I have reached 10K
Posts: 38,493
10 000 people with strange tastes have subscribed to me on Youtube
the last one posted a comment to my channel to tell me!
click the "do not click' in my sigline to see what the distiurbing trend is!
Congratulations ,Wendy.
Yeah congrats on that. I only have 3 subscribers. One I am related to and the other two are friends, so those 3 probably don't really count.
I am so unloved.
Oh, and they blocked 2 of my videos because I used Led Zeppelin music.
give me a link and I will sub you.
don't worry, for all my subs, I am feeling very down after some harsh criticism from a peer.
Here you go. Good luck. It ain't much.
Southwest Vacation is the one to watch. The rest were kind of slapped together.
A channel of crap, I get a lot of flack http://youtu.be/Ip2BKT0ptiY
There's a song that might fit; "Ten thousand lovers" by TNT...
...when I saw this and first thought you reached 10,000 posts.
Still, that's a heck of lot of subscriptions and major conga rats are in order.
10,000 conga rats.... :lol:
Congratulations!!! I thought it was the money you had spent on this hobby. :-S
Don't mind too much critics, most of them have no idea how much work it still takes to do an animation.
strange channel :lol:
Now I got this weird picture in my head... I have rats in my runtime, but luckily no Congas what I know of.....
Do not feel down! You are mad! Quite mad indeed! Embrace your madness, let it flow over you like a cooling mountain spring... bask in its soul refreshing pureness, wield it like a divine hammer of justice and roll about on the floor with it like a catnip filled squeeky mouse of joy... for it is YOUR madness and yours alone... and you be the sole judge and jury of its worth, for few can see another's soul, their dreams, their fears and joys as you have shown us yours... you have bared your soul and thrown open your mind... and if that is in the form of drugged out disco easter rabbits or house elves in range rovers, then so be it... our dreams may be stranger and our alcohol usage increased because of it, but we have all grown just a tiny bit because of you.
Okay... I have no idea what I'm talking about and I'm sorry I said you are mad, really that is the pot calling the kettle a cast iron vessel when clearly it is made of enamel coated steel... see... right there... I have no idea WTF I'm talking about... I'm really the one who is mad, at least you don't go around with a friggin' sock puppet on your hand... Funerals and hospital waiting rooms... your videos are somewhere people have to actively visit... I show up all "Oh, sorry you got hit by that bus... Mister Socky has a little song that should cheer you right up... " Laa-Laa-laaa who needs legs, I'm just a sweaty sock, but I've got none, so why do you..." or "Hey Tim was a great guy... even though he died right after me and Mr Socky visited him in the hospital... well, let Mr Socky say it in his own words... "Laa- laa- laa He didn't need legs and now he's dead and thats okay"....
Yeah... you could be there... so don't feel bad or down or like beating that peer with a rusty shovel... Mr. Socky says beating people with rusty shovels is bad and despite the satisfying "PANG-PANG-PANG!", it is a sign of moral weakness to resort to shovel beatings... when you could just make a short dancing gorilla in a tutu based video... or something...
You know... I'm pretty bad at this... Just, you go girl... no excuses, no worries... do what makes you happy... even if it is a little strange... don't let people all fettered by reality get you down... the devil take em' all... WEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehoooooooooooo!
...much more entertaining than many on the telly.
Now I got this weird picture in my head... I have rats in my runtime, but luckily no Congas what I know of.....
Imagine them having a dancing line just outside your bedroom window... Neighbours would not be amused...