I'm still loving this product and I really like how well hair renders with the 3Delight..still very quick. My only other question is sometimes the eyes just look odd in 3Delight. I had another product that did this before and I returned it a long time ago. I think it might just be an HDRI/3Delight issue for me. Is this a "light too bright" on the eyes type deal or do I need to tweak the surface texture of the eye? Or do I need a helper light on the face in this instance? Her eyes are supposed to be blue, but to me they look silvery-gray. I don't have this issue in IRAY with the eyes just the 3Delight.
Ideas, tips, and tricks would be appreciated. Thank you :)
Hard to say. Did you apply 3DL surface presets to the eyes? Would help to see a closer render of an eye, a screenshot of your eye surface settings, some information about what character product you are using. One thing that might be different here from Iray is that Iray uses ray traced reflections by default, whereas a lot of 3Delight presets used to use specular as the default (which is not a reflection of the IBL but rather a cheat - a little shiney spot in the general direction of the light).
Ok finally installed the 4.10 beta version and after reinstalling IBL Master I found the 3DL light settings, and after reinstalling the AoA lights I got my light parameters back;) It works like a charm with the default HDRI. This test rendered in 55 sec. with default light settings (3DL):
So since I don't own any Iray HDRIs I followed someone's advice and downloaded a couple of HDRIs from HDRI haven and they don't work for me in 3DL, please post some links to free HDRIs that work out of the box in 3DL! I know there are some in this thread but they're kind of getting hard to find lol.
And thank you again Parris! I'm very excited about this product, it has some true potential and all I need is a couple of good HDRIs to get started. Can't wait to see how your lightshader handles transmapped trees
I'm still loving this product and I really like how well hair renders with the 3Delight..still very quick. My only other question is sometimes the eyes just look odd in 3Delight. I had another product that did this before and I returned it a long time ago. I think it might just be an HDRI/3Delight issue for me. Is this a "light too bright" on the eyes type deal or do I need to tweak the surface texture of the eye? Or do I need a helper light on the face in this instance? Her eyes are supposed to be blue, but to me they look silvery-gray. I don't have this issue in IRAY with the eyes just the 3Delight.
Ideas, tips, and tricks would be appreciated. Thank you :)
Hard to say. Did you apply 3DL surface presets to the eyes? Would help to see a closer render of an eye, a screenshot of your eye surface settings, some information about what character product you are using. One thing that might be different here from Iray is that Iray uses ray traced reflections by default, whereas a lot of 3Delight presets used to use specular as the default (which is not a reflection of the IBL but rather a cheat - a little shiney spot in the general direction of the light).
I'll have to look into it more this weekend. The one in the picture was the Kendra character from here, but she has IRAY based mats and the quick 3Delight shader you put on the end. Maybe it's just those eyes. I'll run some tests. I'll figure it out and if I can't I'll be back LOL. Thanks!
Ok finally installed the 4.10 beta version and after reinstalling IBL Master I found the 3DL light settings, and after reinstalling the AoA lights I got my light parameters back;) It works like a charm with the default HDRI. This test rendered in 55 sec. with default light settings (3DL):
So since I don't own any Iray HDRIs I followed someone's advice and downloaded a couple of HDRIs from HDRI haven and they don't work for me in 3DL, please post some links to free HDRIs that work out of the box in 3DL! I know there are some in this thread but they're kind of getting hard to find lol.
And thank you again Parris! I'm very excited about this product, it has some true potential and all I need is a couple of good HDRIs to get started. Can't wait to see how your lightshader handles transmapped trees
For me DimensionTheory Skies of iRadiance and the Ultra HDRI sets from Cake/Bob. You can use the HDRI IRAY skies in 3Delight out of the box. That's what most all of mine have been using.
Ok finally installed the 4.10 beta version and after reinstalling IBL Master I found the 3DL light settings, and after reinstalling the AoA lights I got my light parameters back;) It works like a charm with the default HDRI. This test rendered in 55 sec. with default light settings (3DL):
So since I don't own any Iray HDRIs I followed someone's advice and downloaded a couple of HDRIs from HDRI haven and they don't work for me in 3DL, please post some links to free HDRIs that work out of the box in 3DL! I know there are some in this thread but they're kind of getting hard to find lol.
