(Commercial) Luxury Watches released Today

A quick post to let you all know that a collaboration between Titan XI and I was released Today. https://www.daz3d.com/luxury-watches-for-genesis-8-male-s
This product consists of two wrist watches and a pocket watch. It provides many styles for the watches, from traditional to very modern. The materials presets include metals, leathers, precious stones, neon emiters and two engraving options. We also provided universal shaders that can be used to customize the watches to your taste or use them on other products. These watches support all of the DAZ Body Morphs for Genesis 8 male and Michael 8. We created custom watch morphs to fit the most extreme DAZ morphs, those custom morphs are applied automatically when you apply the corresponding DAZ morph to Genesis 8 male, so you don't need to apply them manually to the watch.
Many of you don't know that Titan XI and I live in Puerto Rico and our country was recently affected by hurricane Irma and was later devastated by hurricane Maria. That is the reason I am posting this announcement almost at the end of the day. Right now I am posting from a borrowed device because I don't have Internet connection in my house yet, for that reason I am not able to post additional promo images and my posts to this thread are going to be very limited. We ask for your patience if we can't answer to your comments quickly
Thanks for your support.
I hope everything's going to be okay for you and Titan XI, and that all of your loved ones will be safe!
About the watches: They look great!
How backwards-compatible are the wrist watches? Will they work if I try to use them on the older generations, or will that cause distortions?
Bought them. Love them. The first watches I've bought. I've wanted watches, but I saw them as something I did not want to spend more than PC+ prices for. These were so stylish and chic that I put them in the cart and discovered they were $6.98. Sold!
Thanks for making them and for all your realistic, diverse characters.
These are really great looking products, any thoughts of making G8F versions? It is something i've been looking for for ages, but no one seams to bother with poor old Vicky's punctuality.
Best wishes to you and your family. My mother is from Puerto Rico and I still have some extended family there (many moved to... Texas... ... yeah. Everyone is fine, thankfully)
Thanks so much for your support acquiring our product! We are very happy that you liked them!!!! As you can probably already noticed, this product also comes with Shaders Presets that can be used to customize the watches materials and that can be applied to figures or props from other vendors. We think these shaders add more value to our product because Shader Presets packages available elsewhere are usually expensive and we wanted to add them as a bonus to our customers.
PS. Sorry for the delay to respond to your post but we didn't have electric power in our houses for more thant a month and I am still without Internet service.
Glad you liked them, we are probably going to create a similar product for Genesis 8 Female in the future.
Thanks! Glad that your family is Ok! My family and I are fine, the electric power and running water were restored in our area; but I don't have Internet yet. My sister has Internet in her house but it is very sloooooow!!!!!! Many businesses and doctor offices are still closed, there are very few traffic lights working, and many other issues keep us living in survival mode...
Thanks so much and sorry for the delay to answer! My family and I are fine, thanks! Regarding the watches I will test them on previous figures and I will let you know the results. I am posting from a borowed device and I don't have my files available for test them now. If you see that I take some time to respond is because of the conectivity issues. Thanks for your patience.
I just found fantastic renders in the DAZ galleries with Genesis 8 Male wearing the watches and I would like to share them with you.
I was wondering how you were doing. Glad to hear from you. It just sucks the way the US government and mainstream media have treated Puerto Rico. I was hoping to see a new Genesis 8 character from you by now. I guess we'll be waiting awhile.