
Hi!!! I'm doind a "sand" woman... so, I use replicators with little "sort of sphères" to fake the sandy effect... With rather big size sand grains, the effect is ok for me, but the scale of the tiny sand grains is too big... when reducing the scale, it's ok, but the amount of replicated items is too low, at maximum,, to get a full coverage... how to do???
Otherwise, copy the replicator, paste it, and hit shuffle. Replicating vast numbers will eventually turn your renders really slow, do to the calculations hit on the render engine, however.
Hi Celmar :)
You could try adding a particle system to Emit (object) particles on the surface of the figure,
if you have no velocity, and No gravity,. then the particles should appear on the skin, and stay there
or,... use a few copies of the surface replicator, applied to different shading domains on the figure. as Dartanbeck suggests.
Using a sand texture map,. is also a great idea to fill in any gaps,.. perhaps making a mixer of the skin texture,and the sand texture, with some skin showing through in places,.. depends on what you're going for.
I have to try this. For some crazy reason, I've always been nervous, reluctant, whatever... to try particles. Not exactly sure why. But then when I tried it... Wow. Very simple, very powerful, very cool.
This is a really cool idea. I'll have to try that.
Have you tried a simple noise shader in the bump channel?
Here is something similar:
You can just modify the blue to beige in your favorite 2D app.
How about shaders and particles!
Had to make a short video. heh
Oh yeah, and head morph for shake (every good sandman has this)