And thank you again Parris! I'm very excited about this product, it has some true potential and all I need is a couple of good HDRIs to get started. Can't wait to see how your lightshader handles transmapped trees
For me DimensionTheory Skies of iRadiance and the Ultra HDRI sets from Cake/Bob. You can use the HDRI IRAY skies in 3Delight out of the box. That's what most all of mine have been using.
Ok finally installed the 4.10 beta version and after reinstalling IBL Master I found the 3DL light settings, and after reinstalling the AoA lights I got my light parameters back;) It works like a charm with the default HDRI. This test rendered in 55 sec. with default light settings (3DL):
So since I don't own any Iray HDRIs I followed someone's advice and downloaded a couple of HDRIs from HDRI haven and they don't work for me in 3DL, please post some links to free HDRIs that work out of the box in 3DL! I know there are some in this thread but they're kind of getting hard to find lol.
And thank you again Parris! I'm very excited about this product, it has some true potential and all I need is a couple of good HDRIs to get started. Can't wait to see how your lightshader handles transmapped trees
She's cute, Sven. Who is she?
And to Parris; definitely loving this product. Here is one of two renders I did tonight. Just being able to see the general direction of the background is a godsend.
Hey all, how do you rotate the light in 3delight? I've got a figure, and everything seems to be working good with the HDRI, shading, etc...but I am trying to rotate the HDRI (3Delight) and I can't get it to work in Render (i.e. the shadow and light directiion stay the same)
I have rotated the IBL Master Control, Control Sphere, 3DLEnvSphere, IBLM Light, etc...on the Y-axis, and I see it rotating in the setup pane, but the render never changes?
Hey all, how do you rotate the light in 3delight? I've got a figure, and everything seems to be working good with the HDRI, shading, etc...but I am trying to rotate the HDRI (3Delight) and I can't get it to work in Render (i.e. the shadow and light directiion stay the same)
I have rotated the IBL Master Control, Control Sphere, 3DLEnvSphere, IBLM Light, etc...on the Y-axis, and I see it rotating in the setup pane, but the render never changes?
IBL Master Control is the correct thing to rotate. I would think the light won't rotate because you are not running the minimum supported version of Daz Studio, which is Are you? If you run something older, the code that allows the correct coordinate space is missing from Daz Studio. And if you look in the log, you might see an error message about 3DLSpace not being found, and the default of "world" being used instead. "World" space does not allow rotation.
@algovincian my Anteater with LAMH rendered fine in 3Delight.
I added some more animals in the second image. Render time was 8 minutes 38 seconds.
Sweet! Thanks for posting, @barbult. Looks like the crashing issues while rendering in 3DL are specific to my system - ugh. Your furry critters came out fantastic using IBL Master!
I am running good enough! I will update now. I knew I was running 4.10, so I did not even think to look. Sorry for the false alarm!
I'm aware of this issue in some other software too. I use Imagemagick to resize the 16k HDRIs to the lower resolutions automatically, but it seems Imagemagick is outputting incorrect headers in the file, making some software not recognise the format (even though the actual content of the file is the same, I think).
It seems the headers Imagemagick uses, although different, are not uncommon, as most other software supports it just fine....
I'll work on updating the files on my site with the more standard headers this week, and am considering switching over to EXR instead (which will likely open its own can of worms).
Feel free to post this message to the Daz forum in case anyone else wants to know what's up.
The lights are very good, and they alone would make IBLMaster worthwhile.
There is one additional facility that would greatly increase flexibilty; at present the light apears to come in horizontally, it would be good if this were adjustable, or a second set of lights coming in from say 45 or 60 degrees above.
Once you get it setup correct, its harder to determine which is which (3delight or iray) In this case, both took basically 60 seconds. 3delight seems to have more saturation, but that can be added to iray or subtracted from 3delight in postwork, depending on your taste. Less seems closer to the original HDRI.
Once you get it setup correct, its harder to determine which is which (3delight or iray) In this case, both took basically 60 seconds. 3delight seems to have more saturation, but that can be added to iray or subtracted from 3delight in postwork, depending on your taste. Less seems closer to the original HDRI.
