Clothing wraps around other body parts
Blind Owl
Posts: 504
I'm working mostly with G3F figures, several of which are fairly (OK, make that very) large-breasted. When I pose an arm close to a 'pectoral' (as they're called), the clothing will sometimes glom on to the arm and wrap around it to a greater or lesser extent. The only cure I've found is to move the arm away, which limits my ability to pose figures.
So I'm wondering if there's another way to prevent this kind of interference. Any tips will be appreciated.
This can happen if a piece of cloth has a "Smoothing Modifier".
You find that in the parameters tab of you clothing at "General/Mesh Smoothing". If this is present, the cloth has one.
Here a "Collision Item" ist set, usually the figure the clothing is fit to. So in areas that are close together, like the arms and the breasts, this can cause a clip around the arm of the cloth as the cloth collides with ther arm there.
You can play around with the "Collision Iteration" and the "Collision Smoothing Interval" to fix that.
Set the iterations to "0" shall resolve the warp around the arm but maybe will make parts of the figure pop through the cloth at other regions, i.e. the nipples .. I assume they are large as well. ;-)
So it's a bit playing around with these values and the pose to get the result you want.
At "Edit/Figure/Geometry" you can also add or remove the smoothing modifier.
Kind regards, Eagle99
Thanks, Eagle99. By necessity, I've familiarized myself with smoothing modifiers, push modifiers, iterations, and so on. I hadn't thought to experiment with adding/removing, increasing/decreasing to cure the wraparound problem, but I will!
Appreciate the tip!
As Eagle 99 says, the collision iteration needs to be adjusted. I think it defaults at 3. I usually drop it to 1 if there is a flop over, and that almost always corrects the problem.
Thanks! Looking at this topic I solved the problem I had