Missing File

I don't know what happened, or what I might have done, but in the last couple of days, when I load a G8F figure, but not a G3F one, I get the pop up window that says I am missing the file

data/daz 3d/genesis 3/female/genesis8female.dsf 

At least so far I haven't noticed any problems, but how can I get the file back?

If it matters, I have not yet updated to 4.10, I'm still on 4.9 Pro.



  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    First of all, put in a ticket with Customer Support, and add a screenshot, so they can fix the problem.

    As a quick fix, check the path in your runtime where the error message says it's looking for. There sometimes is a minor spelling error in the path name.

    Create the folders of the path as the error message needs, then make a copy of the file from the correct folder and put it into the temporary folder you just created.

  • Bee,

    Once again, thanks for your help.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,336

    All you should need to do is re-install Genesis 8 Female to get the file back I believe

  • I just ran into this same problem. I have two systems setup and neither of them have that file under genesis 3.

  • In case other run into this problem I thought I would pass on what caused this in my situation.  For me it was a 3rd party product that I had installed which appears to have a path issue in it. I copied the genesis8female.dsf that they placed under the data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 3\Female\Morphs\DAZ 3D\Female directory into data/daz 3d/genesis 3/female/genesis8female.dsf folder. 


    The product that I had added was "hindudreams_betty-carique-for-g3-g8_78008"

  • Thanks for the fix, I too installed the Hindudreams Betty and got the same error did what you said and the error is gone

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,751

    This solution worked for me: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/3417266/#Comment_3417266

    Thank goodness! It's the second time that I've had to do that fix. I wonder why the file keeps disappearing. 

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