[Released] IBL Master - Image Based Lighting control for both renderers & a new IBL for 3Delight



  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256

    OK, that seems to work.  I guess I have to get used to the view port looking really off compared to the finished render.  The finished render she looks like she's more on the ground with shadows and everything.  The other thing I seem to have an issue with is that the skin tone and the figure looks like a cut out doll compared to the HDR map so the lighting isn't really hitting the figure from one angle or  another and after a few tests I see nothing I can do to improved the blendability of the figure to the HDR.  This of course is all in the 3Delight side. I've not played around much with IBL Master in iRAY as I'm pretty happy with my results using my iRAY lights I put together or most HDR's with the light source strong enough gives off natural lighting and afect the figures skin as such.  Just can't seem to get that in 3DL side of things.  Most of the time the extra lights that Parris provided blows out the scene too much so I don't use them.  IF there were a way to change the intensity of each of the 6 or 12 lights I'd adjust from there but I don't think those are adjustable....

  • kyoto kid said:
    Parris said:

    Getting images of all the render settings is a bit of a chore as I have to do multiple screen captures and then edit each one by hand in a 2D programme.  I wish I could open all the settings at the same time (like the parameter settings) and do a single capture, but opening one category of render settings closes the previous one.

    Click All at the top of the list of groups.

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited January 2018
    RAMWolff said:

    Can anyone tell me which HDR sets works correctly with this rig that Parris created?  I've tried MANY of the freebies I've downoaded and my main character looks like an ant and never looks like shes on the ground, always floating.  For promos I've just used the default DAZ Studio one which is a blurred background so that's not a big deal but if I want to use a highly detauled HDR, say a beach scene like Malibu_Overlook I can never get her situatated like shes on the beach.  I've tried using the translations tools but all I end up with is a deformed background as I keep using the Y Tranlation to try to get the ground to meet her feet. It's not like I'm zoomed way out but I have her body centered in the camera lens for the promo but she's floating.  The scene itself is HUGE.  I've tried an indoor scene that's a total joke.  There is Apartment one I have, the big screen TV is 3 times the size of her body so that's nothing I can work with.  So not sure how to make this work.  I've tried it all.... nada!

    Since Parris likes pictures here is a screen grab of my character in the viewport and Malibu HDR....

    Here is a link to the HDR: https://github.com/portsmouth/envmaps/blob/master/Malibu_Overlook_8k.jpg The zip contains a proper HDR file as well as this jpg!  I found this using Google Search ...

    Jpg:s don't work very well, I use to set limits off for the light intensity multiplier and crank it up to over 30, and they rarely give any sharp shadows + give grain at default diffuse sample settings(16). I use to atleast double that, may have to go as high as 256 for a close up. IBLM works like a charm with HDRIs in .hdr format. That is what you want I believe? Render faster with less grain at lower sample settings.

    ETA: I downloaded a large number of free HDRs and maybe 5% of them actually gave any shadows/light. But if you find any that work well, please post a link;)

    Aah I just now saw your beachHDR wa also in .hdr format. Thanks for the link!

    Post edited by Sven Dullah on
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    Here's the free HDRIs list: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/57531/list-of-sites-with-free-hdri/p1

    Unfortunally many of the links are broken but I found a handfull of quality HDRIs;)

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481
    You can use hdri haven as well, just a little prework. See page 12 for some answers to questions pending Paris new one...
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    3dOutlaw said:
    You can use hdri haven as well, just a little prework. See page 12 for some answers to questions pending Paris new one...


  • ParrisParris Posts: 392
    edited January 2018
    RAMWolff said:

    Can anyone tell me which HDR sets works correctly with this rig that Parris created?  I've tried MANY of the freebies I've downoaded and my main character looks like an ant and never looks like shes on the ground, always floating.

    Since Parris likes pictures here is a screen grab of my character in the viewport and Malibu HDR....

