
Hi!!! usually, I don't use displacement, but on one picture, it comes really handy... a lot of rocks surfaces!...
does anyone knows how to optimioze the displacement? is it best to import a, heavy mesh, and no subdivide it, or a light one, and subdivide it? is it best to use a grayscale map, very contrast, os the color map? well, thank you for any tips!!!
In my experience subdividing is pretty slow, causes a big delay at the top of each render. YMMV
HI Celmar :)
The advantage of Displacement is that it allows you to use a low polygon model,. but have the surface detail of a high poly model.
it helps to have subdivision smoothing applied to the low poly model. to give the displacement more "virtual" geometry, to work with.
Displacement maps should be grey-scale,. with 50%grey being "normal value" and Darker or Lighter shades will create Lower or Higher points in the geometry.
In the shader displacement settings,. you should enable subdivision,.. you should also have subdivision smoothing applied to the model at this point.
The vertex modeller has a quick method of creating simple organic looking geometry,...
you use the poly line tool, to create a simple outline of your "Stone" shape,. then fill that polygon (Crtl+F) .. then go to Construct / Organic.
and that creates a simple 3D model... then you can adjust the model's shape,. and add some smoothing,.. to get a nice simple rock.
hope it helps :)
Try using procedural shaders like CELLULAR mixed with some NOISE. I think you'll have more fun than using an image map.
I actually discussed this in the New Users Contest WIP thread. And no, I'm not angling for a prize, just trying to give a little more Carrara exposure. ;-)
Hopefully it helps!