Beautiful work! I love seeing Iray vs 3DL comparisons for this product! You didn't out right say the one on the left is 3Delight, but since you say 3Delight is more saturated, that seems to be the case. I think it is important to mention that the skin being more saturated is about the differences in the skin shaders for Iray & 3Delight, as well as the character author's skin preset settings (unless you customised the settings yourself) rather than a characteristic of the IBLM light shader. So, for instance, you could reduce SSS strength on the 3DL side, and the skin would look less saturated - more apples to apples without postwork.
On my side, I installed 4.10, the original release, and get another 3DL error msg. Happens at least twice on every render.
2018-01-01 18:17:47.941 Rendering Image
2018-01-01 18:17:47.957 WARNING: Script Error: Line 14
2018-01-01 18:17:47.957 WARNING: TypeError: Result of expression 'Shader.addTransformBegin' [undefined] is not a function...
Also, more for the bizarro happenings file, I wasn't getting shadows either, (but had no light in the scene so that must be why,) but I wondered if the ground plane had gotten mis-placed or something, so I did a Ctrl D with the plane selected, send to floor, and the render got mega weird and took very very long. I actually stopped it after about 10 minutes, unfinished. Completely bizarre image, nothing like the hdr I was using.
I'm going to go for the refund, for now. I don't see 3DL IBL as any way better than Iray, which I'm just finally getting used to, and have found that grouping my scene elements, so I can hide them with a single click, and then working with Iray drawstyle, quickly gets me where I need to go without needing a sphere to show me the back of my environment.
Best to all who find IBL Master useful, though.
You know I've been giving you a lot of love here since page 5, trying hard not to frustrate you, trying to be sympathetic and encouraging, trying to get you what you're after. And one of the first things I suggested, because of your specific circumstances, was that the least frustrating approach might just be for you to get a refund. I thought we were through the rough patch, but clearly we are not, so I'm glad you are now choosing to do what is best for you.
Figuring out the best way to offer individualized help (hardware, experience level) is the hardest thing, so please forgive me if I have failed at it with you. Hindsight being 20/20, given the challenges of your requirements and experience level, I think it will be better in the future for you if you ask more questions and take less steps on your own with things you don't fully understand.
One last attempt to clarify: It seems like you misunderstood what version of Daz Studio to install, and I'm sorry if my abbreviation of 4.10 confused you at some point. But I did quote the store page: "The Minimum supported version of Daz Studio is" and both Outrider42 and myself recommended you install the latest beta, because you didn't want to mess with your installation of 9.4. The error message you experience indicates you are working with a version of Daz Studio that came out before the changes were made.
Thanks for that clarification and empathy. As for what I was after, it was just to get the thing to work, which, clearly, was not going to happen.
I work exclusively offline, no choice about that, being at some serious physical distance from an internet connection, so rapid response is a big problem, and keeping a close eye on forum developments is just as problematic.
As I said, it's great that folks are getting to some great renders with IBL Master. I do appreciate your efforts to help. I have no sense of having been "failed" in any way at all.
IBLM and VSS seems to work. Below is a sample of the same image, but with the HDRI rotated. (The only odd thing is the shadow gets cut off. I moved, extended and scaled the ground plane, and none of them seemed to help. Is it the ground plane that receives the shadow?)
Using this could be great, if I could cartoonize the HDRI. I know someone said earlier using a JPG versus HDRI may work. If that worked, then I could definitely do that.
IBLM and VSS seems to work. Below is a sample of the same image, but with the HDRI rotated. (The only odd thing is the shadow gets cut off. I moved, extended and scaled the ground plane, and none of them seemed to help. Is it the ground plane that receives the shadow?)
Using this could be great, if I could cartoonize the HDRI. I know someone said earlier using a JPG versus HDRI may work. If that worked, then I could definitely do that.
Maximum Trace Distance in the IBLMLight shader settings should fix that (shadow being cut off)! Just set a higher number (I think it is in centimeters).
If I understood correctly, @Parris recommended using the 3DLEnvSphere Diffuse Strength and Ambient Strength in the Surfaces pane to control the brightness of the HDRI background in the render, I don't understand whether I should be changing Diffuse or Ambient or change both equally. I don't understand what each of those two controls affects. Just fiddling around with them, lowering either one made the image background darker, but there must be some difference between the two controls that I don't understand, or why would the image be plugged into both Diffuse and Ambient.
