A morph mask field / moving morph
Lets say i have an G3 Male model with a full body muscle morph.
When i pull up the morph slider, the morph goes up all over the body at the same time.
Is there a way to set a direction or an start point for the morph so that it starts for example at the feet and goes all the way up to his head?
Maybe a combination of a moveable field / weight map and the morph.
So you can pull up the morph slider and move the field / weight map down out of the position of the G3 body.
When you move the filed / weight map up the morph only influence the part of the body that is inside.
Is something like this possible?
Doubt it. I think you can assign individual sliders to groups (i.e. Left and Right appendages) and then adjust each Group, rather than each L/R sliders manually.
If you set it as a Full Body, then it will always activate that way. You'll have to activate each section in sequence during an animation.
Yes. With the usage of Attenuate By feature in Morphloader Pro it should be possible.
Not that easy as you may have thought - but possible.
The Attenuate By feature works like a Morph Filter while importing your Morph - you can select polygonal selections like Surfaces an Face Groups or Influence Weights of a D-Former.
Remember the polygonal selection (they call it Facet Selection) and the Weight Map define the area of the Geometry where the Morph should be applied.
Will this be easy to realize? No. Do you have the skill to do it? I dont know - but I explain it anyway.
Did I have test this? No I did not - and I'm not exactly shure in every step - you have to do it by your own but I know of this Attenuate By setting.
But anyway - here are the step by step instructions - for this animated "Hulk transformaiton" how I call it:
1. create yourself a D-Former Influence Field with the figure selected then place it to the position on the figure where the transition should start
2. select the D-Former Field - go to Parameters pane and change the Fileds Influence from sphere to weightmap
3. change the tool to Node Weight Map Brush - look for "unused Maps" Influence Weights and press "Add Map" and see the Weight Map - finetune with the Brush if neccesary (maybe scale the D-Former up to see the influence in action temporary)
4. select the figure - set figure Mesh Resolution to Base - and export your "full body muscle morph" as an OBJ morph shape file
5. zero the "full body muscle morph"
6. then use the Morphloader Pro select the "full body muscle morph" OBJ file - especialy if you are also using a character morph on the figure change the import settings "Reverse Deformation" to yes (right-click)
7. Name your new Morph something like "Hulk transformaiton_1"
8. then right-click Attenuate By and choose Weight Maps > D-Former_1 > Influence Weights - then hit accept - and test your new morph
9. create a second D-Fromer_2 and place the Influence Field some way in the direction in which the "Hulk transformaiton" should go - but make shure there is some overlapping of the influence fields
10. select the D-Former_2 Fild and also change the Fileds Influence from sphere to weightmap and Add Map in Weight Map Bush tool like descriped in step 2. and 3.
11. use the Morphloader Pro select the "full body muscle morph" OBJ file - Morph name "Hulk transformaiton_2" - "Reverse Deformation" yes (this time the "Hulk transformaiton_1" is allready applied) - Attenuate By Weight Maps > D-Former_2 > Influence Weights
12. continue to work your way up the body with adding new D-Formers and create new morphs like "Hulk transformaiton_3"
13. once you have a bunch of "Hulk transformaiton" morphs you can animate them on the timeline with a few frames - the more morphs you have the more fluid the animation will look like - if you manage to set the keyframes so that the next morph in line fades in before the other morph reaches its maximum it will look even more like a fluid Hulk transistion
14. you can also create yourself a master morph slider / controller property with ERC-Freeze and the "Keyed" option (extract from timline play range) to have one single property slider for to control all "Hulk transformaiton" morphs at once
15. dont forget to save all your new morphs to the DazStudio Library with "File>Save As>Support Asset>Morph Asset" to use them with your figure in other scenes
I give no warranty that it will work like this - please test and give a comment.
Waw. This is lethal.
Have you tried something of this so far? I thought its an good example to explain this Attenuate By setting together with the D-Former and ofcourse most important Reverse Deformation.
All in all very handy tools so far - and a unusual usage - that I was not aware of in pirst place because I have never have thought of this until I was reading this post.