Dartanbeck Shop Culled?

What gives?
It appears Dart's products are no longer available here.
If so, that's a very sad loss for Carrara.
Post edited by Headwax on
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What gives?
It appears Dart's products are no longer available here.
If so, that's a very sad loss for Carrara.
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they seem to be culling some after featuring in the PA sale so keep an eye out for any Carrara content makers in the featured artists lists as it seems to be people not making new content across the board.
kidding right?
not the dart
Just checked the store.... nope... no dart!
he must of closed his shop as someone who promotes Daz and their products as much as he does wouldn't be dumped..... surely..
Dart.. please explain
thanks Wendy
probably passive agression on daz's part ,
has Carrara and Bryce stuff and might be next to face the axe, just a heads up to Carrara AND Bryce users
Also includes those that have made clothes & hair & poses for earlier times.
Well, perhaps... as others have done, he will need to update the product to support DS? I notice that some of Dimension Theory's items are now updated to include DAZ versions.
If so, and Dart has the time, then it will give him a bigger market? TangoAlpha does this. Any ideas, Tim?
Mmoir has not updated, but his Mystic Gorge would be a bear to redo in DAZ as would HowieFarkes Vale Alpina/Noble Pines.
I have all of my Dart products, so am happy!
The key to not getting culled is to release product.
Daz has been doing an annual cull ever since I've been a PA, and they only cull inactive stores that haven't released anything in a bunch of years and sell little or nothing (there's a threshold that I don't recall right now, but it's very low). The way to stay a PA, or get back again is simple: release something (at least once every couple of years)!
As regards converting stuff to DS, when it comes to landscapes. Howie's UltraScatter is your friend. https://www.daz3d.com/ultrascatter-advanced-instancing-for-daz-studio It brings Carrara-like surface replication to DS (and in some ways exceeds Carrara's abilities). I remade my first product, Hemlock Folly, using it, as well as making several new products, and it's awesome (HF and several of my other sets are now Daz Os, which means that Daz Originals now include some recent Carrara sets
) Howie has also made DS versions of some of his Carrara sets.
And yes, Carrara is a tiny market when compared to DS. But even though I use Modo for most of my modelling now, I'm still producing native Carrara versions.
I don't know the specifics of Dart, and I'm not a PA. Despite that, I can report that this is not just a Carrara support issue. Another Daz PA who made content for Studio also had her store dropped this month. She had several threads in the Art Studio forum that promoted the use of Daz products.
Hi Tim, Thanks! Gosh, that looks useful. You need to remove the word 'It' from the next sentence as it's included in the link and gave an error.
I hope Dart had ample warning then that they were doing this and hope he comes back with some stuff in the future!
Thanks Silene, link fixed.
Yeah I saw a thread on that in the Commons, and felt really badly for her, sounded like Daz treated her very unprofessionally, even though she was a big cheerleader for them. I have no idea what the upside for Daz is in doing this. "We've got to clear out our inventory to make space for the 2017 models" just sounds ridiculous to me in regards to digital content that they have to keep on file for downloading for anyone who bought the products before they were taken out of the store. And there's Victoria 1 and 2 stuff still in the store, for pete's sake (I still buy V3/M3 content regularly, just as an aside, so it's not like just because a product is old it's not useful and could theoretically pick up a few new sales in future).
Just noticed the Inagoni store appears to be gone as well. Good thing I just bought the 'Advance Pack' in the sale (I noted how many people mentioned that Baker is an awesome plugin to have, so I wanted to get it).
inagoni seriously, this is the end days indeed
Baker is awesome BTW
When you are 'culled'... can the PA go to another site? EG their own or HW or Rendo etc?
Dartenbeck, Inagoni and other PA stores gone? I wondered why my wishlists were suddenly smaller. Sure wish that DAZ would at least give us a warning and have a last sale, that would seem to be a win-win approach. I think Inagoni has his own store out there somewhere.
In a thread a while back, Dart said that PA's retain the rights to their own products. So if individual products or an entire store is discontinued, they can establish a base elsewhere.
I'm sure that Dart will let us know his plans soon - whenever he discovers that his store is down. I don't think that Daz gives specific warnings of closure, but does let each PA know the general penalty for being inactive (as TA mentioned above)..
There are some restrictions, which would apply anyway (use of or references to unreleased Daz tech etc, covered by NDA), but in general, yes.
So I guess that since a new version of Carrara hasn't been released in over four years Daz will have to cull themselves and sell it somewhere else
hmm that's bad news
are you trying to defy logic :)
Carrara be their best selling software
if you google daz Carrara you get
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Jim Burton's store most recent product has an SKU number of SKU:6585
Compare that to the new pigtails for Genesis 3 and 8. SKU:47097
yes and dart's sword kit was SKU:17328
Jim Burton's products probably meet the sales threshold. Even I have a couple of his products, and have used then in Carrara Challenges.
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Carrara 8 Pro | 3D Models and 3D Software by Daz 3D
16776 Carrara 8.5 offers the latest in DAZ technology. Our software engineers have worked meticulously to ensure that the new features in Carrara 8.5 exceed ...
Carrara 8.5 | 3D Models and 3D Software by Daz 3D
Carrara 8.5 offers the latest in DAZ technology. Our software engineers have worked meticulously to ensure that the new features in Carrara 8.5 exceed the ...
So... is Carrara dead at this point? - Daz 3D Forums
https://www.daz3d.com › Daz 3D Forums › Software › Carrara Discussion
Feb 21, 2016 - 31 posts - 19 authors
Is there ever going to be a version 9 (and beyond) or has Daz pretty much stopped developing Carraraall together? It would appear they have.
my internet is faster than yours lol
that's because the air is thicker here :)
Matt Creator survived so far, Mark Moir is on sale today
nervously considers buying more stuff
Yikes... will they cull the Carrara forum next?
Well Bryce Forum is still going strong.