To do similar I was using the IBLMLight -> Intensity...maybe I was doing it wrong? It was called out on the Billboard for settings. That being said, it increases the brightness of the background as well. To "not" do that I was thnking that is what the boost lights are for.
Some possible adds to the FAQ, based on recent questions:
Is there instructions? = There are 3 billboards you can load from the product location in the Content Library, that provide guidance. Also there is a demo video on the product sale page.
The colors are too bright or washed out using 3DL, why? = If both the scene elements and the background are too bright, you've got too much light. You should reduce the Intensity and/or Intensity Multiplier and/or the strength of any other lights you have in the scene (such as Boost Lights, etc.).
For 3DL I recommend using Gama Correction ( Gamma Correction ON and with a value of 2.2). It's what Iray does by default, it's industry standard, it's what digital cameras do when you load JPEGs on to your PC, etc. But many people get confused about what GC does and does not do. So put simply, when GC is properly set, you should notice more color in shadows, less unintended weird color (color that isn't present in the light or the surface color channels, off color specular halos for instance), and less specular burnout (parts or the image that have just bleached out to white). You can still get saturated color and dark shadows with GC on. You just need to reduce the amount of light further from 3DL settings that were designed for GC Off, because now GC is doing it's job of handling the light better.
So with surfaces like skin, for instance, it's important to recognize what all adds light. Lights add light, obviously, but so do Specular Strength, SSS and velvet. So you should reduce the intensity of lights, consider reducing Specular Strength, SSS strength, consider turning off velvet all together.
Why is the light not rotating, when I rotate the IBLM Control? = If this is occuring, or if you are getting a World coordinate 3DL error...you are probably using a version of DS earlier than the supported version. The Minimum supported version of Daz Studio is
Why won't HDRI Haven HDRI's work? = They will, but they have a bug in the header. Use Picturenaut to open and Save As to fix them before using. Greg Zaal may be updating them soon...
Can I change the HDRI Intensity? = Yes, use the Intensity setting on the IBLM Light.
Can I change the Light intensity without changing the background? = Use the Boost Lights. On the 3Delight side, in addition to Boost Lights (which normally point strait towards the center of the scene), you can control the brightness of the background (3DLEnvSphere) in the Surface tab by adjusting Diffuse Strength and/or Ambient Strength. With 3Delight, I actually recommend controlling the background brightness this way, because a Boost Light will cast light on the sphere, where as with Boost Lights in Iray, the Dome background is unaffected.
Can I change the strength of the Boost Lights? = (Note: this is in the docs already [see Boost LIghts plane] )In the Scene tab: Select IBL Master Control and right click > Expand > Expand from Selected. Then find the light geometry that you made visible by turning it on the Parameters tab( it will have the same name/type and number - For example: LightBoost_3DL_Disk (2) ) and select it. Next, in the Surfaces tab, select the surface with the same name and adjust shader properties as needed. For instance, you could control the brightness of the light by adjusting Intensity.
My shadow is getting clipped, what setting can extend the shadow plane? = Maximum Trace Distance in the IBLMLight shader settings
Can I make the Shadow softer, using an HDRI with 3DL? = No, softness (blurriness of the shadow edge) for an IBL depends on the type of light in the HDRI. Sun behind clouds will make soft shadows. Bright sun in a clear sky will make sharp shadows, just like in real life. You can also blur the sun in an image editor that handles HDRs. (Note: this is in the docs already [see LIght Settings plane] )You can make the shadow weaker/lighter by adjusting Shadow Strength or Shading Strength. See Light tab > Light for these light settings.
If I use the 3DL with your new IBL do the figures and props have to be prepped with 3dl shaders or iray shaders? = If you are using the 3DL side of IBL Master, you should use 3DL surface shaders for your figures and props.