    OK, so I could only find a JPEG from the link you provided, but the HDR is here: http://www.hdrlabs.com/sibl/archive.html . Unzip the zip, and the one to use is Malibu_Overlook_3k.hdr . Two things about the file name give important hints. First "Overlook", meaning the photographer took the shot from the bluff above the beach, so about the only place she can walk (without distortion or a lot of finagling) and look like her feet are touching the ground if you want her to take up the whole scene is behind (IBL Master Control > Y Rotate -57 in this image). I also rotated the X to -5 because I think the ground at this angle appears to go up hill. Second, 3K is too small when you figure only a small portion of the whole equirectangular HDR map is seen in an average render. So I had to turn depth of field on to hide (somewhat) that the image is not large enough to give high quality background details. Bare in mind that the reason the light contrast and shadows are not more dramatic is about the quality of the dynamic range for the HDRI, not the IBL shader (IBLMLight). Iray results would be similar. But also important is that the skin shaders and presets for 3Delight and Iray are not the same. All I have done to the skin here is turn off velvet, but I would definitely adjust the skin settings further if I was going to try to do something more finished.

    Total Rendering Time: 1 minute, 27.38 seconds, CPU: AMD FX 8350

    G8F Malibu Overlook 3DL

    The first screen shot (below) shows the light shader settings I used. There is no need to use other lights (Boost Lights or other).

    Malibu Overlook Light Settings

    This second screenshot (below) shows the surface settings for the background (3DLEnvSphere). Diffuse Strength 50%, Ambient Strength 0%.

    Malibu Overlook Background Settings

    Post edited by Parris on
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    RAMWolff said:

    OK, that seems to work.  I guess I have to get used to the view port looking really off compared to the finished render.  The finished render she looks like she's more on the ground with shadows and everything.  The other thing I seem to have an issue with is that the skin tone and the figure looks like a cut out doll compared to the HDR map so the lighting isn't really hitting the figure from one angle or  another and after a few tests I see nothing I can do to improved the blendability of the figure to the HDR.  This of course is all in the 3Delight side. I've not played around much with IBL Master in iRAY as I'm pretty happy with my results using my iRAY lights I put together or most HDR's with the light source strong enough gives off natural lighting and afect the figures skin as such.  Just can't seem to get that in 3DL side of things.  Most of the time the extra lights that Parris provided blows out the scene too much so I don't use them.  IF there were a way to change the intensity of each of the 6 or 12 lights I'd adjust from there but I don't think those are adjustable....

    Uhumm not at my DS machine right now but have you looked at the instruction props found in the content library/props/Parris/IBL Master? I think you can adjust lightning intensity for those additional lights. And the env. sphere surface can be tweaked too independently of the IBLM light intensity.

  • ParrisParris Posts: 392
    edited January 2018
    RAMWolff said:

     Most of the time the extra lights that Parris provided blows out the scene too much so I don't use them.  IF there were a way to change the intensity of each of the 6 or 12 lights I'd adjust from there but I don't think those are adjustable....

    laugh Sven is correct. Why would I give you lights that you can't control the strength of? I think a mob would start holding up picket signs and shouting if that were the case. Please read the instructions that are in the same directory as IBL Master (they load as props). Also, as 3DOutlaw mentioned, he has started collecting important tips from this thread on page 12 (as a FAQ): https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/3202746/#Comment_3202746

    Right now I'm fleshing out more documentation and adding the FAQ on my website here: https://www.chrisparrishdesign.com/ibl-master/

    You can track my progress there if you like. More images and FAQ are coming. Then I will make a PDF version and add it in the next product update.

    Post edited by Parris on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256

    Here's the free HDRIs list: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/57531/list-of-sites-with-free-hdri/p1

    Unfortunally many of the links are broken but I found a handfull of quality HDRIs;)

    Yea, whomever owns that thread needs to take a little while and recatagorize the first post.  Get rid of the broken links and put the Non Commercial only in it's own category.  I don't every buy or download stuff with those restrictions.  Waste of my time! 

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256
    Parris said:
    RAMWolff said:

     Most of the time the extra lights that Parris provided blows out the scene too much so I don't use them.  IF there were a way to change the intensity of each of the 6 or 12 lights I'd adjust from there but I don't think those are adjustable....

    laugh Sven is correct. Why would I give you lights that you can't control the strength of? I think a mob would start holding up picket signs and shouting if that were the case. Please read the instructions that are in the same directory as IBL Master (they load as props). Also, as 3DOutlaw mentioned, he has started collecting important tips from this thread on page 12 (as a FAQ): https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/3202746/#Comment_3202746

    Right now I'm fleshing out more documentation and adding the FAQ on my website here: https://www.chrisparrishdesign.com/ibl-master/

    You can track my progress there if you like. More images and FAQ are coming. Then I will make a PDF version and add it in the next product update.

