dForce compatible Hair figures/props

A request to any Hair creators; please produce some dForce compatible Hair figures or props. Obviously long styles will benefit most but even shoulder length or less styles would look great when flowing naturally according to how the Character is posed. Best of all would be some nice Twintails/Pigtails/Bunches/Braids styles, as dForce would work really well with these styles.


  • You can make anything you already have work with dForce with the Geometry Editor. Select the polygons you want to be affected and assign them to a new Surface, then set the Dynamics of the original Surface between 0 and 0.2.

    It takes a little trial and error to learn to use the Geometry editor, but your library of useable hair, clothes, and props will immediately increase for free. You won't be stuck with hair you paid for that has limited movement beyond what was shown in the promo images.

  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    You can make anything you already have work with dForce with the Geometry Editor. Select the polygons you want to be affected and assign them to a new Surface, then set the Dynamics of the original Surface between 0 and 0.2.

    It takes a little trial and error to learn to use the Geometry editor, but your library of useable hair, clothes, and props will immediately increase for free. You won't be stuck with hair you paid for that has limited movement beyond what was shown in the promo images.

    Nice idea in theory, and probably could be made to work in practice, however it could also be a really long job. If a hair figure is made up of many separate meshes (which many are) you would have to find the "loose" mesh ends and select a few polys at the end you want to fix in place. That could be quite difficult with some Hair figures. Further, if there is a loose mesh attached to another part of the hair (eg a band or bow attaches to the bottom of a braid or ponytail, then this method won't work as the band or bow would be fixed in place when the tail moved... not very realistic. You would have to weld the polys of the band or bow to the braid or ponytail. Again, a task that can be done but annoying and time consuming. Essentially I agree, with enough work almost any figure can be forced to work with dForce, but I (and many others) don't want to spend my limited free time fighting with DS trying to get Hair figures (or clothing) working with dForce when they were not designed to work with dForce.

    I would rather buy new Hair figures that work out of the box so I can spend my time posing and rendering, which is what DS is designed to do.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,774

    You can make anything you already have work with dForce with the Geometry Editor. Select the polygons you want to be affected and assign them to a new Surface, then set the Dynamics of the original Surface between 0 and 0.2.

    It takes a little trial and error to learn to use the Geometry editor, but your library of useable hair, clothes, and props will immediately increase for free. You won't be stuck with hair you paid for that has limited movement beyond what was shown in the promo images.

    Nice idea in theory, and probably could be made to work in practice, however it could also be a really long job. If a hair figure is made up of many separate meshes (which many are) you would have to find the "loose" mesh ends and select a few polys at the end you want to fix in place. That could be quite difficult with some Hair figures. Further, if there is a loose mesh attached to another part of the hair (eg a band or bow attaches to the bottom of a braid or ponytail, then this method won't work as the band or bow would be fixed in place when the tail moved... not very realistic. You would have to weld the polys of the band or bow to the braid or ponytail. Again, a task that can be done but annoying and time consuming. Essentially I agree, with enough work almost any figure can be forced to work with dForce, but I (and many others) don't want to spend my limited free time fighting with DS trying to get Hair figures (or clothing) working with dForce when they were not designed to work with dForce.

    I would rather buy new Hair figures that work out of the box so I can spend my time posing and rendering, which is what DS is designed to do.

    Since the tools are included in DS, then that is also what DS is designed to do. If I had to rely on a product or tool from a vendor for everything in DS, I wouldn't get anything done. Luckily I like being creative and doing some of the work myself.

    There will probably be a product at one point since that is what vendors do..

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