Updated Carrara 8.5 beta next week. Final release end of summer.



  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969



    "Director of Sales and Marketing at DAZ 3D:" That just blows it for me. Means it will be released regardless of condition or functionality.
    Just what I want, another too buggy to use app. I predict It'll be Studio 4 all over again. That C8.5 will be buggyer and less dependable then C8.1.

    But not to worry, C9 will be out shortly after; and I mean VERY shortly. I may skip C8.5 altogether and just wait the 6 or so months for C9.

  • EddyMI3DEddyMI3D Posts: 365
    edited December 1969

    So soon?

  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    EddyMI said:
    So soon?


    "Exclusive news: Carrara 8.5 to be released end of summer 2013, Carrara 9 in Q1 2014"

  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Undoubtedly whenEVER they release it, it will have bugs, half-finished features, and fall short of the Holy Grail... There's been at LEAST 1 version of the beta that was not public, so this is simply allowing longtime users to finally get some version of the latest beta...

    End of summer is like September. C9 6months later, maybe if you want to spend the next 2 years in another beta. I'll just be glad not to have to download 20 versions of unuseable Carrara8.1 just to get a timelimited beta that works with the last 2 operating systems...

    And I appreciate the announcement because I have to load up a new computer and so maybe I will wait a week for this...

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited December 1969

    3drendero said:
    Excellent! Thanks 3drendero!
    I am really loving both builds 132 and 172. It just cranks!
    Really looking forward to putting this new beta through it's paces.
    Also, thanks for all the news on that new Lux tool for Carrara. He's coming along with that pretty fast! :)
  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214
    edited December 1969

    C8.5 beta build 172 runs extremely slow on my system, I didn't find this with 132, is there any reason for the new build to run much slower?

  • JoeMamma2000JoeMamma2000 Posts: 2,615
    edited December 1969

    Unless I missed a clarifying statement by DAZ, nobody said they would release C9 in Q1 of 2014. What they said was:

    "We.......are working on some plans to release 9.0 either Q4 or Q1 2014."

    That means nothing. Working on plans doesn't they are going to do it, nor does it imply anything like a firm commitment. They are just working on plans to do something. In the real world that gives them infinite wiggle room to later say "well, we never said we would, we just said we are working on plans. And it turns out the plans didn't work out, so now we're working on other plans". And so on....

    And IMO, to state that C9 is "to be released in Q1 of 2014" is, well, pretty inappropriate to say the least.

    If you want to believe happy stuff, then believe away. But anyone who has any experience whatsoever with software knows that plans change and release dates for betas and all other software can change at a moment's notice. Just look at the history of 8.5.......how many times did THOSE plans change?

    Geez, relax. C8.5 will be out when and if it comes out. And C9 might come out in our lifetimes. But don't be surprised if it doesn't. Find some other software to get all giggly over. The world won't end if you try something else.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited December 1969

    Kharma said:
    C8.5 beta build 172 runs extremely slow on my system, I didn't find this with 132, is there any reason for the new build to run much slower?Not sure... I haven't experienced that on mine.

    Geez, relax. C8.5 will be out when and if it comes out. And C9 might come out in our lifetimes. But don't be surprised if it doesn't.
    I'm in no hurries. I'm relaxed. Today, so far. But I would be very surprised if it didn't.

    Find some other software to get all giggly over. The world won't end if you try something else. Trying... Giggling... Still like Carrara more than ever. Giggles some more :)

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    Carrara 8.5,... can take longer to open,... (depending on how much content you have installed)

    C8.1 ..doesn't need to access the content database and read through it,.. or look to see if you've just added some new "smart content"

    so,. C8 will open faster than C8.5 (right now)... (depending on your content)

  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited April 2013

    3DAGE said:

    Carrara 8.5,... can take longer to open,... (depending on how much content you have installed)

    C8.1 ..doesn't need to access the content database and read through it,.. or look to see if you've just added some new "smart content"

    so,. C8 will open faster than C8.5 (right now)... (depending on your content)

    Is this a one-time thing or an everytime thing? I don't use the content manager thing, I haven't noticed it opening any slower...

    I don't think I can wait a week to load Carrara... :/

    Post edited by wetcircuit on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited December 1969

    Congrats on the new computer!

  • Sam_16471Sam_16471 Posts: 57
    edited December 1969

    Why the dynamic cloth still cannot be properly run for different builds and versions?

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    HI Holly :)

    Carrara reads the database when you open the program,. so that's what currently causes the slow start, ..compared to C8.
    On my system right now, it takes 12 seconds to open C8, and over 2 minutes to load C8.5,. but I have a lot of installed content right now.

