Carrara Challenge #36 - Pinups and Cheesecake and Hunks - Oh My! - WIP Thread --Meet Ringo Monfort!



  • VarselVarsel Posts: 574
    edited November 2017

    This is part of a bigger picture I am working on. Thought it might be fitting for this ...

    It is a continuation on my entry for the Myth and Legends Contest.

    It will eventually include (my interperation of) a collection of the mythical and folklore creatures that innhabit the Norwegian forrests and mountains.

    This is Huldra. 

    1920 x 1080 - 2M
    Post edited by Varsel on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725
    Diomede said:
    Vyusur said:

    Halloween in nearby moll taken by my smartphone in 2016


    Great stuff.  Wish they had played near me.


    +1!!! I really enjoyed that!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725
    th3Digit said:

    WOW Varsel you just upped the ante yes

    I am afraid I will not be getting around to this again, still stressful work issues and waiting for my transfer

    my life on pause at the moment

    Sorry to hear... <hugs>

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725

    Wow... Amazing art going on. Wait... why am I surprised? 

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588
    edited November 2017

    Where No Man Has Gone Before



    This is done entirely in Carrara except the captions (Cartoon Life).  The set is the Obanion Bridge, with shaders applied to the Captain's chair platform to make the trampoline.  The body armor is applied to the V4 bodysuit.  It is made with a single small map from the Genesis Supersuit, and a precise amount of Carrara displacement (and a lot of sweat and blood, frankly).

    Where No Man.png
    1600 x 1002 - 2M
    Where No Man Carrara setup_small.JPG
    1000 x 571 - 201K
    Post edited by UnifiedBrain on
  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634
    edited November 2017

    "Fighter Cyclone ► Arcadia Graffiti"  ...  My latest and perhaps entry... really.  I've added another figure inside and made the glass a tiny bit clearer.  I'd though about dating it 4017 but why confuse myself and others.  This was my first experience with a metaball as well as adding glow to a primitive with glow in it's shader channel.  Haha... I'd thought about some blasts or stikes from the ship off screne being fired upon... along with putting "Bad Bird 2" hanging onto the ship somewhere.

    The setup... why I added boots to the chars is beyond me... they could be driving barefoot...  also took a lot of time posing them... guess I needed the practice. :)

    1440 x 960 - 1M
    1366 x 768 - 255K
    Post edited by wgdjohn on
  • Varsel said:

    This is part of a bigger picture I am working on. Thought it might be fitting for this ...

    It is a continuation on my entry for the Myth and Legends Contest.

    It will eventually include (my interperation of) a collection of the mythical and folklore creatures that innhabit the Norwegian forrests and mountains.

    This is Huldra. 

    Nice, Varsel!  Gotta be the most "natural" pinup entry so far.smiley

  • wgdjohn said:

    Wow, starting to look pretty darn realistic.  Besides that, anything with metaballs is cool!

  • This is the Work-In-Progress thread.


    "Eyecatcher" by Edward Runci  1955


    1.  Introduction

    Pinups or cheesecake (or beefcake) are images of men or women designed with an undisguised element of sexuality.  These images, often highly idealized, display or mimic the human form in a way that focuses on - and draws your attention to - its inherent sexual attractiveness.  In other words, a pinup is not just another pretty face. :)

    However, even though the "classic" pinup - as defined for this Challenge - has a definite sexual component, the sexuality in such an image is more suggested and implied than it is explicit.  Although the attitude of the model may be coy, saucy, flirtatious or even seductive, all such invitations are just suggestions or hopes for the future - more of a tease for your imagination than a "done deal."

    Of course, what is considered as sexuality acceptable in a pinup image is largely determined by the aesthetics of the era.  For example, there were pinup images printed in the early 20th century which look very mild today, yet they were considered shocking in their time.  In the current Challenge, we are not looking to shock, but we do want to stretch boundaries and show how awesome that Carrara is in helping artists create pinups that "catch the eye."  However, you can push the limits only so far.  Please remember that we must follow the Daz TOS, which prohibits nudity.

