Need help with Animation/Shaders (Water Shaders)

I’m trying to do an image/animation of a Water Tender/Water Tanker unloading water but I need help with water shader/shape of the water.
Ideally I would love to have an animation of the water filling the Tank but I know that is something hard to do, but maybe we can get the general idea across with a series of stills.
I have included a link to a video that will show the general idea of what I’m after…
Thank you for your help.

WT73 Help.jpg
640 x 480 - 35K
The water coming out can be done with particles. They don't have volume though so you might be better off combining that with a water plane that gradually rises as the tank fills. Can I point you in the direction of a freebie that I did which includes a waterfall:
You would need to change the shape of the emitter and position it at the origin of the water flow, then play with other parameters to get the flow that you want. Feel free to use or adapt the shader too.
Use metaballs particles for your water flow. Just use any one of the nice water or glass shaders from the browser.
Then use a plane with a water shader on it which fits the shape of the tank, and animate it rising as the flow fills it up.
Maybe add a 2nd particle generator that is just at the 'surface' of your water plane, that sprays out much smaller metaballs that will go upwards then fall back down into the water to simulate the splashing of water droplets that would occur whent the main flow hits the surface of the rising water.
...and there's always the way I was planning on doing this stuff before I got into using particles: using sequenced png images on a plane or other geometry. That's fun too!