    Once the database has been read,. Carrara can display the content and smart content. but will scan the data when you select an item in the scene, so that carrara can show you the smart content for that item,. like mat's and poses for a selected figure, or clothing item.

    so,. it slows down Carrara's initial opening time, but once you're in,. then Carrara should work as quickly as ever.


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited December 1969

    Sam Wong said:
    Why the dynamic cloth still cannot be properly run for different builds and versions?
    I cannot remember the details of the Transposer thing...
    Supposedly, you can use a script within Poser to prepare your dynamic sims for export to use in Carrara. You can find that script in the "Downloads" section at Carrara Cafe. You'll need to register an account in order to download. But you'll like it there anyways. While your there, check out the cool magazines, galleries and such!
    Daz Studio dynamic clothes were never supposed to work in anything but Daz Studio - which is the way Optitex had it set up. Somehow, the collada export used to work to enable the transition to occur. But since both D|S and Carrara have been developed beyond, Daz seems to have dropped giving us Collada support in favor of their own format, which worked but now is being changed for Genesis to a new DUF,
    It's all a big mess right now - from what I understand. I do my best to work from within Carrara, so I am blind to all of this, because I have no need to try it.

    I have been thinking of using Poser Dynamic Cloth though, so I may be trying that script in the near future. Unless soft body physics improves a bunch before I get there... It just might. They have been working on it.

  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    It's all a big mess right now - from what I understand. I do my best to work from within Carrara, so I am blind to all of this, because I have no need to try it.

    I have been thinking of using Poser Dynamic Cloth though, so I may be trying that script in the near future. Unless soft body physics improves a bunch before I get there... It just might. They have been working on it.

    Yup. I was told quite some time ago that DUF may eventually be able to transfer the full dynamics. eaa.

    Actually the bullet physics works well on poser dynamic clothes. The hard part is adjusting the clothes to fit the pose before running the physics calcs. But the bullet physics does work great now for stills. Just a bit of prep and pinning and most conforming clothes work.

    Transposer worked fine. If it was still available I'd have it, be working with poser 6, and never tried to use Studio's dynamics clothing scenes in carrara.

    And I still recommend having Studio, if just for the tools for working content.

  • Sam_16471Sam_16471 Posts: 57
    edited April 2013

    Poser can do dynamic clothing well, even when a character moves. Why not Carrara?
    Why Carrara developers leave this dynamic cloth unfinished for artists and says it is working for new comers?

    Dynamic cloth works since Poser 5 (Now Poser 9 still works).
    Dynamic cloth unfinished since Carrara 7 (Will it work in Carrara 9 ???)

    I don't get this...

    Post edited by Sam_16471 on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,631
    edited December 1969

    what do you lot not get?
    just buy Poser pro 2012 as well and use it too like I very recently did.
    I use iClone a lot more too now my Daz figures can speak in it.
    Poser has shadowcatch, so has iClone on backgrounds only (both use avi video textures)
    so just render your beautiful animated Carrara scene and stick a figure in dynamic cloth in Poser in front of it!
    It is all just software, not a life partner you must stay faithfull to shunning all others.
    Damn you can even do great scenes in Bryce too for backgrounds!!
    Yes I love my Carrara!
    glad she has had a few nips and tucks
    but hell, I am going to whore around with whatever other 3D tools I can get my hands on too!

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    Hi Sam :)

    Carrara does not have a "Clothing simulation" feature,...
    it has Bullet (rigid body, and Soft body) physics,. (still in beta) and while some aspects of Soft-body physics can be seen as "cloth like" ,. it's NOT a clothing simulation tool, like Poser's cloth room, or Optitex in DS,. those are clothing simulation tools,. but those are different from physics simulation tools like Bullet.

    Bullet is a physics engine, and was originally developed for 3D Games,. it was never built to simulate clothing dynamics on a high-res figure.

  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214
    edited December 1969

    3DAGE said:

    Carrara 8.5,... can take longer to open,... (depending on how much content you have installed)

    C8.1 ..doesn't need to access the content database and read through it,.. or look to see if you've just added some new "smart content"

    so,. C8 will open faster than C8.5 (right now)... (depending on your content)

    I have no content linked to C8.5 other than what shows up in smart content. C8.5 takes about 25 seconds to open, then another 45 to load smart content, then when I loaded Stolz Genesis it took almost a minute to load the character. when I selected the chatacter and went to smart content an error came up saying carrara quit working and it chut down the program. I've never had this happen before...any suggestions? Is v172 stable?