    Thank you.  Most helpful.  I'll bookmark your site in my Start.Me start up page so it will be shared to all my browsers!  I love that start page! 

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256

    By the by... is that calendar on your website free?  If so can you point me to that or PM me with the code?  I really like the simplicity of it. It's quite elegant. 


  • ParrisParris Posts: 392
    RAMWolff said:

    By the by... is that calendar on your website free?  If so can you point me to that or PM me with the code?  I really like the simplicity of it. It's quite elegant. 


    Yes, well the whole CMS is free (Wordpress) and the calendar is a standard widget which is a part of the distribution. Pretty much all the websites I've designed in the last ten years are built on WordPress. I highly recommend it!

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256

    Good to know.  I build mine with Web Plus by Serif and they are going to be releasing a new one under their new Affinity line.  I like Affinity Photo, not worked with Designer yet (vector program) but the Affinity Publisher for web and pdf is something I'm looking forward too allot!  Thanks!  :-)

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited January 2018

    ...here are bioth the IBL light settings and Render settings I used for Progressive rendering. (thank you Richard for the tip).

    [Click to expand]

    IBL light and render settings.jpg
    1115 x 1009 - 404K
    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    kyoto kid said:

    ...here are bioth the IBL light settings and Render settings I used for Progressive rendering. (thank you Richard for the tip).

    Looking ok to my eyes, except you could probably set max raytrace depth to 1, which should speed up rendering. It's really only if you have several overlapping transparent surfaces with reflections/refraction that you need to encrease raytrace depth. And pixel samples 32x32 in render settings is what I would call overkill, but I know you have problems with jaggies so I understand why you had to crank it up. A more normal setting at 8x8 or 10x10 would speed up rendering considerably. I posted a workaround for you in the laboratory thread, go check it out!


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ..OK I launched another Progressive test only to get this message in the History pane:

    3Delight message #45 (Severity 2): S2069: the interface of shader 'C:/Users/[user]/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/Studio4 Public Build/temp/shaders/brickyard/{407f8e5c-3a9b-4708-b5e5-799ff1fe7c1d}/shader_Displacement.sdl' is invalid

    It also takes about 7 minutes for the process to begin actually rendering to the render window.  Usually by 7 minutes it is 76% - 77% complete.

    I changed no settings from what I was using last night

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited January 2018
    kyoto kid said:

    ...here are bioth the IBL light settings and Render settings I used for Progressive rendering. (thank you Richard for the tip).

    Looking ok to my eyes, except you could probably set max raytrace depth to 1, which should speed up rendering. It's really only if you have several overlapping transparent surfaces with reflections/refraction that you need to encrease raytrace depth. And pixel samples 32x32 in render settings is what I would call overkill, but I know you have problems with jaggies so I understand why you had to crank it up. A more normal setting at 8x8 or 10x10 would speed up rendering considerably. I posted a workaround for you in the laboratory thread, go check it out!


    ..the scene does have multiple transparencies with reflections,  the shelter windows and phone booth behind as well as the windows of the bus.

    I saw the post in the 3DL Lab thread.  I rarely use DOF because I am not very fond of blurred backgrounds in wide/long "shots"like this (again, I used to be a painter)

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited January 2018

    Here is a tip, thought I'd share it if somebody runs into the same trouble. I placed a character in front of a big house and had the sun come from behind. The sunlight ignored the house so I set raytrace distance in the IBLM light settings to 20000 instead of the default 350 and that fixed it. See attached quickrenders:

    Trace distance 350



















    Trace distance 20000



    TRACE DISTANCE 350.png
    1000 x 563 - 1M
    TRACE DISTANCE 20000.png
    1000 x 563 - 1M
    Post edited by Sven Dullah on
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited January 2018
    kyoto kid said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ...here are bioth the IBL light settings and Render settings I used for Progressive rendering. (thank you Richard for the tip).

    Looking ok to my eyes, except you could probably set max raytrace depth to 1, which should speed up rendering. It's really only if you have several overlapping transparent surfaces with reflections/refraction that you need to encrease raytrace depth. And pixel samples 32x32 in render settings is what I would call overkill, but I know you have problems with jaggies so I understand why you had to crank it up. A more normal setting at 8x8 or 10x10 would speed up rendering considerably. I posted a workaround for you in the laboratory thread, go check it out!


