Carrara Challenge 35 - Tribute to Cripeman - Kapow - Voting Thread
Post your entries in this thread.
Suggested template for entries:
Entry: #
A note for Cripeman tutorial requirement met
WIP Links:
Products Used:
Additional Notes:
Important Dates
- Entry thread closes, voting begins - Sep 30, 2017, Midnight, Eastern Standard Time, US.
- Voting thread closes, winners announced, - Oct 7, 2017, Midnight, Eastern Standard Time, US.
WIP Thread
Post edited by Diomede on
Entry: #1
Title: Southwest Trail
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
A note for Cripeman tutorial requirement met - used Cripeman tutorial for replicating plants on a terrain
WIP Links:
Products Used: "Naturals" content that comes with Poser
Additional Notes:
Entry: # 2
Title: Planet View
Artist: Bunyip02
A note for Cripeman tutorial requirement met : Tutorials used as inspiration include - How tomake a fake planet, Create a Planet Hanging in the Sky Effect, Bryce Terrains to Carrara Terrains
WIP Links:
Products Used: Starry Sky by Dartanbeck
HFS Space System by Dariofish - Renderosity
T11 Terrain from Bryce
Xenlyns - desireatin - Renderosity
Additional Notes:
Entry: # 3
Title: Angel Girl
Artist: Bunyip02
A note for Cripeman tutorial requirement met - Tutorial for inspiration was the Glare, Blur and 3D Aura tutorial
WIP Links:
Products Used:
Caramella Hair
Terrain shader from somewhere.
Additional Notes:
Entry: # 4
Title: Homage to an Icon - Frank Frazetta
Artist: Bunyip02
A note for Cripeman tutorial requirement met - Inspiration was Cripemans dedication video to Frank Frazetta, Bryce Terrains to Carrara Terrains tutorial
WIP Links:
Products Used:
Pistol from
Blind Guardian - Sixus1
Raider - Sixus 1
Bryce terrain.
Additional Notes: Original render updated to include Bryce terrain to be competition compliant
Entry: #5
Title: End of An Era
Artist: Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)
Cripeman tutorial requirement:
WIP Links:
Products Used: none, created entirely in Carrara
Additional Notes: Entirely modeled and textured in Carrara with some minimal light and color adjustment in Photohop (see the WIP link above for before/after versions). The texture on the headstone was painted right inside Carrara using the 3D Paint tools and the "explosion" design is a reference to Cripeman's famous "KAPOW!"
Entry: #6
Title: Replicators
Artist: Stezza
Cripeman tutorial:

WIP Links:
Products Used: LoRenzo Lo-Rez figure
Additional Notes: Used carrara's replicator on a distributor map of Cripeman I created in PSE.
Entry: #7
Title: Shadows
Artist: Stezza
Cripeman tutorial:

WIP Links:
Products Used: DinoRaul TRex, SBRM from Hivewire3D.. Modeled FJ Holden and fixed up a HQ from 3D Warehouse, modeled the dinosaurs rule banner and used Carrara's Pysics to drape it.
Additional Notes: Used carrara's HDRI for background with a shadow plane.
Entry: #8
Title: KAPOW!
Artist: Stezza
Cripeman tutorial: NPR

WIP Links:
Products Used: DR Pitterbill, Genesis. Textured the tshirt from Cripemans tshirt he wears.
Additional Notes: Took a screen capture of Carrara opened program with kapow text inserted, saved as jpeg then used in background for the completed scene. Postwork done in PSE14
Entry: #9
Title: «Even on debris something grows»
Artist: Vyusur
A note for Cripeman tutorial requirement met: turorial about Carrara's procedural rust material
WIP Links:
Products Used: Starship Cyclone
Anything else was made with Carrara in Carrara.
Additional Notes: Carrara's native render engine, no post work.
