Feature suggestion thread?

Is there a "post your favorite but little-known feature suggestion for Daz Studio" thread? Because I have quite a few of these. Little stuff, not big obvious stuff like soft body deformation or full-featured dynamic hair.
E.g., user-specified colors for objects in the Scene pane. It all runs together, and I'd love to be able to highlight specific nodes of interest in various colors so I could find them more quickly.
Also, a Visibility tab. It's like a scene tab, except the hierarchy affects visibility only. This way you can group objects for visibility purposes in the Visibility tab, and use the Scene tab for everything else. I often find the various needs I have for groups competing with each other.
I know I should just email this stuff to the DS team; I'm always adding a bit here and there to my notes, so in future I may do.
Oh, another good one; a hierarchy menu on scene import, maybe as expansion of the CTRL-click method, or something. In any case, I would love to be able to browse the contents of a scene file and only merge the stuff I need.
Actually, a Technical Support ticket is the official way to make feature requests. There is an active "What features would you like to see " thread here for discussing things https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/2301/what-features-would-you-like-to-see-appear-in-dazstudio-5/p1
Actually, a Technical Support ticket is the official way to make feature requests. There is an active "What features would you like to see " thread here for discussing things https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/2301/what-features-would-you-like-to-see-appear-in-dazstudio-5/p1
Ah, thanks Richard.
Do note that that thread is not official and Daz doesn't monitor it, so submit a support ticket.
Yeah I have a whole notebook in OneNote where I keep my thoughts about DS. At some point I plan to edit it and send it in.
'Course it would be great if I could get past this grouping bug or whatever it is, and finally move on from 4.8 to current. For all I know, half my ideas are already implemented. :)
Just for clarification, DAZ would like us to submit a Help Ticket for any suggestions regarding changes to DAZ Studio? This is the one that can be reached by via the website using Help -> Contact Us -> Submit a Help Ticket and using "Technical Support" as the Contact Department. Is there anything that should be placed in the subject line?
I'm only asking as I could see the poor people in Tech Support getting overwhelmed by people complaining...er... "offering constructive suggestions" as opposed to reporting bugs or other issues.
I usually tag mine in the title with something like Feature Request.
Is this where we can post feature request?
I said this before in another thread. But I would like to have a Favorite star icon for products in my Smart Content Panel. So I can easily switch to a new tab to find stuff that I use often. So we'll have something like | Files | Products | Favorites | Most Used |. Maybe even have the option to edit our own catagory.
Another thing would be a search option for the "Import Metadata". Sometime I install a lot of Renderosity stuff and I like to have it setup in Smart Content but it's hard to find the item in "Import Metadata" When I don't know the excate code created with "Content Package Assist".
Another option would be for basic searching. When looking for items with multiple words in it like " Denim Outfit " If you don't have a "Quote" in front of it or a "Underscore" combining the two words. It would find the "Denim products" and all the products with the word "Outfit" in it. Could we have the option to use excate phasing in search?
I know this is asking a lot but can we please get a render engine for ATI cards that's easy to use as Iray... Just thought I ask.