Does your IBL lighting create more burden on the system? (It sounds like it is the same or less--i.e.,if the render time is less, then presumably the system is not being killed. My issue with iray is that I must use cpu and it can take HOURS to get a decent render, unless it is just a portrait) = If you were doing 3DL renders using Uber Environment as an IBL before and surfaces with transparency maps, then IBL Master will be less taxing on the system because there are less calculations. IBL light does require more resources than regular lights however, and can take longer as a result.
Can you use ANY hdri or only ones that are presets for DS? I have a bunch I have used in carrara or in Bryce, and I can use them in iray but they do not always create good backgrounds. IN fact, some of the ones for carrara do not have clear images, but they create nice renders in terms of the light)". = Any HDRI will work. Using the HDRI as a background is optional, and on the 3Delight side, you can disable image syncing, so you can use a different equrectangular image (HDRI, TIF, JPEG, etc.) for the background than for the IBL. You just have to change the image on the background sphere last.
I'm aware of this issue in some other software too. I use Imagemagick to resize the 16k HDRIs to the lower resolutions automatically, but it seems Imagemagick is outputting incorrect headers in the file, making some software not recognise the format (even though the actual content of the file is the same, I think).
It seems the headers Imagemagick uses, although different, are not uncommon, as most other software supports it just fine....
I'll work on updating the files on my site with the more standard headers this week, and am considering switching over to EXR instead (which will likely open its own can of worms).
Feel free to post this message to the Daz forum in case anyone else wants to know what's up.
To do similar I was using the IBLMLight -> Intensity...maybe I was doing it wrong? It was called out on the Billboard for settings. That being said, it increases the brightness of the background as well. To "not" do that I was thnking that is what the boost lights are for.
Some possible adds to the FAQ, based on recent questions:
Can I change the HDRI Intensity? = Yes, use the Intensity setting on the IBLM Light
Can I change the Light intensity without changing the background? = Use the Boost Lights
Can I change the strength of the Boost Lights? = ???
My shadow is getting clipped, what setting can extend the shadow plane? = Maximum Trace Distance in the IBLMLight shader settings
Can I make the Shadow softer, using an HDRI with 3DL? = ???
This is the post that mentions changing diffuse and ambient.
Once you get it setup correct, its harder to determine which is which (3delight or iray) In this case, both took basically 60 seconds. 3delight seems to have more saturation, but that can be added to iray or subtracted from 3delight in postwork, depending on your taste. Less seems closer to the original HDRI.
..when you mention 60 seconds for Iray, is that GPU based?
... so effectively speedwise 3DL with IBL master is about as fast as Iray in GPU mode. Would be interesting to see what the render times for Iray CPU mode as well as UE for the 3DL one are for comparison.
Hard to say. Did you apply 3DL surface presets to the eyes? Would help to see a closer render of an eye, a screenshot of your eye surface settings, some information about what character product you are using. One thing that might be different here from Iray is that Iray uses ray traced reflections by default, whereas a lot of 3Delight presets used to use specular as the default (which is not a reflection of the IBL but rather a cheat - a little shiney spot in the general direction of the light).
Ok finally installed the 4.10 beta version and after reinstalling IBL Master I found the 3DL light settings, and after reinstalling the AoA lights I got my light parameters back;) It works like a charm with the default HDRI. This test rendered in 55 sec. with default light settings (3DL):
So since I don't own any Iray HDRIs I followed someone's advice and downloaded a couple of HDRIs from HDRI haven and they don't work for me in 3DL, please post some links to free HDRIs that work out of the box in 3DL! I know there are some in this thread but they're kind of getting hard to find lol.
And thank you again Parris! I'm very excited about this product, it has some true potential and all I need is a couple of good HDRIs to get started. Can't wait to see how your lightshader handles transmapped trees
I'll have to look into it more this weekend. The one in the picture was the Kendra character from here, but she has IRAY based mats and the quick 3Delight shader you put on the end. Maybe it's just those eyes. I'll run some tests. I'll figure it out and if I can't I'll be back LOL. Thanks!