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited December 1969

    I don't use Smart content at all simply because it gives me far too much stuff to wade through...
    I've even uninstalled the CMS... but I don't think build 172 is entirely stable, either. It is beta, afterall. Right now it's running beautifully for me using my Genesis Orcs. But there was a time when I had major difficulties with it. I'd try to save a file and it would go through a time consuming process, and at the end : "An Error Occurred while executing Save As" or something like that. I switched back to 132 and the issue disappeared. Then when DIM came out, I ran a reset on all of my Carrara stuff. I know... DIM doesn't see that stuff. That was probably why I did it - being rebellious! lol
    So the reset gave me both builds, 132 and 172. So I installed 172 again and haven't been having that issue since. But I remember that the problem didn't happen at first before, either. And then there were times when it didn't have that at all... it had me wondering if it was even coming from Carrara. Windows is always updating - and perhaps some update just wasn't friendly?... I'm too dumb in that regard to spend too much brain matter on it... so I just move on... perhaps by installing a different version build. I save every exe I get from every piece of software, always. I have hard drives dedicated to that, several of them. I'm a bit paranoid to the thought of losing my valuable stuff. I used to save on DVDs. When I put a DVD into the drive only to have it come up with read errors, I quit that method. Now I simply replace my Hard drives now and then when they go on sale, and use the previous one's as a new unit to store saves on. Works great!

  • Design AcrobatDesign Acrobat Posts: 459
    edited December 1969

    No pressure Daz, but I'm holding my breath on the expected release date. I'm not sure how effective these Martian respiration capsules really are. The package came with no guarantees. :)

  • mrposermrposer Posts: 1,131
    edited December 1969

    So 8.5 will be a free upgrade from Carrara 8? If it is going to cost money to upgrade... just call it Carrara 9.

  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    MrPoser said:
    So 8.5 will be a free upgrade from Carrara 8? If it is going to cost money to upgrade... just call it Carrara 9.

    No it wont be free. And with C9 hot on it's heals a lot of people will be waiting for C9.
    I often wonder what motivates DAZ, it certainly isn't common sense.

  • argus1000argus1000 Posts: 701
    edited December 1969

    All I pray for is that the new beta next week with be able to import dynamic cloth from DS 4.5 with the new DUF files. I need dynamic cloth. I'm still using DS 3 and Carrara 8.1 with the DAE import system. It still works for me. So please, Daz, make DUF work with dynamic cloth. That's the main thing for me.

  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    ManStan said:
    MrPoser said:
    So 8.5 will be a free upgrade from Carrara 8? If it is going to cost money to upgrade... just call it Carrara 9.

    No it wont be free. And with C9 hot on it's heals a lot of people will be waiting for C9.
    I often wonder what motivates DAZ, it certainly isn't common sense.
    They got behind... Why is it such an issue that they would like to try to catch up? It's not as if they don't have a roadmap or anything. They don't just come up with the ideas for new features a few days before they release it.... I'm sure there is a big whiteboard somewhere with some scribblings on it.

  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    What next week? I just downloaded and installed .204. Unless I missed a build some place, this one is new to me. It actual opened and ran the same .duf that I/O errored out with the last build; which was .172.

    Holly, I'm not saying it is an issue. I'm saying financially I can't ; as I am sure others can't as well, toss $50-60 at C8.5, then in a few months toss another $150+- at C9.

  • araneldonaraneldon Posts: 712
    edited December 1969

    argus1000 said:
    All I pray for is that the new beta next week

    The new beta is already available, check your downloads.
  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    araneldon said:
    argus1000 said:
    All I pray for is that the new beta next week

    The new beta is already available, check your downloads.

    I like that stealth thing myself. Prevents a run on downloads at the announcement lol

  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, I hear you on the money, but we still don't know what C8.5 will cost. I'd still say C9 in 6mos is a fantasy...

    This new beta .204 hasn't fixed the Spot Render bug. I haven't seen any sort of list as to what this update addresses.

    but I do appreciate the new DAZ download page, that is awesome. Very easy to find my products now and just grab what I need.

  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited April 2013

    I don't know what DUF is doing to V4, but it isn't nice, I can't use a preset multichannel shader on her.

    edit to add. Yes, DUF is reordering the shader zones on V4 so carrara multichannels wont work. Meaning carrara's elite shaders wont work on figure brought in to carrara as a DUF.

    600 x 800 - 16K
    Post edited by ManStan on
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