Toon Sam

How do I get the Toon Sam Character to show up in the Actor Wardrobe Panel - I just bought him and downloaded Daz - He's installed alright but I can't find him in the program -
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How do I get the Toon Sam Character to show up in the Actor Wardrobe Panel - I just bought him and downloaded Daz - He's installed alright but I can't find him in the program -
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I always go to the Content Library and check both the Poser section and the Daz section. Did you look at the ReadMe to see where he's at? Are you asking about HIM or the wardrobe? I don't have that character.
Older content does not have Metadata, the files that do not have Metadata (the file that adds content to the smart content tab) and will only be found in the Content Library Tab. I highly suggest reading the Readme File so you can find the items.
Toon Boy Sam is located in:
Content Library -> Poser Content -> My Library -> Figures -> 3D Universe -> Toon Boy Sam
However, just because I like more complete answers, if you want him to show up in your actors panel then do the following.
1) First, browse to the content library so that you can see Sam and his various outfits and bits and pieces. (Default location shown above)
2) Right Click the tab where it says "Content Library" and choose "Content DB Editor"
3) In the window that appears click on !Sam in the top section and in the 'Type' drop down, choose 'Actor'
4) In the bottom section, click on 'Categories' and then right-click !Sam and then go to "Add Root Categories to Selected Files"
5) Look in the list which follows for Default/Figures/People/Male/Stylized and select it.
At this point you can just hit Accept and Sam will appear in the Actors panel as expected, but his wardrobe is a different matter. For that, there are a few more steps to take which I'll outline in a new post.
To add his wardrobe so that you can easily dress him, colour in his various clothes and all of that other great stuff, we have a little more work to do. First up, we need to add metadata to his clothing items so that it appears nicely.
1) Bring up the Content DB Editor for Sam if you haven't already done so.
2) Click on his shirts first (Collar Shirt, Vest, T-Shirt, Long Shirt), holding down CTRL while you do to select them all.
3) Under Type choose Follower -> Wardrobe -> Shirt
4) Under Categories in the bottom panel, select them all and right-click like we did with Sam and add them to Default/Wardrobe/Shirts
5) Categorize the other items in a similar way both in Type and in Category. Pants under pants, Sneakers under Footwear or Shoes and so on.
6) Select ALL of the items in the top list, including !Sam. This will populate the lower list with everything at once.
7) Look at the bottom pane for 'Compatibility' and click on it.
8) Click on !Sam and at the dropdown box at the bottom of the pane choose "Declared As". Then click on the 'Database' button to the right of it.
9) Click the icon at the top-right of the window which pops up and choose to add a new Root compatibility base. Call it "Toon Boy Sam" (Note, My screenshot differs slightly from this as I've nested Sam and Sadie inside a '3D Universe' group'. This is personal taste, and won't affect the outcome). Choose your newly added compatibility base.
10) Select the others in the group (NOT !Sam) and right click. Choose to add compatibilities to selected files, then browse to Toon Boy Sam in the list and add it. Click accept to close the Content DB Editor and finalize the changes.
11) Add Sam to the scene via the actors pane or via the content library. Then go to the Scene tab and click on the contextual menu icon at the top (shown below) and scroll to Edit -> Scene Identification
12) In the window which pops up, set his compatibility base to "Toon Boy Sam", which should be the default when you open the database window. Click Accept.
13) Go to the Smart Content pane and check Wardrobe. All of his clothes should now be visible!
You can follow these same guidelines for things like hair and accessories too, just change the type accordingly. You can also make materials for the outfits appear in the smart content pane so you don't have to browse the content library for them later. Just set a compatibility base for the item (T-Shirt, Vest and so on) and make the material compatible with that item. Just be sure to run the scene identification on the vest so that Daz knows what to do with it.
Probably more long-winded than you were expecting, but I find it's a lot easier in the long run.
And the last of the walkthrough images, for reference.
Hi HeraldofFire noob here - if i follow your brilliant instructions, will it mess up any updates etc via DIM, i am afraid to move ANYTHING now in case updates cannot locate my items (plus i am quite illiterate tech wise but very eager to progress)
It won't mess up anything you haven't directly altered. Many products already come with metadata (the information you're adding in the above mini-tutorial) and every time you install a new item, it adds that to the database. This is largely for items which have no metadata of their own, usually legacy or Poser content. You can also use this method to add downloaded freebies to your Smart Content list.
In short, as long as you don't edit the metadata for something which already has it, you should be fine. The only reason you might want to edit existing data is to categorize things to your own taste, but in general most items are pretty well covered.
Thanks for a great answer.
They should book mark this post and put it on the front page of the forum .
So do you have a cool movie using Sam ?
I've been using IClone and it's not as in depth as Daz. It's kind of like 3d for dummies. lol --
So I'm going to try to learn Daz and start using the emotion expression feature in Exchange.
This will help me get started.
Thanks Much For Your Response. ^5
I've used Sadie and Sam quite a fair bit. They're two of my favourite toon characters as is probably obvious from browsing my deviantart. I currently have the classic Sadie and Sam as well as the new-model Genesis versions, with a fair sized wardrobe for each. I just love the stylized toons from 3D Universe.
When a friend was designing a website a couple of years back, I did some Sadie renders in her fairy outfit so she could use them as her own mascot character. I also did some seasonal variations for Christmas and Easter so that during those dates the theme of the site would change slightly. She seemed rather pleased with the results.
I confess though that lately I've been getting far more use out of manga characters like Aiko. Hiro and Hitomi, but only because they're part of a much larger project I've been working on behind the scenes. I think I've only got one render up in my DA on the project. It's one of those where I don't want to post it until I'm completely happy with it. Not 100% happy with the promo to be honest, but it was made before I had learned a lot of useful lighting tricks in Daz Studio.
As for animation, I don't do it too often. I have done animations in the past though. Everything from chroma-keying to shorts. The problem is that for my purposes I don't like to render with substandard results. It's a lot faster, but that's no good if the end result looks like something any amateur could throw together and make. When you make the results look great though, each animation frame takes exponentially longer to render.
The last animation I did took over a week to render and it was a mere few minutes in length. I'd love to do animation properly, but I'd need a second powerhouse PC. One to render with and the other to work with so that I don't lose out on time. That way when some frames are rendered I can start editing them immediately and continue working in Daz on the next scene.
Still, I would love to do more animation in future so who knows.
Thank you for all the work you put into this, hope it's a sticky soon :) I'm putting a link to your post in my Art Studio section (where I'm trying to consolidate great posts like this, particularly for newbies.) I have too many products to try and change my stuff around, and lack of time, but my goodness, this is very tempting for if I ever get time! Wonderful job, thanks for taking the time.
Actually, I confess the main reason I posted this is because when I double-checked my content folder for Sam to ensure accuracy, I realised I hadn't actually added his metadata yet. I'd done Sadie's a long while ago, but oddly missed him out. I just sort of documented the process as I went and figured it might come in handy for someone.
HOF you really should do this as a TUT in a thread of it's own. Many users would love this info.