    To summarize, in a classic pinup, there is undeniable eye-catching sex appeal.  And yet, even though a lot of skin may be showing (or not), there is usually a bit of an eye wink present as well.

    In that spirit, we begin Carrara Challenge #36.

    (Further pinup examples and explanations will be offered in the next post.)


    2.  General Rules:

    1. Each participant may submit up to 3 images, but they have to be in at least two different Challenge categories.  The three Challenge categories are PR, NPR, and Halloween.  (see Sponsors and Prizes below).

    2. Images must be new (previously unpublished).

    3. Images must be "mostly" set up in Carrara.

    4. Postwork is allowed, but it must not be the dominant part of the image.  Posting images of before and after postwork is encouraged.

    5. At least one WIP (work in progress) image of the Carrara setup must be posted to the WIP thread

    6.  The winner of the "Best Participation" category becomes the next Carrara Challenge host, and sets the rules for the next competition.  But should the winner decline this honor, the winner of the next category (Best Photorealistic Render) will then get the opportunity to step forward and fill the role.



    This Challenge started on last Friday, the 13th of October.  On the following Monday, Philemo released the G'MIC pluging for Carrara, free for everyone.

    To encourage exploration of the new plugin, I'd like to add the following requirement in Carrara Challenge #36 - if you enter all three render categories (PR, NPR, and Halloween), at least one of your renders must include the use of the G'MIC plugin.  It can be used anywhere in the process, and not necessarily the final render.

    If you only enter one or two categories, this rule does not apply - unless you just want to have fun exploring the new plugin.smiley


    4.  Sponsors and prizes


    Once again Daz will generously sponsor the monthly Challenge.

    I am working on adding a Carrara PA sponsor as well.  The PA prize category will be announced at that time.

    Once again, I propose a slightly different prize format this month (and it has again been OK'd by DAZ).  For this contest, there are different categories, much like the Academy Awards (Oscars) and the prizes are all more-or-less equal.  An artist can win only one of the Daz prizes, but can win both a Daz prize and a PA prize.  Comments about this are again welcomed.  I explain the process in more detail in THIS THREAD.  Please read it if you have questions.

    The four categories are:

    Best Participation (cumulative images from a single artist)

    Best Photorealistic Pinup (hoping for some ultra-realistic pinups)

    Best Non-photorealistic Pinup ( hoping for some classic illustrative style pinups)

    Best Halloween Pinup (a no-brainer, this Challenge opened on Friday the 13th!)

    This translates into:

    Most votes total for one artist: $50.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
    Most votes single image (Photo-real):  $50.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
    Most votes single image (Stylized or Non-photo-real):  $50.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
    Most votes single image best Halloween pinup:  $45.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)


    Dates to Remember:


    All dates are Daz Utah Time

    WIP Thread Opens: Friday October 13, 2017

    Entry Thread Opens: Friday October 27, 2017

    Entry Thread Closes/Voting Begins: Monday November 13. 2017

    Voting Ends: midnight Monday November 20, 2017




    An announcement-only thread has been made in the Commons.  Moderators have made it clear to not place a mirror thread there.

    An edited version of this thread has now been added in the Art Studio forum.  Please feel free to share your entries there as well.


    A quick summary of the variety of entries you can create for this Challenge:


    Past-Present-Future - for example, what will a pinup look like in the year 2200?

    Military - recruiting posters and bomber nose art.

    Advertising - Every type of product under the sun has used pinup models for ads.

    Calendar art, movie posters, and regular decorative posters.

    Fantasy art.  For a small example, Google "Orc Pinups."

    Holiday pinups (A Halloween pinup is one of the official entry categories).

    Pinups in traditional airbrush cartoon style (Petty, Vargas), or as photorealistic images (Farrah Fawcett, Betty Grable)

    Feminine or masculine pinups.  This is an equal opportunity Challenge. smiley

    Excellent Challenge! Best of Luck to everyone!