For me DimensionTheory Skies of iRadiance and the Ultra HDRI sets from Cake/Bob. You can use the HDRI IRAY skies in 3Delight out of the box. That's what most all of mine have been using.
https://www.daz3d.com/ultra-iray-hdri-with-dof-old-stones-pack and https://www.daz3d.com/skies-of-iradiance-high-sky-hdri-bundle-for-iray are what I know I've used. You just go into the content manager and click on the sky you want with the IBL Master already loaded. It will switch your render engine to IRAY in the render tab, but you just switch it back to 3Delight and set your GC to the 2.2 before you hit render and it should work. At least it has for me. :)
I think the HDRIs you get from the HDRI Haven only work if you do an IRAY render. I could be wrong, but I thought I read that somewhere.
Thanks so much:) Yeah you're right. And GIMP won't open them, so I'll check those out right away
. OMG I'm having so much fun
, great product!!!
She's cute, Sven. Who is she?
And to Parris; definitely loving this product. Here is one of two renders I did tonight. Just being able to see the general direction of the background is a godsend.
Tks! Just a Genesis 1 dialed in character;)
@algovincian my Anteater with LAMH rendered fine in 3Delight.
I added some more animals in the second image. Render time was 8 minutes 38 seconds.
Hey all, how do you rotate the light in 3delight? I've got a figure, and everything seems to be working good with the HDRI, shading, etc...but I am trying to rotate the HDRI (3Delight) and I can't get it to work in Render (i.e. the shadow and light directiion stay the same)
I have rotated the IBL Master Control, Control Sphere, 3DLEnvSphere, IBLM Light, etc...on the Y-axis, and I see it rotating in the setup pane, but the render never changes?
IBL Master Control is the correct thing to rotate. I would think the light won't rotate because you are not running the minimum supported version of Daz Studio, which is Are you? If you run something older, the code that allows the correct coordinate space is missing from Daz Studio. And if you look in the log, you might see an error message about 3DLSpace not being found, and the default of "world" being used instead. "World" space does not allow rotation.
Sweet! Thanks for posting, @barbult. Looks like the crashing issues while rendering in 3DL are specific to my system - ugh. Your furry critters came out fantastic using IBL Master!
- Greg
I am running good enough! I will update now. I knew I was running 4.10, so I did not even think to look. Sorry for the false alarm!
Regarding HDRI Haven's HDRI issues:
I messaged Greg Zaal, and below is his reply. Definitely Patreon-worthy!
Also, in the meantime, he reported the header issue to ImageMagick, and they are going to fix it, as well! (https://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-server/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=33307) In the meantime, Picturenaut resave of the HDRI fixes it, I've tried and confirmed it, as well.
I have been using IBLMaster in Iray.
The lights are very good, and they alone would make IBLMaster worthwhile.
There is one additional facility that would greatly increase flexibilty; at present the light apears to come in horizontally, it would be good if this were adjustable, or a second set of lights coming in from say 45 or 60 degrees above.
Watch the video, the lights can be adjusted around the sphere (the booster lights)
Once you get it setup correct, its harder to determine which is which (3delight or iray) In this case, both took basically 60 seconds. 3delight seems to have more saturation, but that can be added to iray or subtracted from 3delight in postwork, depending on your taste. Less seems closer to the original HDRI.
Beautiful work! I love seeing Iray vs 3DL comparisons for this product! You didn't out right say the one on the left is 3Delight, but since you say 3Delight is more saturated, that seems to be the case. I think it is important to mention that the skin being more saturated is about the differences in the skin shaders for Iray & 3Delight, as well as the character author's skin preset settings (unless you customised the settings yourself) rather than a characteristic of the IBLM light shader. So, for instance, you could reduce SSS strength on the 3DL side, and the skin would look less saturated - more apples to apples without postwork.
Thanks for that clarification and empathy. As for what I was after, it was just to get the thing to work, which, clearly, was not going to happen.
I work exclusively offline, no choice about that, being at some serious physical distance from an internet connection, so rapid response is a big problem, and keeping a close eye on forum developments is just as problematic.
As I said, it's great that folks are getting to some great renders with IBL Master. I do appreciate your efforts to help. I have no sense of having been "failed" in any way at all.
Understood. It's a relief, thank you.
IBLM and VSS seems to work. Below is a sample of the same image, but with the HDRI rotated. (The only odd thing is the shadow gets cut off. I moved, extended and scaled the ground plane, and none of them seemed to help. Is it the ground plane that receives the shadow?)
