Carrara export to DS possible?

ThatGuyThatGuy Posts: 797
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

hello there. Can someone tell me please if one can export carrara scenes into DS? I know Bryce does it, but not sure about carrara.



  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    hello there. Can someone tell me please if one can export carrara scenes into DS? I know Bryce does it, but not sure about carrara.


    How do you do it in Bryce?

  • ThatGuyThatGuy Posts: 797
    edited December 1969

    If I remember correctly, in Bryce 5 or 6, there was an icon for DAZ that you click on to bring your scene into Daz Studio. Is it the same for Carrara?

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    No, there's no bridge, but what exactly did it bring into Studio? Just the objects and textures? Lights? I can't believe it brought in the atmospheres.

    Carrara has a wide range of export formats. The most common to use is probably .obj export. If you have something that uses procedural shaders, such as a terrain, they can be baked to an image map when you export. Some things will not export such as hair, clouds, etc. Not sure how you would export a scene, and I'm not sure why you would want to. Carrara's built in render engine is much faster.

  • ThatGuyThatGuy Posts: 797
    edited December 1969

    yes, you're right. I remember with Bryce (years ago) when I tried it that it did not bring in much of the scene other than probably the objs.

    I've just run the new 8.5 beta build and see now that there is no feature for this.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Most people prefer to go the other way, and use .duf (or whatever it's called) to bring D/S scenes into Carrara. As far as know it's a one way trip.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited April 2013

    Just FYI the bridge between DS and Bryce was really intended to import DS stuff into Bryce, although it can be used in reverse. The reverse path is there so that if you have a posed figure and the pose is not working quite right you can take it back to DS to tweak the pose.

    With Bryce 7 Pro and DS4 the bridge does work better than it has but sending things from Bryce to DS can still be a less than optimum move, as some native Bryce stuff has to be converted to mesh before moving, and mats from the DTE will need major tweaking.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited December 1969

    With Carrara... you can bring things in from D|S, but you may not want to try too much in the reverse. For one, most Carrara-made things simply won't work in Studio.

    Here's the thing. Bryce and Carrara have been tweaked over the years to be able to accept things from Daz Studio to increase their flexiblity with people like us, who like to use Daz content. So they can read Daz Stuff... but Daz Studio is not Bryce and it is not Carrara, nor does it know what to do with the things we do in those programs.

    So... Daz Studio Basic has always been free. It was made to read material, or content, that was made to work in Poser, up until the very recent changes made to Poser.

    It is assumed that the client, (we people who use Daz Studio) will branch outward from there. Bryce offers a very unique experience in making 3d worlds and ha the ability to make just about anything else - but in its own, Bryce kind of way - that many people have grown to love over many years.

    Carrara, on the other hand, behaves much more like the really expensive modeling apps, yet its not. It can make 3d worlds with a click. Yet you can go into any of three modelers and create models, much the way the rest of the 3d industry does it. It also has some special animation tools that I've not seen elsewhere, like the very popular Non Linear Animation clips, for example. It also has a extremely fast render engine, but has enough parameters that can be added - as well as scene additions, that can slow it down, too. Carrara's Shader or Texture system is uniquely powerful as well. Just before it came to Daz3d, Carrara was given tools to allow it to open Poser content, which also meant that it worked with Daz3d content as well. Since then, Daz3d has made Carrara very compatible with Poser and Daz3d models. It is still assumed that many people may want to keep Daz Studio for the unique features that it has acquire over the years - especially lately. But it is still more common to take things from Daz Studio into Carrara, rather than the other way around.

    Once you bring a figure into Carrara, you have to manipulate the materials (Shaders) to work properly within Carrara. There are quick-fix methods and you can get very complex with it. Once you do this, Daz Studio will not recognize the changes you've made in a positive way. In other words, you'd be better off loading the figure from scratch into D|S that the one you've worked so hard on in Carrara - because it would be more recognizable to D|S, and it would be easier for you to tweak to look perfect in Daz Studio. So, since the work flow doesn't make sense, they've never really pushed to see it work this, opposite way.

    I keep getting the feeling that they want to make D|S and Carrara more fluid in their interchangeability, but I'm not certain how far they'll be able to (or even want to) go with that endeavor. Personally, once I get something into Carrara, I save it there. And that's where I use that thing from that point forward - and never look back. Carrara is just the better tool, in my honest opinion.

  • ThatGuyThatGuy Posts: 797
    edited December 1969

    Dartanbeck, I really appreciate your lengthy explanation. Instead of just telling me that it won't work, you made it so that I understand why it won't work. I appreciate very much the effort in providing me in details the information I needed to comprehend why it's not a 2 way street.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Dartanbeck, I really appreciate your lengthy explanation. Instead of just telling me that it won't work, you made it so that I understand why it won't work. I appreciate very much the effort in providing me in details the information I needed to comprehend why it's not a 2 way street.

    Good lord, don't encourage him! The thread will hit the 100 page limit in one post! :lol:

    Seriously though, Dart covered many topics and possibilities. Your initial post was a bit vague, which is why I was asking questions to get more information. Not everybody will read a long post, and I don't know who does or doesn't, so I try and keep my answers relatively short and sweet. If I don't know or understand what a piece of software does, I'll ask for a description or clarification before I answer.

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    Dartanbeck, I really appreciate your lengthy explanation. Instead of just telling me that it won't work, you made it so that I understand why it won't work. I appreciate very much the effort in providing me in details the information I needed to comprehend why it's not a 2 way street.

    Good lord, don't encourage him! The thread will hit the 100 page limit in one post! :lol:

    Seriously though, Dart covered many topics and possibilities. Your initial post was a bit vague, which is why I was asking questions to get more information. Not everybody will read a long post, and I don't know who does or doesn't, so I try and keep my answers relatively short and sweet. If I don't know or understand what a piece of software does, I'll ask for a description or clarification before I answer.

    at least 100 :-)

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