  • Thank you Ringo!

    We will soon be highlighting your many contributions to the Carrara 3D world.

    (Ringo is the PA sponsor for this Challenge)yesyes

  • namtar3dnamtar3d Posts: 251
    edited November 2017

    Well, i almost done with my first entry, i hope i can make at least one more :D

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Namtar, that is aweseome.  Liv, and a very creative camera shutter!

  • namtar3dnamtar3d Posts: 251

    Namtar, that is aweseome.  Liv, and a very creative camera shutter!

    Thank you!! I'm glad you like it! 

  • Everyone here is very creative and by all means push to do great images.

    This post and image is just to inspire the creativity of others.

    Happy Rendering.



    1000 x 1300 - 444K
  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235
    edited November 2017

    My new composition with the use of G'MIC filter. No postwork.

    Dark Gate.jpg
    1059 x 1500 - 2M
    1572 x 946 - 2M
    1026 x 893 - 1M
    Post edited by Vyusur on
  • Vyusur said:

    My new composition with the use of G'MIC filter. No postwork.

    Very interesting and gender-bending entry there, Vyusur!  Definitely creepy, but also strangely innocent.

    What filter(s) did you use?

  • Everyone here is very creative and by all means push to do great images.

    This post and image is just to inspire the creativity of others.

    Happy Rendering.


    Thank you, Ringo.  Will look forward to seeing even more of your work shortly.

    BTW - I sent you a PM.


  • magaremotomagaremoto Posts: 1,234
    edited November 2017

    wip for the halloween challenge, a creole witch


    2500 x 5000 - 2M
    Post edited by magaremoto on
  • You continue to set a high bar, Magaremoto!  Terrific render.

    Thanks for posting such a huge image.  I think that it takes courage to do so.  When expanded, the skin and clothing realism really hold up well, but the hair becomes rather flat looking.

    However, at regular size, the hair looks perfectly fine.

    I'm not criticizing your choice here.  The hair style and coloring is perfect for the image.  I'm just lamenting that it is difficult to make hair look realistic in general.

    Between skin and hair, it's a double whammy of difficulty in getting people to look realistic.  By comparison, those folks who render shiny cars have got it easy.  smiley

  • magaremotomagaremoto Posts: 1,234

    You continue to set a high bar, Magaremoto!  Terrific render.

    Thanks for posting such a huge image.  I think that it takes courage to do so.  When expanded, the skin and clothing realism really hold up well, but the hair becomes rather flat looking.

    However, at regular size, the hair looks perfectly fine.

    I'm not criticizing your choice here.  The hair style and coloring is perfect for the image.  I'm just lamenting that it is difficult to make hair look realistic in general.

    Between skin and hair, it's a double whammy of difficulty in getting people to look realistic.  By comparison, those folks who render shiny cars have got it easy.  smiley

    agreed, that's why I loaded a B/W version into my gallery with a little help from G'MIC plugin

    it's a wip anyway, I trust to adjust anything in a acceptable way smiley


  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235
    edited November 2017

    UnifiedBrain, thank you for the comment! It appeared very difficult to find the same filter for the second time. It seems that it was «retro-fade», but don't remember the category. Now I made some screen shots of some interesting filter results. Nomad6 is the one where the "retro-fade" was used.

    1290 x 527 - 739K
    1160 x 416 - 506K
    1162 x 545 - 515K
    908 x 608 - 572K
    720 x 1000 - 1M
    720 x 1000 - 1M
    720 x 1000 - 607K
    720 x 1000 - 1M
    720 x 1000 - 1M
    Post edited by Vyusur on
  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588
    edited November 2017

    Thanks for those screen shots, Vyusur.  To me, the Nomad6 render (Color/retro-fade?) has kind of a "velvet painting" look.

