...one from the same set also with a relatively clear sky and in that scene, everything looks fine.
Attached is the scene which I rendered again with the Distant Light turned off. Again this is an Iray HDR so the sun it has shouldn't work since it is a PBR light. Yeah increasing the multiplier will brighten the scene but the one issue is that all the shadows have a hard edge (a frequent situation with HDR sun lighting). With the Distant Light I can set the shadow softness to look more like a real sun cast shadow (which gets more diffuse the further away surfaces are from the shadow casting object).
...I tried that and it looked completely awful, everything, particularly the characters, looked like "flat"cardboard cutouts even with the distant light. Also didn't need to do that for the bus stop scene.
I don't think it is the IBL light as that should primarily create the ambient effect and any shadows should be soft for that. It must have something to do with the HDR itself, but again, then the same effect should have appeared in the bus stop scene. it's as if there is some other stray light causing it. Perplexing.
...I tried that and it looked completely awful, everything, particularly the characters, looked like "flat"cardboard cutouts even with the distant light. Also didn't need to do that for the bus stop scene.
I don't think it is the IBL light as that should primarily create the ambient effect and any shadows should be soft for that. It must have something to do with the HDR itself, but again, then the same effect should have appeared in the bus stop scene. it's as if there is some other stray light causing it. Perplexing.
Ok, another thought: Are you using the shadow catcher ground plane that comes with IBL Master as well as scene geometry that creates a ground in the scene? And are they at two different heights (creating two sets of shadows)? If you have ground geometry, you should turn of the shadow catcher (hide the IBLM ground plane).
You might want to check out the free HDRI's by agent unawares. I picked them up and they cover pretty much everything from night skies to broad daylight;) Great dynamic range! I used one of them in this render:
For comparison, first attachment is in progressive mode second is the default bucket mode. Switching between the two, I see no difference in quality.
This just made my day.
The reflection on the metals (car exhaust and bus rims) is very different in your test, kyoto kid.
Thanks for the update, @Parris. I did some tests of my own on a figure that rendered with artifacts:
In this case, the update definitely mitigated the issue, but it appears as though a small amount persists (even when bumping up the bias further).
On another note, I know it's been brought up before but I can't seem to find an answer/solution: short of rendering higher resolution and downsampling, is there anyway to eliminate the grain when rendering with progressive on?
- Greg
I've found you need to increase the IBLM diffuse samples in progressive mode compared to the default. Probably because progressive uses the box filter at 2x2 so you can't "denoise" the render without modifying the render script. Progressive is still generally faster for me even if I have to up the diffuse samples to 128 or more.
...well tried everything I could think of and unable to fix the double shadow situation. Still confused as to why it doesn't occur in one scene but does in another. I made sure all the light and render settings were the same between both scenes (a real pain because both are fairly complex and take a long time to load so swapping between them is a time consuming operation which requires closing the Daz programme down each time to clear all buffers or skin surfaces get messed up). If it is because of the Distant Light and HDR "sun light", I cannot believe that just by accident I happened to get both to line up exactly the same to cancel out the effect (the distant light's position was set according to the shadows in the photo backdrop back when I originally created the scene). I checked to see if there was a .jpg or .png of the HDR backdrop in the Textures folder but all are .hdr.
There are no other "hidden" lights (like one that somehow was accidentally parented to something in the scene) or they would show up in the camera drop down menu.
I don't have PS or any 2D software that is capable of editing HDRIs to try and correct the issue. I also would think the Ambient component of the IBL light (which is mainly what I thought it did in 3DL by taking the place of the UE component, as a separate "helper light" is used for the "sun" in outdoor HDRs) wouldn't create hard defined shadows.
For comparison, first attachment is in progressive mode second is the default bucket mode. Switching between the two, I see no difference in quality.
This just made my day.
The reflection on the metals (car exhaust and bus rims) is very different in your test, kyoto kid.
Thanks for the update, @Parris. I did some tests of my own on a figure that rendered with artifacts:
In this case, the update definitely mitigated the issue, but it appears as though a small amount persists (even when bumping up the bias further).
On another note, I know it's been brought up before but I can't seem to find an answer/solution: short of rendering higher resolution and downsampling, is there anyway to eliminate the grain when rendering with progressive on?
- Greg
I've found you need to increase the IBLM diffuse samples in progressive mode compared to the default. Probably because progressive uses the box filter at 2x2 so you can't "denoise" the render without modifying the render script. Progressive is still generally faster for me even if I have to up the diffuse samples to 128 or more.
Sven - Box at 1x1. Effectively "no filter". Box 2x2 would blur everything to Kamchatka.
Greg - grain as in "raytracing noise" is covered by pixel samples and/or light shader samples. 16x16 pxs should be enough; as for light shaders, it depends. Grain that is aliasing in nature - only manually.
For comparison, first attachment is in progressive mode second is the default bucket mode. Switching between the two, I see no difference in quality.
This just made my day.
The reflection on the metals (car exhaust and bus rims) is very different in your test, kyoto kid.