Using this could be great, if I could cartoonize the HDRI. I know someone said earlier using a JPG versus HDRI may work. If that worked, then I could definitely do that.
Maximum Trace Distance in the IBLMLight shader settings should fix that (shadow being cut off)! Just set a higher number (I think it is in centimeters).
Thank you
If I understood correctly, @Parris recommended using the 3DLEnvSphere Diffuse Strength and Ambient Strength in the Surfaces pane to control the brightness of the HDRI background in the render, I don't understand whether I should be changing Diffuse or Ambient or change both equally. I don't understand what each of those two controls affects. Just fiddling around with them, lowering either one made the image background darker, but there must be some difference between the two controls that I don't understand, or why would the image be plugged into both Diffuse and Ambient.
To do similar I was using the IBLMLight -> Intensity...maybe I was doing it wrong? It was called out on the Billboard for settings. That being said, it increases the brightness of the background as well. To "not" do that I was thnking that is what the boost lights are for.
FORMAL FAQ NOW HERE!: https://www.chrisparrishdesign.com/ibl-master/
Some possible adds to the FAQ, based on recent questions:
For 3DL I recommend using Gama Correction ( Gamma Correction ON and with a value of 2.2). It's what Iray does by default, it's industry standard, it's what digital cameras do when you load JPEGs on to your PC, etc. But many people get confused about what GC does and does not do. So put simply, when GC is properly set, you should notice more color in shadows, less unintended weird color (color that isn't present in the light or the surface color channels, off color specular halos for instance), and less specular burnout (parts or the image that have just bleached out to white). You can still get saturated color and dark shadows with GC on. You just need to reduce the amount of light further from 3DL settings that were designed for GC Off, because now GC is doing it's job of handling the light better.
So with surfaces like skin, for instance, it's important to recognize what all adds light. Lights add light, obviously, but so do Specular Strength, SSS and velvet. So you should reduce the intensity of lights, consider reducing Specular Strength, SSS strength, consider turning off velvet all together.
For more information on GC, you may find something in my thread on Gamma Correction helpful: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/54913/approaching-realism-in-daz-studio-and-gamma-correction-demystified Also a new version which may be more likely to get updated by me is here: https://www.chrisparrishdesign.com/daz-studio/realism-daz-studio-3delight-and-gamma-correction-demystified/
If I use the 3DL with your new IBL do the figures and props have to be prepped with 3dl shaders or iray shaders? = If you are using the 3DL side of IBL Master, you should use 3DL surface shaders for your figures and props.
Does your IBL lighting create more burden on the system? (It sounds like it is the same or less--i.e.,if the render time is less, then presumably the system is not being killed. My issue with iray is that I must use cpu and it can take HOURS to get a decent render, unless it is just a portrait) = If you were doing 3DL renders using Uber Environment as an IBL before and surfaces with transparency maps, then IBL Master will be less taxing on the system because there are less calculations. IBL light does require more resources than regular lights however, and can take longer as a result.
Can you use ANY hdri or only ones that are presets for DS? I have a bunch I have used in carrara or in Bryce, and I can use them in iray but they do not always create good backgrounds. IN fact, some of the ones for carrara do not have clear images, but they create nice renders in terms of the light)". = Any HDRI will work. Using the HDRI as a background is optional, and on the 3Delight side, you can disable image syncing, so you can use a different equrectangular image (HDRI, TIF, JPEG, etc.) for the background than for the IBL. You just have to change the image on the background sphere last.
IIRC EXR doesn't work either.
This is the post that mentions changing diffuse and ambient.
..when you mention 60 seconds for Iray, is that GPU based?
Thanks @barbult I updated the questions above with that!
OK, though it probably does not matter, since Picturenaut "save as" works to fix them. It's faster!
Yep (...though there is little transparency, which is where things typically get hung up, in this image! Yea for anime hair!)
... so effectively speedwise 3DL with IBL master is about as fast as Iray in GPU mode. Would be interesting to see what the render times for Iray CPU mode as well as UE for the 3DL one are for comparison.
For that scene, just changing to Iray, and then to CPU mode...
3DL - 1m 13s
Iray (GPU) - 1m 23.6s
Iray (CPU) - 4m 7.66s