Released-Salvatore for Genesis 3 and 8 Male (Commercial)

My Sicilian is heeeere!:
Salvatore is for your Genesis 3 & 8 Male.
His head morphs are custom built and do not require any other morph packs to utilize and the body morphs require Genesis 3 Male Body morphs and Genesis 8 Male Body Morphs to use.
Included for both Genesis Males are 3 Brow Presets with 1 No Brow Preset for each model. There are Eye Material Presets, 2 Lashes with 2 Material Presets each. There is one Tattoo Preset for the upper shoulder region, along with various scars; Arms, lower Torso/Back and Collarbone. There is also an option for the look of muted bruising along Salvatore's knuckles, hand and fingers in the mix.
All scars are based off of photos of research of real scars from various surgeries; His skin base is 85% photo resource material with the remaining percentage from either hand painting or various Merchant Resources.
I have included 3 Skin Gloss Presets: Base, High, and Low Gloss (For the Base Model and the Anatomical Element Geograft to match)
Anatomical Elements are included for both models.
Hierarchical Presets for the Base Material for both- With Anatomical Elements for Genesis 3 Male, and with the Lash/Tear and Anatomical Elements for Genesis 8 Male.
Materials are Iray only.

OMG, the promos turned out incredible! I really feel the need for a Tarzan render soon...
Sal is awesome!
This looks great. Also want to say thanks for continuing to include G3 and G8 versions of these, it is great to have the extra flexibility and value.
Thank you! I'm glad he came out the way I envisioned him in my head. Oh- Llynara, he protested the Tarzan idea "No makie tha' nekkie" ;)
AlmightyQuest- thank you. I'm going to continue to do so for a while, since I like both generations of the models. No idea when I'll stop doing it, but if I decide to do that I'll definitely make a notation of that in my thread in the Art Forum ahead of time.
LMAO! That Sal! He definitely has the body for Tarzan. Hmm, I'll have to think up some new scenarios for him!
And yes, having your guys in G3 and G8 format is really nice, especially when using tools and morphs that aren't out yet for G8 (Centaurs and so much else!) Sometimes DAZ crashes on me simply for trying to put a G3 outfit on a G8. I had a render I was working on with Ren that did that. It was one of the outfits from the Damien Demon pack. I just had it happen again with the loin cloth on Arki's Firebride outfit when I tried to fit it to Stephanie 8. It's really random, but reproducible. I'm hoping Wear Them All for G8 will solve some of that issue with better fits and clones. So yeah, still using G3 a lot when the detailed facial expressions aren't as needed.
lol- thank you
I appreciate that the customers still use G3Male, as do I. Eventually I'll stop doing both, eventually. I guess when I get sick of using both? lol
Out in the stores now!
Here's G3M Sal mixed with Morpheus. I think Sal looks pretty good as a toon!
Lol! That’s awesome, Llynara!
Here's Sal doing his "Beast Master" thang...
Thanks, Glen! I can't wait to see what you do with him, your images are always incredible.
And would you look at this! Santa is here early this year, with dForce too! I used it on the coat, which also has some great adjustments. Tried using it on the pants and they blew up! Not sure if that's Sal's hotness or my incompetence! LOL
"Santa Sal"
Ooh, I may have to do more pinup Santas! Darwin's guys are perfect for that.
I do agree, Sal has a lot of sex appeal!
Highland Centaur
Here's Highland Centaur Sal! I had trouble draping the Highlander Outfit over a centaur with dForce, but I tried. I think he'd make a very good leading man on a romance cover. I may try that next, LOL.
The Santa is awesome- Salsome. XD Nice work with the dforced kilt- still haven't been able to get to work with dforce, not enough time. He doens't make a half-bad centaur, either. Well done
Thank you- I didn't include the G3 version of Giuseppe due to the fact he's based off of Lucas 8, but it would have been nice to be able to. I appreciate that.
Guiseppe really looks great. I'm not against G8, in fact I have both installed and purchased both Michael and Victoria Pro Bundles...just haven't had any desire/need to use them. I don't have Lucas 8 (don't like his looks) but it's nice to see Guiseppe without Lucas/Guiseppe with Lucas aren't drastically different. You really do come up with some great men. I think Salvatore is by far my favorite of the lot. :)
Why, thank you! I think Giovanni will be the last of the brothers for a while; the other two are more of the Irish coloring of the group and I have a cousin that I'll do that's all part of this Family business, but I think a break of Sicilian is needed and a different vein of creativity is calling me for a while. lol