Soft body physics possible now?

in The Commons
So I see Daz has a new cloth simulation... can Daz do soft body physics now as well? (ie hair, skin/breats, etc...)
Or if there is no native support for such things, is it possible to leverage the new features in 4.10 and create a 3rd party solution?
Not yet, but I'm sure they're intending to support those capabilities as well.
In the meantime, is it possible to export a character to something like blender, use their physics system to do your animations, then somehow get the model/animations back into Daz (as an aniblock or morphs?)?
Mabe DAZ will adopt more NVidia technology?
I hope they don't.
While it looks quite impressive, I am concerned it would require a top of the line NVidia graphics card. That could leave those of us with limited incomes or AMD graphics cards unable to use those features. I would be much happier if DAZ continued to develop those features with dForce and OpenGL/OpenCL. That way it could be used with most GPUs or CPUs.
I do this occasionally, in fact. As long as you make sure you export at base resolution and don't change vertex order in Blender (don't add/subtract verts or faces) re-importing a simmed mesh as a morph is very doable.
Just to make sure I'm understanding. Are you saying that you export a character to Blender, animate and then re-import the animation? Or are you saying that you animate a cloth sim in Blender and import the resulting morphed clothing as a custom morph?
Could you provide more details on how exactly the process works? Can you really re import an entier complex animation sequence (an entire walking animation, or a cloth simulation)?
Found this...
But looks like it just works with bone animations. Is it possible to import morph animations as well?
Not sure I understand. If they add a feature that doesn't mean Studio explodes and you can't use it anymore. Just don't use that feature, and allow those with top of the line cards to use it.
Personally, I think we definitely need that PhysX Flex thing. Definitely. That would be insane.
Well after doing a bit more research it looks like Blender can export to a format called MDD (which, as I understand it, is just a series of morphs). Is there anyway to read this file into Daz?
There has to be a way to load a morph animation chain from Blender into Daz... it would open up SO many possibilities...
I second this.
Quick test made in DAZ... Many of the things in the video you posted are attainable right now with a bit of patience...
Anyway, I hope to see more of NVidia PhysX stuff!
Yea this NVidia:PhysX Flex technology is amazing and since the Simulation Settings pane got a dropdown menu to choose an Engine beside dForm there is at least a little hope that this was made with the intention in mind to choose from diffrent engines in the future.
In the meanwhile did you know that there is this mcjElasticSim script from Mcasual? It is some sort of jiggle bone system. If you manage to setup this thing you get a bouncing point like suspended on a rubber band and with the position of this point you can control a DFormer or morphs to archive a soft body effect.
Direct link to Mcasuals Scripts mcjElasticSim
Hmm can anyone confirm that this mcjElasticSim still works in the latest Daz? Seems like it's pretty complicated to get working...
That would be so cool, especially if it could be chosen as an optional physics engin like @Syrus83227_202e840f4e mentioned.
This Nvidia physics demo could run perfectly in real-time years ago. Even more now with more recent GPUs. Fluid dynamics are actually metaballs. And it's very impressive and perfect for real-time.