Need Some Help - Please

Well I certainly goofed up this time. I installed the latest beta but obviously routed it incorrectly. I no longer have any of the content objects or scenes showing. Even the shaders are not longer available. When I click on Edit/Wizard it tells me they are not installed.
I will appreciate suggestions on getting things back in sync.
Thank you, in advance.
What I did was to copy all the stuff from the old version to the beta .
then it work the same as before .
Power Member,
Thanks for the reply. Would that be the sub folders and contents in C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\Carrara8 ?
Depends where you installed your stuff, but on Win7 there is also a default folder in "my documents"
yes if its Carrara 8.1 .
HI Dan :)
The Beta is only supplied as the Main Program,.. so the Native Content (which has all the examples and wizards) isn't included.
If you want to,. you can run the installer for the "Carrara Native Content" and point it into your Beta folder.
then you'll also have an Uninstaller for it. ,..
The folder in your My Documents / Daz3D / Carrara ... contains all the "user created" content,. such as your own models , saved into the "My Objects" folder in the browser,.. or shaders you've made, and saved into the "My Shaders" folder in the browser.
they have nothing to do with the example shaders, models, which come int the Native Content Installer,.. or products made for carrara.
You don't have to move any of the "my documents" folders,. because you can ADD the folders to Carrara's browser.
hope that makes sense
Thanks all. I am back in business. Thank you for your help.