Entry: #10
Title: Damsel Melodrama NPR
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
A note for Cripeman tutorial requirement met: Tutorial for lants on a terrain and tutorial for using the non-photoreal renderer
WIP Links:
Products Used: G2F, Naomi's 5 times a lady hair, Dahlia dress, and a train from sharecg
Additional Notes: Combines a photoreal render with a non-photoreal render and elements of the volumetric pass and the diffuse pass
Entry: #11
Title: Damsel Melodrama Silent Film
Artist: Diomede (ted Murphy)
A note for Cripeman tutorial requirement met: Same as entry 10
WIP Links: Same as entry 10
Products Used: Same as entry 10
Additional Notes: Couldn't resist trying to give the damsel image closer to an old grainy B&W look in the theme of silent movie. Combination of filter forge and PS filters.
Entry: #12
Title: Defenders of Skull Mountain
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
A note for Cripeman tutorial requirement met: Cripeman tutorial on creating a mountain of skulls and 2nd on tribute to Frank Frazetta
WIP Links:
Products Used: Misty's Jonathan for G3M, Vyusur's Lukas Character for G3M, G2F, Genesis Troll, the skull is from Poser 4 skeleton
Additional Notes:
Entry: #13
Title: A Howl of Sorrow and Remembrance
Artist: UnifiedBrain
A note for Cripeman tutorial requirement met: Atmosphere tutorial
WIP Links:
Products Used: Used Carrara clouds, Carrara hair on Millennium Dog, Carrara text. Rocket and helmet here.
Additional Notes: PSE tweaks at end.
Entry: #14
Title: Wait for it...
Artist: UnifiedBrain
A note for Cripeman tutorial requirement met: No tutorial, inspired by his Frazetta appreciation video.
WIP Links:
Products Used: V4 is the warrior. A lot of kitbashing to make the outfit, with modeling room adjustments. The hammer is from the first generation Freak. Boots are from a V4 pirate outfit. Skulls are either Them Bones or Skull Piles (probably both). Snake is here.
Additional Notes: Used Carrara clouds, and Carrara text (mostly). Postwork in PSE, including smaller text and background ruins.
Entry: # 15
Title: “Alien from the Dark”
Artist: Vyusur
A note for Cripeman tutorial requirement met: tutorials about using Anything Glows lights.
WIP Links:
Products Used: Corridor is here:
Alien was modified for more humanoid proportions and human skin was applied:
Additional Notes: Also I used Carrara's volumetrics and 3d aura effect.
Carrara native render engine, no post work.
Entry: # 16
Title: «Snakecharmer»
Artist: Vyusur
A note for Cripeman tutorial requirement met: Cripman's tutorial about 3 Point Lighting.
This composition is also an allusion to one Frank Frazetta's work.
WIP Links:
Products Used: Morphing Python, Alchemy Chasm. Female bra is modified Persian Full Top from Genesis 2 Starter Essentials.
Female pants are modified pants from this set:
Female is Genesis 3 figure with my custom morphing.
Additional Notes: Octane plugin render, no post work.
Entry: # 17
Title: «Cow Chucking Machine»
Artist: Headwax
Please note: all of my entries are out of the time limit - ie too late. I dont mind if they are disallowed.
A note for Cripeman tutorial requirement met: Cripman's tutorial about NPR lines and making a blue print.
Notes: I rendered out garoud p[asses and NPR passes then combined in post. The original reference is a Monty Python movie.
Cow chucking machine from daz siege machines.
Entry: # 18
Title: «Moon Gate On the Ice Planet»
Artist: Headwax
Please note: all of my entries are out of the time limit - ie too late. I dont mind if they are disallowed.
A note for Cripeman tutorial requirement met: Cripman's tutorial about using displacment maps on terrains.
Notes: I made the terrain with the displcament map and then dropped a glass shader on it and maxed up the Caustics - used two bulbs. I added the moongate and special effects in post.
Moongate from daz .
Entry: # 19
Title: «Ode to Rego»
Artist: Headwax
Please note: all of my entries are out of the time limit - ie too late. I dont mind if they are disallowed.