    ..the scene does have multiple transparencies with reflections,  the shelter windows and phone booth behind.

    I saw the post in the 3DL Lab thread.  I rarely use DOF because I am not very fond of blurred backgrounds in wide/long "shots"like this (again, I used to be a painter)

    Totally ok if you don't want to try it:) But setting the focal distance slightly behind that bag and upping F/stop from default 22 to something like 200 would give you very little blur, just about the same amount as those filters in default render settings, or like stronger antialiasing.

    Post edited by Sven Dullah on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited January 2018

    ...I'd also have to move the two girls as the case is on the same plane with the one on the left and if I move her back her hand collides with the one on the right.

    When I get this solved, there is an issue with the right tail light of the car I need to look into (present in both modes)

    After that I need to figure how to get the cityscape back in there as I like the fact the environment dome sky has a lot more depth, but while I can make the sky portion of the photo transparent, I cannot do the same for the plane the image is attached to.

    So far 1h:05m and still 11% to go.



    Final render time:  1 hour 25 minutes 3.71 seconds. 

    ...and the bad anti aliasing is still there.


    bus stop progressive HDR only.jpg
    1200 x 900 - 839K
    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • freni-kynfreni-kyn Posts: 394
    edited January 2018

    I’ve been running renders for the last four hours using this product  and it is amazingly fast, as promised. It’s the first time I’ve felt like my Radeon r9 has ever shined in Daz. However, I’ve run into a few problems.

    The first has to do with iray  skin materials. They seem rather flat in the 3delight render. Do we need to use 3delight materials? If so are there any g8 figures i with 3delight materials?  

    The second has to do with eye colors. For some reason all of them, both iray and 3delight, seem to turn into a murky lackluster color. 

    And the third is probably operator error but I need some help with it. I followed the instruction for adding a light and messed a bit with intensity but it really seemed to have very little affect on the character. When you say center the light do you mean that we are to put it onto the item we want hit with light?  When I center it using the rotation parameters the light is always behind the character. 

    Post edited by freni-kyn on
  • khorneV2khorneV2 Posts: 147
    edited January 2018
    kyoto kid said:

    ...I'd also have to move the two girls as the case is on the same plane with the one on the left and if I move her back her hand collides with the one on the right.

    When I get this solved, there is an issue with the right tail light of the car I need to look into (present in both modes)

    After that I need to figure how to get the cityscape back in there as I like the fact the environment dome sky has a lot more depth, but while I can make the sky portion of the photo transparent, I cannot do the same for the plane the image is attached to.

    So far 1h:05m and still 11% to go.



    Final render time:  1 hour 25 minutes 3.71 seconds. 

    ...and the bad anti aliasing is still there.


    Hello, Can it be a Surface Shader Issue ?

    Post edited by khorneV2 on
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    freni-kyn said:

    I’ve been running renders for the last four hours using this product  and it is amazingly fast, as promised. It’s the first time I’ve felt like my Radeon r9 has ever shined in Daz. However, I’ve run into a few problems.

    The first has to do with iray  skin materials. They seem rather flat in the 3delight render. Do we need to use 3delight materials? If so are there any g8 figures i with 3delight materials?  

    Yes if you render in 3DL you need to use 3DL shaders. You can find a covertion script here. Haven't tried it myself, you probably have to tweak the materials after converting;)

    freni-kyn said:

    The second has to do with eye colors. For some reason all of them, both iray and 3delight, seem to turn into a murky lackluster color. 

    Hard to say without seeing an example, Iray shaders in 3DL usually look bad, 3DL eyemats should work pretty much out of the box with IBLM.

    freni-kyn said:

    And the third is probably operator error but I need some help with it. I followed the instruction for adding a light and messed a bit with intensity but it really seemed to have very little affect on the character. When you say center the light do you mean that we are to put it onto the item we want hit with light?  When I center it using the rotation parameters the light is always behind the character. 

    What kind of light is that? Spot, linear pointlight or other? And for 3DL?

  • ParrisParris Posts: 392
    kyoto kid said:

    ...here are bioth the IBL light settings and Render settings I used for Progressive rendering. (thank you Richard for the tip).

