big deal when you have a rather small runtime with just the basic figure morphs, but once youre at a certain amount of morphs, this slows everything down.

For example, I am sitting at roughly 5000-6000 morphs on my g3f right now from a ton of my own custom morphs, morph creation packages I bought and also gotten from sharecg. And pupeteer goes through each of those every time I load one of those dots up, and when I update them and it then saves this to the file aswell, even all those thousands of unchanged zero value morphs. EVERY TIME :)

I have attached a gif explaining what a difference this makes when you could skip going through all those unnecessary morphs, by simply deleting the morph information on a sample pupeteer file, and then using that for changing poses. Please click the link below to see for yourself in a gif animation I recorded to compare the loading times with and without all the shape information.

What I am proposing to the developers is to overhaul the save process a bit so the user gets a few checkboxes which can toggle saving shaping morphs under the actor tab, pose controls and custom morphs.

In the save process, the application then checks each morph if the value that is about to be written to the file is at its default value or not, and if its at its default value, simply skip writing it to the file, because it only creates bloat and even generates problems when you would like to use pupeteer dots to just pose a figure because it then messes with your figure shape unless you have locked all your shaping values on your figure.

I believe it would be great if you gave a bit more control to the user and make things a bit more efficient by adding these tweaks.

Post edited by hzr on


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