I want nationalism, religion and everything you hate.

Not any particular nation.. I love clothing with different flags and I don't think I've ever passed on the opportunity to snatch up anything religious or polical, anything that promotes nationlism and basically any big ideas that cause people to think... One of my favorite shirts I bought from DAZ is Oddwear 


I love that one because it has the "parental advisory" t-shirt.. You guys should sell a lot more like that..  but for some reason I find that everything I want to buy are the very things people feel so uncomfortable even talking about it... but give me clothing of all religions... something that represents each political party too.. Give me freedom to create art.


  • Locked as this was apparently a plain suggestion not wanting feedback. In future please do bear in mind that a post in Product Suggestions is regarded as a request for a way to achieve a goal, and that pointing out existing products or tools that can be used to that end is considered an appropriate reply.

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