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Hmm, a mysterious, sexy guy. :)
*Having seen that other render* Mu hu HAHA ha HA ha.
Well, to be fair, here is his other side...
Have another one of this guy. :)
I would like to share my latest one. :-) THis one comes with a little story actually, for those that are interested:
~ When the circus people found the strange elf, he was sitting on the ground by the road, eating an apple - and looking terribly lost. It turnt out he came from far away and only knew basics of the common tongue, but not only did he look quite exotic but also strong and agile. He would be a good addition to their group as his look would attract visitors and of course a strong helping hand was always appreciated, so they offered this weird man to travel with them.
His name was Sol and not only his look was strange, also his behaviour, especially towards women. This man had a talent however: he had a strange weapon with him which he could master perfectly, a chain with two blades on each end. It would be a great idea to include this into the show, letting him dance with it, cutting apples in halfs while doing so. An idea was born and Sol seemed to be the perfect entertainer. ~
Thank you for sharing, great work and a nice story :)
Thank you! I really love playing with him!
I agree...don't have anything constructive to add. I just love this. :)
I agree...don't have anything constructive to add. I just love this. :)
Thank you!
~ Sol can throw apples into the air and then cut them into halfs with a single hit of his chain blades. This is what he does on stage, this and other things involving his weapon. ~
Which weapon? ;)
I like the colors of this with his more muted skin and outfit vs. the apple and blade.
You have no idea how happy you made me with creating these wonderful blades... they render wonderfully and even posing the chain is not hard at all and can be done believable!
The outfit contains stuff by AlfaSeed btw... hahaha, it was made for Vicky4 but I think it suits Sol as well. :D
Thank you very much for your feedback!
You have no idea how happy you made me with creating these wonderful blades... they render wonderfully and even posing the chain is not hard at all and can be done believable!
The outfit contains stuff by AlfaSeed btw... hahaha, it was made for Vicky4 but I think it suits Sol as well. :D
Thank you very much for your feedback!
Welcome, I'm always a fan of your renders!
Well, that is the beauty of Genesis, isn't it - there are no "female-only outfits" any more, and since so much Gen 4 content was female-only, it's tremendously liberating.
Welcome, I'm always a fan of your renders!
Well, that is the beauty of Genesis, isn't it - there are no "female-only outfits" any more, and since so much Gen 4 content was female-only, it's tremendously liberating.
Totally. Some of them need a little tweaking but this one for example was converted very smoothly. The only problem I am having sometimes with skirts, that get distorted in the mesh when I move the legs but oh I can live with that since men do not wear skirts and dresses so often anyways...
Cool choice of weapons! It fits him quite well.
Thank you! :)
Camaka, the naga.
I always adore your Naga. :-)
Awesome artwork :-)
Really like your Dunmers.... if I hadn't already decided on going Breton in TESO, not to mention I am already involved with a lovely guild too.... but if it had not been for that I might have been inclined to go Dunmer. Really lovely work :)
Thank you very much everybody! :)
Are you a beta tester?
I wish I was, I really do wish that. Me and the guildies are still hoping to get into beta, but from what I heard the second beta phase is over and the third hasn't been sheduled yet, so there is still time to hope :)
There is! I applied for beta testing as well. Maybe we both are lucky! :D
I always liked your art :) I'm sort of stealth-following you on dA. Somehow, I never get around to actually add people to dev watch.
Your men are awesome, as are your epic post-work skills.
Thank you very much! :)
Another one of my Naga.
~ He could not know that the next morning would be totally different. Everything would change and the mighty Naga would learn what it means to be betrayed. He would loose everything he had and it would take some time until he was able to see the chances it brought. ~
Nice one :) the content in that goblet look like it could be poisonous, I really like his eyes a lot, they are captivating :)
I have not posted here forever, as it seems. Let me some of my latest stuff. :)
And a little feature for one of my favorite characters - the dark elven cyborg Loop. :)