    It's similar to the following image posted by Diomede in a different thread.  I wonder if he used the same filter?  (perhaps in combination with "pen drawing")


    I hope that people here keep sharing their filter experiments.  Some really useful things in G'MIC.yes

    Post edited by UnifiedBrain on
  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
    edited November 2017

    This was going to be my attempt at an homage to one of the old Conan bookcover art styles, but unfortunately Carrara has suddenly gone from my most dependable tool to my least dependable, crashing and crashing.  I have no idea why, but I'm tremendously frustrated at the moment, and this render is all I have left of the scene which is now gone and unrecoverable, even though I saved several times while building it. This was just an early test render, not a final, but I just don't know if I have it in me to try to rebuild the scene, yet again, from scratch, so even though this is small it may end up being final.  sad

    900 x 506 - 533K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • namtar3dnamtar3d Posts: 251
    edited November 2017
    Jonstark said:

    This was going to be my attempt at an homage to one of the old Conan bookcover art styles, but unfortunately Carrara has suddenly gone from my most dependable tool to my least dependable, crashing and crashing.  I have no idea why, but I'm tremendously frustrated at the moment, and this render is all I have left of the scene which is now gone and unrecoverable, even though I saved several times while building it. This was just an early test render, not a final, but I just don't know if I have it in me to try to rebuild the scene, yet again, from scratch, so even though this is small it may end up being final.  sad

    Savage Sword of Conan! YES!! I think it fits perfect with this challenge, very cool idea. :D

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • I am so sorry to hear of your troubles, Jon  That scene looks excellent.  As a Conan fan, I hope that you rebuild and finish it, but I know how tough it can be mentally.  You may feel more ambition after a couple of good nights sleep.  At least that works for me.

    Plus, it would be nice to find out what exactly caused Carrara to crash.

    It's probably not very efficient, but I always save new versions as I go along.  So by the time I get to the final details, there are about 20 or more earlier versions saved.  If things crash, I just open an earlier version.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625
    edited November 2017

    I am so sorry to hear of your troubles, Jon  That scene looks excellent.  As a Conan fan, I hope that you rebuild and finish it, but I know how tough it can be mentally.  You may feel more ambition after a couple of good nights sleep.  At least that works for me.

    Plus, it would be nice to find out what exactly caused Carrara to crash.

    It's probably not very efficient, but I always save new versions as I go along.  So by the time I get to the final details, there are about 20 or more earlier versions saved.  If things crash, I just open an earlier version.

    this and save subscenes separately as in export individual parts or groups to .car file

    with VWD clothes I have to as no way will a whole saved scene load

    I save out nla clips, clothes, shader trees etc all separately so can load a new Genesis etc if needed and apply it all.

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148

    Jon - great image! I hope you get your Carrara issues sorted soon, the community would be much the poorer if you are not able to contribute.

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    Thanks for the encouraging words, it definitely helps with the frustration level. One advantage to rebuilding the scene over and over is you get really fast at putting it together.  I know exactly what poses I'm using, how to tweak them, where to find the exact clothing, etc, etc.  So I put the whole thing back together yet again, very carefully adding one item at a time in ways I knew should not cause problems (never drag clothing onto a character, for example, but instead put it in the scene first and then conform it once it's in, seems to be a way for me to avoid lots of problems), and was in the final stages of readjusting lighting with test renders, when - sure enough - Carrara crashed yet again.  I don't understand why this program which has been rock solid for me for years and years has suddenly gone crash-crazy.  

  • Well, I hope you had some versions saved so you don't have to start again!

  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,800
    edited November 2017

    I'll try to participate this time, the theme works quite well for me, and should be a lot of fun wink

    This is the start of the first idea I'm kicking around for the Halloween entry. Thought I'd get an early concept image in with no modifications to the shaders and just a basic HDRI for lighting to show how different things look after shader and light manipulation. Hopefully I'll have the time and energy to finish this one, and more typical pinup (just got done guiding a long tour and now fighting bronchitis).

    A bunch of great stuff already!!

    Halloween Witch Initial.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 366K
    Post edited by DustRider on
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