Cripeman tutorial requirement met: Cripman's tutorial about using displacment maps on terrains. Also his tut on making NPR lines into blueprints.
Notes: I made the terrain with the displcament map and then dropped an NPR shader (lines) I renderd out of the original scene that generated the displcament map, and added a llittle wood grain vi an operator and mixer parameyter in the shader room.
I used a 100mm focal lenth on the camera to reduc distortion.
Used Daz M4 and some groovy jeans used and M4 beard, ladder from Medieval Blacksmith
Entries are Closed. Vote for three images.
Entry: #, Title: Artist:
Entry: #, Title: , Artist:
Entry: # , Title: Artist:
Entry: #8
Title: KAPOW!
Artist: Stezza
Entry: # 19
Title: «Ode to Rego»
Artist: Headwax
Entry: #14
Title: Wait for it...
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Lots of really great images this month - I am still flip-flopping on a couple, but I think I'm going to stick with this:
Entry: #6, Title: Replicators, Artist: Stezza
Entry: #14, Title: Wait for it..., Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry: # 19, Title: «Ode to Rego», Artist: Headwax
Entry: #1Title: Southwest Trail Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Entry: #14Title: Wait for it... Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry: #8Title: KAPOW!Artist: Stezza
also really loved #15 by Veronica and #5 by Mark
Could have voted for 16 entries, but I get to pick only 3.
Entry: #6, Title: Replicators, Artist: Stezza
Entry: #14, Title: Wait for it..., Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry: # 19, Title: «Ode to Rego», Artist: Headwax
Entry #2, Title: Planet View. Artist: Bunyip02
Entry #15, Title: Alien From The Dark. Artist: Vyusur
Entry #18, Title: Moon Gate on the Ice Planet. Artist: Head Wax
Loved lots more, but could only vote for three!
Entry: #8
Title: KAPOW!
Artist: Stezza
Entry: #1
Title: Southwest Trail
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Entry: # 17
Title: «Cow Chucking Machine»
Artist: Headwax
Entry: #3 Title: Angel Girl
Artist: Bunyip02 (comment) "It's the angel who came to lead our beloved Cripeman where he now feels like new again."
Entry: #8 Title: KAPOW!
Artist: Stezza (comment) "Each element here speaks Cripeman. The 'Fear Less' Tee shirt describes him perfectly. The batting cage is pure genius... I can picture him taking Carrara with him and now teaching others there. Who knows he may even have version 9 or even 15 by now. :)
Entry: #14 Title: Wait for it...
Artist: UnifiedBrain (comment) "Excellent Frank Frazetta look... great job UB."
note: those above are listed in page order
I do declare... everyone is a winner. There are elements and a look to all the renders that appeal to me... making it very hard to choose only three. :(
So many good entries and difficult choices. Great theme, Diomede!
Entry: #18
Title: Moon Gate On The Ice Planet
Artist: Headwax
Just plain cool (no pun intended)
Entry: #5
Title: End of an Era
Artist: MDO2010
Love the low poly
Entry: #12
Title: Defenders of Skull Mountain
Artist: Diomede
Reminds me of a very old illustration for an ER Burroughs "Mars" book
I'm not sure I can narrow it down to three....
Entry: #14
Title: Wait for it...
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry: #12
Title: Defenders of Skull Mountain
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Entry: # 2
Title: Planet View
Artist: Bunyip02
I really liked all of these and think they really spoke to how he has influenced all of you. The one with the dog howling brought tears to my eyes, I could almost feel the lonliness portrayed in this one. I could only pick three but I think you all did a fantastic job on each piece.
Oh... this is the hard part after admiring all the hard work. They are all so unique and interesting in how Cripeman's knowledge was used.
Entry: #14, Title: Wait for it..., Artist: UnifiedBrain
Entry: # 19, Title: Ode to Rego, Artist: Headwax
Entry: #12, Title: Defenders of Skull Mountain, Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)