Carrara 3D Express

I have Carrara 3D express, just starting to learn how to use it but every time I close it out and reopen it, it ask me for my serial # again, is there a way to stop this or is this normal? Thanks for any and all help!!!
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I have Carrara 3D express, just starting to learn how to use it but every time I close it out and reopen it, it ask me for my serial # again, is there a way to stop this or is this normal? Thanks for any and all help!!!
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Run as administrator (in windows, right click the carrara icon before opening and then run as administrator) and then input the SN, and it shouldn't ask you again after that.
What is Carrara 3d Express?
sounds like the version after Raydream studio
you really should monitor DAZ for sales on the latest C8.5 version, it has quite a few more bells and whistles and has been as cheap as $11 for one lucky person I know
a basic cut down version of Carrara 6 which sold for about $20US back in the day
Upgrade to 8.5 Pro as soon as you can,.
Express is "Really limited" it doesn't have any of the tools which make carrara a really good 3D suite.
it can load and render stuff,. but there are heavy limitations on creating anything.
I bought it when it was initially released,. just to see what it does / doesn't
it's a bad idea,. and they stopped doing it with further versions of carrara 7 and 8.