Cararra seen as trojun?

just as it says I got alert today when i was setting up a scene in cararra from kaspersky that cararra was had a trojun and it would not let me do anything but unistall cararra .. anyone else get this issue? it will not me to even add it to my safe program list .is there a work around?

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uninstall Kaspersky?
BTW I kicked Trend Micro to the kerb when it kept doing the same to Octane, Zbrush and iClone
yes tried adding to safe list and contacting them too
I tired this about 5 ways, its not going to let me I know kaspoersky can be picky, but I never had it take stuff off my safe list and reblock it after I had marked as safe before. it went right through cararra software picking out all the little malwere flags & gutting carrara out everytime i load it. if I can't get to add to my safe list then I may just not use it. first software i ever had that never took to a safe list. There is a reason I pay for a AV for protection. I am just wondering what it is that set off kaspersky so I can make a work around for it ..
since all of us here are using Carrara,. it's likely that kaspersky AV is reporting a false positive.
if you're downloading Carrara directly from Daz (then it's the same software that we all have) ...and it's not a virus, malware, or trojan.
it is also possible that you already have a virus on your system which is jumping in and infecting whatever you're installing.
I use McAfee "Total protection" and have no issues installing / using Carrara, or any other legitimate softwares.
You could try another AV program
McAfee have a free app called "stinger" which can be used to check any system,. fit's on a floppy
Stinger is a "utility" for checking a system,.. and not a full antivirus program.
Hope it helps :)
Thanks for the advice. But trust me when I tell you I don''t have any virus or maleware on my system. ..I downloaded carrara 8.5 pro from my product manager right off the daz site. and used the purchased serial numbers to activate. I paid $29 bucks with a 80% discount offer I got. its legit copy of carrara .
But anyway I was able to get carrara added to my Kaspersky white list. after buggering with it for a while and its working fine now.
This is how I worked around it. if anyone else is using KASPERSKY.
first I shut off kaspersky & clean installed carrara with kaspersky off. Then I added carrara to my legacy start-up file for my older programs that I have to run in compatibility mode for my system server set up. then I turn kaspersky back on and it recognized carrara as a new installed program and give me a pop up options box this time asking if i want to let carrara run on my system . I clicked accept and bingo it add carrara to my safe white list.
back to your regular programming
That's because it comes in as a mild-manored 3d authoring software, and then unleashes its rooms full of tools of Power!!! Power and Bliss!!!
Okay, sorry to make light. I know that viruses are a major concern, which is just too bad. Why people have to hack other people's stuff is beyond me.