New Howie product in store

since three days ...
Okay, this is maybe the first item by Howie I won't buy, but shouldn't it be mentioned anyway, because we don't see so much Carrara stuff in the store? (As I did now :) )
And you get 50% off for C8 if you buy this or the Aiko-shaders. (Not so useful for Carrara-owners, I know.)
Would like to see some renders to maybe change my decision.
I'm umming and erring about whether to get it or not .. so I would like to see some renders as well to maybe sway me to push the button :roll:
I can't get it right now... but once it goes off sale, he'll get more anyways :)
I'm totally getting this, though. Check out those huge trunks! This will be a beautiful setting for deep woods elves - elusive and more magical than any other - aside from the Fairy Dragons whom share this intense environment! This is where Rosie will have to trek to in order to put life's breathe back into a fallen Dartanbeck.
Perhaps Predatron's Angor Shaman is how she finds out about the unheard of Deep Woods Elves - and sends three of his clan to accompany and guide her to the Elven majesty.
I bet the illumination he has set up in there is incredible. Well look at HIS renders. Howie is always fourthcoming in his renders, scenes, with great docs on how to render without burning a hole through your computer!
Whoa... perhaps, with Koukotsu's permission, her little Mulberry-based darling could be one of the Deep Elves! Oh how exciting! I think I bought Muberry way back when... if not - I know she's still in the store! I have some Thorne sweetie pies that would fit the bill as well. Cool, 'cause I'll need a good mass of them - all agile, tiny, deadly, armed with their little bows, and the arrows' poison knocks the target unconscious on impact. That way they can choose between various stages of lethality when choosing their target. You see, time goes by more slowly for them. As a result, they are extremely quick to us. Oh... and did I mention how freaking adorable they'll have t be? I guess if you've ever seen Koukotsu's Mulberry renders or Thorne's little pretties, you'll catch the drift, anyways.
It's already mine :coolsmile:
Good on you, Eddy! I bet it's freaking exciting and wonderful inside, isn't it?
I've just been informed that I can have it very soon, myself! :)
So sorry that I haven't been in the forums with this because I sure meant to be! This was an instant purchase for me -- not because its Howie Farkes (though that doesn't hurt, I haven't gotten all of his products yet) but because it spoke to me. Literally. The mushrooms moved and said "you will buy us or the cow gets it." I mean, who can argue with that? And as if that wasn't enough "A Whiter Shade of Pale" started playing and the money was gone from my credit card. Really! That's seriously what happened here.
As to my render: it isn't *quite* done. I finally got around to fixing the ground cover and -- as a first for one of howie's products -- this one actually rendered in a reasonable time... until I added the 'grass'. That sent a 2hr render to >48 hrs. And one of my beefs with Carrara is the impossibility of painting where you want the grass to grow because you can't do it in the assembly room and in the modeling room you don't have access to cameras or saved positions. So, I finally got around to deleting everything but ground and water, changed the shaders to white and black (respectively) and added a light. If you seriously just want above water setting glow instead of color is better and then no need of light, but I digress.
Anyway, here's my image.
Looking for the light that will save his world, Skeiff journeys to Darkvold -- a land of darkness inhabited by the strange reptilian Fon. His strange companions take him to the very heart of the Fungi Forest where he finds something that he never expected. Join Skeiff as he experiences the magic and wonder of Darkvöld.
One of the 14 primary genres in the 48 Hour Film contest is Fantasy (there are also nine more "wild cards"). So I bought this at first sight. Carrara, Howie, cool glow ... a no-brainer. Add a kid adventurer or two, and a little Particle Illusion fairy dust to the animation ... season to taste with some "Sugar Plum Fairy" type music ...
It was faint down here, but I think I heard the sound of a cracking whip... :coolgrin:
One thing that may not be apparent from the promo shots is that the landscape is twisty/windy so even though it isn't huge you can really change it up by camera placement. This makes it very flexible and easy to get very diverse shots. To give an idea of this I've attached the land/water image I made for grass density.
One other note is the scene illustrates one of Carrara's "features" -- namely that distance fog and alpha transparency don't get along together. To Howie's credit you can get great looking renders despite this limitation.