Released- Ren for Genesis 3/8 Males [commercial]

Ren is for your Genesis 3 & 8 Male. He is slightly shorter than the base models. (And he's Heeeeeeeeeeere!)
His head morphs are custom built and do not require any other morph packs to utilize and the body morphs require Genesis 3 Male Body morphs and Genesis 8 Male Body Morphs to use.
Included for both Genesis Males are 3 Brow Presets with 1 No Brow Preset for each model. There are 4 Eye Material Presets, 4 Contacts combinations, 2 Lashes with 4 Material Presets each. With the Tattoo Presets, there are 2 for the Leg, Arm, Torso and a Preset for all, for both legs, or both arms along with Base Material Presets for each body area.
With the make up options, I've chosen to make them LIE Presets to use on any Genesis 3 Male UV and Genesis 8 Male UV based character. In them there are 3 Lip Presets, and 10 Make Up Presets, and 2 Eyeliner Presets.
Anatomical Elements are included.
Hierarchical Presets for the Base Material for both- With Anatomical Elements for Genesis 3 Male, and with the Lash/Tear and Anatomical Elements for Genesis 8 Male.
Materials are Iray only.
*Note: the piercings shown are from Diesel for Elijah 7

I just can't keep up lol! More gorgeous make up and eyes too. Which, by the way, if anyone isn't familiar with LIE, you can layer the make up to make totally different make up, you can use LIE presets from other characters as well, the possiblities are nearly endless. At least they are if you own as many of Darwin's gorgeous men as I do lol.
Aw-thank you! I do appreciate that. Collectively, there are quite a few LIE make up sets within the collection of men. lol
Oh, wow, Darwin. His promos came out GREAT! I love the main one. Fantastic work on the character and the marketing!
EDITED TO ADD: Love the fact that he's for Gen 3 and 8. Best of both worlds. I think he'd make a good centaur.
Yes there are which is why I mentioned it lol.So easy to mix and match!
Here is Ren, after patiently listening to his girlfriend (for the past ten minutes) describing every teeny, tiny detail of her latest shopping trip. Ren is a slightly shorter male, here he is scaled to 104 percent. You're going to have fun with him when he's released!
1300 Px, click to enlarge.
That had me snort- that's a prefect "I've done checked out of my head, please leave a message" facial expression on him. XD
LOL, that's really cute! And spot on!
Released today!
Another great figure - in my Wish List as funds are tight for now. There's a typo in 'What's included' section, it refers to Jeroyn instead of Ren - I assume the rest is correct?
Oops-probably. Nice catch. I'll see if that can be corrected. :)
and thank you!
Congratulations, Darwin! I've got a render cooking right now with him. Lost one earlier. Been having computer and internet problems lately. Grrr.
I updated the links in my Art Studio thread so the posts that said soon to be released now have his product page- that should show up in Ati's forum/gallery links on the product page. Here's the first render I did that was on my thread, figured I would put it here as this will be seen specifically for Ren. Congrats on the release!
I've got one I'm working on as well. Love him!
"Love at First Fight"
Ren looks great with Envy from Hinky Punk's Seven Deadly Sins Bundle. Ren + Envy = "Renvy" (kind of a Brangelina thang!)
This is freaking fantastic. ^
Thank you, agent unawares! Here's another one with Ren, frolicking with Lust from the 7 Deadly Sins.
Here's Ren in Dark Prince, the other products used are listed in my thread here. I've posted him as the patient boyfriend and the sci-fi companion, now here he is where you don't want to mess with him. Very versatile!
Wow- thank you, everyone, for posting your renders of him. I love seeing what people do with my creations! Llynara, I've said it before, but that one with Lust has great dynamic motion and lighting to it. Ren's been a busy bee! Novica- you've captured that irritated rage very well. Great lighting in yours, too. Well done, everyone!
Thanks and Iove seeing the many faces of Ren! He is so versatile. And don't forget, everyone- these are LIE makeups that work on all G3M and G8M! It really is like getting many products in one. Darwin, you really outdid yourself with him.
Another fun one:
Bathtime for Ren
Ren has his hands full with Avarice. Bathtime was a little wilder than he expected!
And it doesn't look like Ren minds at all! Go Avarice!
He's a lucky bloke, why would he mind? LOL Nicely done on this one as well, Llynara! Thank you so much for these.
I realized I should probably have put him here instead of your art thread. Sorry about that! He does make a very good bad guy lol
@icedragonart He looks absolutely ferocious!
lol- you can put him in any thread! He does make a very good bad guy-well done
Thanks Novica and DarwinsMishap. This wasn't the direction I started out in with him, but he definitely had a mind of his own lol.