question from old user restarting....

hi guys! i used carrara a lot before DS4... when that was released my computer wouldn't handle the software anymore so i walked away for a while....
i want to play again, but with the new file system and the install manager, how the heck do i get all my content into carrara?
thanks for any help you might give
Welcome back!
I used the install manager and carefully followed the instructions here:
Let us know if any issues arise.
Thank you, thank you for that link.
I'd been searching DAZ' site and forum for C_8.5's specifications, found only fragmentary documentation and 404s.
Now I know the 'standard' 8.5 is 32-bit.
It should still run under Win'10, it just won't be able to access much of my 8-core CAD-Tower's 32 GB RAM. That's okay, as I'd mostly use C_8.5 to export architectural models from proprietary CAR format to anything compatible with PoserPro & TurboCAD, perhaps tweaking them en-route, but not rendering.
Oh, and the C_8.5 bundle includes V5/M5, who *will* be handy...
Are you sure that you are using the Standard edition? The Pro edition is ridiculously cheap - less than $16 for the past week or so.
Carrara 8.5 comes in both flavours,... 32 bit and 64 bit
you should be able to download both versions from your account page.
STANDARD is the SAME program,as PRO. but with less tools,. the serial number makes it either Standard or Pro.
32 bit supports quicktime export,.. which is no longer available in the 64bit versions since Apple have not made a 64bit version of quicktime.
you can have both versions of Carrara installed on the same system ,. the 32 bit version in Program Files(x86), ..and the 64bit version in Program Files folder.
you should seriously get the PRO version if you're modeling
Hope it helps :)
I can still export to Quicktime with the 64 bit Carrara from my Mac. I have run into some issues exporting larger file sizes such as HD sized animations where towards the end of the animation I get blank frames. Probably a memory issue. I do tend to prefer rendering to image sequences and using my QT 7 Pro to compile them instead.
HI EP :)
on the pc, (64bit version) there's no option for quicktime as an output,. so i guess mac owners are lucky there.
I also have the stand alone Quicktime pro,. although I nomally export to sequences and load into after effects.
it's good to see you've returned from the stage :)