    [Click to expand]

    Shading rate can have a sharpening effect (like unsharp mask in Photoshop). So it could make jaggys more noticable, particularly when you have a bright highlight on a dark schoolbag. And it increases render times significantly as you use smaller values. What happens when you use a Shading Rate of 1 or a little less?

  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933
    Parris said:

    Shading rate can have a sharpening effect (like unsharp mask in Photoshop).

    Oh, you probably didn't notice that kyoto kid has "progressive" on in that screen!

    The raytracer is invoked = shading rate is out of the picture. It's a REYES-only thing (for the non-tech folks: only meaningful in the default mode).

    Moreover, any pixel filter settings are invalid in the progressive mode. The warning has been suppressed in DS, but the fact remains:
    Progressive mode effectively uses no filters (technically it uses a 1x1 box filter, but it's essentially the same as no filter).

    This is why it is more prone to aliasing, but without scripted rendering (which KK does not want to get involved with, as I remember), there is no other way to access the raytracer in DS. Sad but true.

    In progressive, playing with shading rate or filter type/width will not have any effect. The renderer does not use these values.

    kyoto kid - I'd drop pixel samples down to 12x12 max, render out twice as large and then run a good 1x1 gaussian filter in an image editor.

    The current recommended filter for pathtracing in 3Delight is 2x2 gaussian. That's reconstruction filter which is mathematically not the same as doing this in an image editor, and yet.

    REYES needed sharpening, hence sinc being the default.
    Path-tracing is beyond sharp by default. Every pathtracer uses a soft filter these days.

  • ParrisParris Posts: 392

    Hugely valuable information! Thank you, Kettu!

  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933
    Parris said:

    Hugely valuable information! Thank you, Kettu!

    You're most welcome, Parris =)

  • freni-kynfreni-kyn Posts: 394
    freni-kyn said:

    I’ve been running renders for the last four hours using this product  and it is amazingly fast, as promised. It’s the first time I’ve felt like my Radeon r9 has ever shined in Daz. However, I’ve run into a few problems.

    The first has to do with iray  skin materials. They seem rather flat in the 3delight render. Do we need to use 3delight materials? If so are there any g8 figures i with 3delight materials?  

    Yes if you render in 3DL you need to use 3DL shaders. You can find a covertion script here. Haven't tried it myself, you probably have to tweak the materials after converting;)

    freni-kyn said:

    The second has to do with eye colors. For some reason all of them, both iray and 3delight, seem to turn into a murky lackluster color. 

    Hard to say without seeing an example, Iray shaders in 3DL usually look bad, 3DL eyemats should work pretty much out of the box with IBLM.

    freni-kyn said:

    And the third is probably operator error but I need some help with it. I followed the instruction for adding a light and messed a bit with intensity but it really seemed to have very little affect on the character. When you say center the light do you mean that we are to put it onto the item we want hit with light?  When I center it using the rotation parameters the light is always behind the character. 

    What kind of light is that? Spot, linear pointlight or other? And for 3DL?

    I’m sorry for the lack of clarity. I was talking about the boost lights that come with your program. Ive tried number 1 & 4. I’ll try to post the a screen shot later as I’m not at the computer right now. Here is the image I was working on. (Girl in grass) I could not get very good shadows on her, except on the face, and was not sure if that was because it’s iray skin materials or if I was doing something else wrong. I was using awesome anime eyes and am including a screenshot of their advert for reference. https://www.daz3d.com/awesome-anime-eyes

    600 x 780 - 149K
    1242 x 2208 - 3M
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    khorneV2 said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ...I'd also have to move the two girls as the case is on the same plane with the one on the left and if I move her back her hand collides with the one on the right.

    When I get this solved, there is an issue with the right tail light of the car I need to look into (present in both modes)

    After that I need to figure how to get the cityscape back in there as I like the fact the environment dome sky has a lot more depth, but while I can make the sky portion of the photo transparent, I cannot do the same for the plane the image is attached to.

    So far 1h:05m and still 11% to go.



    Final render time:  1 hour 25 minutes 3.71 seconds. 

    ...and the bad anti aliasing is still there.


    Hello, Can it be a Surface Shader Issue ?

    ...it is an old product (part of the A3 Shoolgirl uniform), however it renders fine in both Iray and 3DL Bucket mode.  Just 3DL Progressive is where I am seeing the issue.

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