Genesis 8 Female models

Just wanted a pose (see what I did there) a quick question. My female models for genesis 8 have developed a few disorders. Eyes way too large - like 50% larger than normal. Mount/lips same thing - way too prominent and sticking out nearly 2/3rd the nose distance when you viw the head side on. On top of that some have let themselves go from when I first used them and have thighs far wider than the hips.

I do own some morph products but do not have them installed at the moment so am running just the base genesis 8 essentials with the default genesis 8 head/body morph packs that come with the figure pro bundles. Note this issue only seems to be afflicting my female figures not their male counterparts. I do use more female figures in my renders but use should not corrupt the base figure should it ?

And on that note if this has happended to anyone else how did you resolve it. I have ensured the figure is zeroed when I load it. It is hard to describe but I will upload some example pictures when I get home from work in a few hours. I really do not wish to uninstall my whole library and install it again from scratch, especially if that is only going to be a short term fix with corruption reoccuring.



  • Load the base and in the Parameters pane Editor tab look at the Currently used group - what properties are listed?

  • The Inner CircleThe Inner Circle Posts: 229
    edited November 2017

    Thanks Richard - I will check when home in 6 hours (come on work - finish).

    Post edited by The Inner Circle on
  • Okay Richard.

    Loaded base genesis 8 female figure which looks okay. Checked parameter pane and checked the currently used group. Heading was genesis 8 female and all morphs were at 0 (including hidden). As a precaution I uninstalled the Demona figure which is reported to be bugged.

    Loaded a genesis 8 figure - in this case 3DA Airlie for G8F and voila - bug eyes, 2nd helping of botiox mouth/lips and heavy weight lifter thighs. parameter pane showed all zerod morphs so unsure how to explain it.

    The reason I chose 3DA Airlie is she comes with a version for G3F. Loaded the Gen 3 version and no deformity issues.

    Tested Stephanie 8, Victoria 8 and 1 or 2 other G8F figures. Stephanie and Victoria appeared normal. The alternate G8F figures - varying degress of deformity.

    Having already unistalled the genesis 8 female starter essentials,head and boy morphs and anall 3rd paty morphs for gen8 I am not sure how to proceed, 

    As a different way to test Ioaded the genesis 8 base female, and used shaping to add full body/hed of 3da Airlie again. This time a different kind of deformity - sunken eyes and jaw, ultra thin body.

    Any ideas appreciated. Have already redone all the meta data via DIM and reset content via content manager and reloaded.



  • If the base and some add-on characters are working correctly it isn't simply a non-zero default, it must be an issue (possibly doubled up ERC) in something linked to the shapes thata re throwing issues. I would try unisntalling the third party anatomy first, as that's the most onbvious suspect, but if that fails load a distorted character and try zeroing settings until you find one that clears the issue, then open its Parameter Settings dialogue (from the gear icon on the slider) and see what is listed for Sub Components (properties that the shape affects).

  • The Inner CircleThe Inner Circle Posts: 229
    edited November 2017

    Will do Richrad - might be a weekend job due to the size of the content library I am using (friends machine that has 1000's of entries). Also as it is not my setup I don't want to go rampaging around messing up his settings. Will find faults and let him make the changes if he so decides. I have a smilar issue on my setup which has only a few 100 entries so a much better library to diagnose. Will walk through what works and what doesn't when I am back home this weekend and will report what I find to help others that may get the same issue.

    Thanks for the help and guidance Richard.


    Post edited by The Inner Circle on
  • rock63rock63 Posts: 13

    Does anybody know what is causing this to G8F figure when put in squat/sit poses this always happens. Tia

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Please remember to use Smooth Shaded view if posting a screen shot of a nude figure.

    Yes, I can't recall which but that's an add-on with wonky ERC links for its corrective morphs. It's come up a couple of times, but I'm not sure what terms to search for to find one of the threads. If you select the Figure, then in the Parameters pane select the Currently Used group and enable Show Hidden Properties in the option menu (the lined button in the top corner, or right-click the tab) you should be able to find the guilty slider and turn it down.

  • rock63rock63 Posts: 13

    Please remember to use Smooth Shaded view if posting a screen shot of a nude figure.

    Yes, I can't recall which but that's an add-on with wonky ERC links for its corrective morphs. It's come up a couple of times, but I'm not sure what terms to search for to find one of the threads. If you select the Figure, then in the Parameters pane select the Currently Used group and enable Show Hidden Properties in the option menu (the lined button in the top corner, or right-click the tab) you should be able to find the guilty slider and turn it down.

    Firstly, thanks for the reply. Sorry about the not burring as I didnt think it too explicit. Found the paramaters as you suggested but how do I make it permanent. It happens with ALL my g8f characters. G8M is all good just female haveing issues with. I use G8F way more than G8M.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Does the parameter, now you've found it, tell you which product is producing the issue? If so you could try reporting it as a bug (to Daz, if it's from the store here, or to the vendor/maker if it's from another site). You could save a preset (shaping or pose depending on the property type) to apply each time you need it while waiting for a fix (use the options dialogue to save just that property's setting, then right-click>Create Custom Action so you can access it from the Scripts menu without having to switch content folder).

  • rock63rock63 Posts: 13

    Does the parameter, now you've found it, tell you which product is producing the issue? If so you could try reporting it as a bug (to Daz, if it's from the store here, or to the vendor/maker if it's from another site). You could save a preset (shaping or pose depending on the property type) to apply each time you need it while waiting for a fix (use the options dialogue to save just that property's setting, then right-click>Create Custom Action so you can access it from the Scripts menu without having to switch content folder).

    This is the trouble making parameters it is happening to the base mesh. It doesn't matter if it is a character or the base vanilla GF8. How do I tell which product it belongs to ?


    216 x 207 - 12K
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    I can't read the labels. If you click the gear icon on the slider and open parameter Settings you will see the path, in the parameters pane, which might help.

  • murgatroyd314murgatroyd314 Posts: 1,550

    I can read the labels, and googling the first morph name suggests it's from Big Girl Morphs.

  • rock63rock63 Posts: 13

    I can read the labels, and googling the first morph name suggests it's from Big Girl Morphs.

    Thanks that was it ! Was driving me nuts


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