Released - Naturally Real Material Options for Monique 8 and Darius 8 [Commercial]

Here is a new product I have been working on:
A comprehensive and carefully balanced custom reworking of every aspect of the Iray materials for each figure, Naturally Real for Monique 8 and Darius 8 will give you more realistic renders for either figure. When you want to create the best renders featuring Monique 8 or Darius 8 you will want to be using Naturally Real.
Benefits include:
- Improved translucency for increased SSS with less noise.
- Improved skin reflectance to help retain detail and add more depth to the rendering of the figure.
- Improved mouth and teeth materials so you can get the most out of the expressions of either figure.
- Improved eye materials for a more natural look.
Requires Monique 8 or Darius 8.

1000 x 1300 - 249K

Popup 01.jpg
1000 x 1300 - 275K

Popup 02.jpg
1000 x 1300 - 250K

Popup 03.jpg
1000 x 1300 - 261K
Post edited by Chohole on
Whaaaaat? You didn't approve of Monique's radioactive tongue?
That is certainly the most obvious difference in the side-by-side comparisons... and I'm not sure which bothered me more, her tongue or his (which, while it doesn't glow, looks like it was lacquered).
Really though, The part I am most proud of in this product is the improved skin reflectance. I tested and rejected many different approaches and I feel like the final results really help both the skin textures and geometry of the figures really fully show to their best advantage.
The promo renders do look really nice. I'll definitely be picking this up.
Love the Naturally Real..for Monique and Darius
I'm using this right now on my upcoming product...
Thanks Half Life.
Finally some confirmation that the defaults don't appeal to everyone. Thanks; I'll definitely consider getting them as well as this.
Cool promo for the SciFi Gun -- thanks for beta testing these Naturally Real settings for me, I'm glad you like them (and I think you made them look really cool here).
There are certainly many people who can get amazing renders with the default settings (or at least tweak them on their own) -- my product is just there to hopefully save users time and increase the quality of the results without alot of fiddling.
Indeed, and I'm able to do this but I have to budget my time, since I'm working on a couple of figures I'm working on for submission.
Looking forward to when this comes out.
Looking forward to this. Hope it will reduce the red lips on Darius
I hope you like them once you have them
I have noticed for some reason the images in my first post do not always show -- so I will re-post the side-by-side comparison shots of Darius here.
These are raw renders (no post) and I choose unflattering basic lighting to make sure I wasn't hiding anything via "tricks". Color-wise, there is some difference, but it mostly comes from the SSS settings because I am using the same textures that come with Darius... just in a very different configuration.
It is out today! I hope you like it
Looks good.
I'm glad you like it :)