Thanks for the update, @Parris. I did some tests of my own on a figure that rendered with artifacts:
In this case, the update definitely mitigated the issue, but it appears as though a small amount persists (even when bumping up the bias further).
On another note, I know it's been brought up before but I can't seem to find an answer/solution: short of rendering higher resolution and downsampling, is there anyway to eliminate the grain when rendering with progressive on?
- Greg
I've found you need to increase the IBLM diffuse samples in progressive mode compared to the default. Probably because progressive uses the box filter at 2x2 so you can't "denoise" the render without modifying the render script. Progressive is still generally faster for me even if I have to up the diffuse samples to 128 or more.
Sven - Box at 1x1. Effectively "no filter". Box 2x2 would blur everything to Kamchatka.
Greg - grain as in "raytracing noise" is covered by pixel samples and/or light shader samples. 16x16 pxs should be enough; as for light shaders, it depends. Grain that is aliasing in nature - only manually.
Should I be able to see the effect of the boost lights in the workspace, in iRay preview? or is the effect only visible in an actual render?
No ... or rather not in a way that you would find particularly useful in my opinion. Boost Lights are mesh lights (geometry with emissive shader settings turned on). So DrawSyles don't do much to simulate them prior to render. The NVIDIA Iray DrawStyle is a realtime render (or not so realtime depending on your graphics card) that lacks certain physical aspects so that it can be faster than Photoreal mode. So if you set the Environment Mode to Scene Only (basically turning the IBL off so you can see just the mesh light) and set Cutout Opacity for the mesh to 1, and turn up the Luminance, you get a little white dot on your subject where the light would be. At least that's what I get - YMMV. I can't see that being helpful to anyone.
However, you could load a spotlight in the scene and position it to be where the boost light is, then parent it to the LightBoost base. That would give you a better simulation. You would then probably want to turn the spot or the Boost Light off when you did a render. Bare in mind that you can't make a spot a ghost because it doesn't have shader settings (opacity).
Should I be able to see the effect of the boost lights in the workspace, in iRay preview? or is the effect only visible in an actual render?
No ... or rather not in a way that you would find particularly useful in my opinion. Boost Lights are mesh lights (geometry with emissive shader settings turned on). So DrawSyles don't do much to simulate them prior to render. The NVIDIA Iray DrawStyle is a realtime render (or not so realtime depending on your graphics card) that lacks certain physical aspects so that it can be faster than Photoreal mode. So if you set the Environment Mode to Scene Only (basically turning the IBL off so you can see just the mesh light) and set Cutout Opacity for the mesh to 1, and turn up the Luminance, you get a little white dot on your subject where the light would be. At least that's what I get - YMMV. I can't see that being helpful to anyone.
However, you could load a spotlight in the scene and position it to be where the boost light is, then parent it to the LightBoost base. That would give you a better simulation. You would then probably want to turn the spot or the Boost Light off when you did a render. Bare in mind that you can't make a spot a ghost because it doesn't have shader settings (opacity).
Ah. Odd for me to say, but, good. Good because now I don't feel so stupid.
Hi. Please forgive my ignorance on this, I am only now trying to learn how to use the IBL after all this time. I also don't have a lot of experience in trying to use iRay since I am on a Mac with AMDs. But here goes...
So I can have a starting baseline, I did a test indoor scene with 3Delight and then in iRay. The scene I am using is the Corner Store and I believe all the materials are designed specifically for iRay. The only lighting I am using currently is just the IBL Master Control prop itself with default settings. Also, the camera Headlamp is set to auto. In the 3Delight test you can see that the character skin looks all plasticy and teh scene is dark. Also the ceiling lights from the environment are not showing at all. The 3Delight test finished rendering in less than 10 minutes. In the iRay test things looks pretty good, but it took nearly two hours for my system to render the same small 800 x 800 scene. Ideally what I am trying to achieve would be to get the 3Delight render look as close to the iRay results as possible.
Any help on where to begin would be greatly appreciated.
Hi. Please forgive my ignorance on this, I am only now trying to learn how to use the IBL after all this time. I also don't have a lot of experience in trying to use iRay since I am on a Mac with AMDs. But here goes...
So I can have a starting baseline, I did a test indoor scene with 3Delight and then in iRay. The scene I am using is the Corner Store and I believe all the materials are designed specifically for iRay. The only lighting I am using currently is just the IBL Master Control prop itself with default settings. Also, the camera Headlamp is set to auto. In the 3Delight test you can see that the character skin looks all plasticy and teh scene is dark. Also the ceiling lights from the environment are not showing at all. The 3Delight test finished rendering in less than 10 minutes. In the iRay test things looks pretty good, but it took nearly two hours for my system to render the same small 800 x 800 scene. Ideally what I am trying to achieve would be to get the 3Delight render look as close to the iRay results as possible.
Any help on where to begin would be greatly appreciated.
Looks like IRay skin to me, if so you have to convert it to 3DL to get a descent result. I've found that I generally increase the IBLM light intensity to atleast 10 to get similar strength as in IRay. And you can set limits off, if you use a jpeg as HDR you may want to up the light intensity to 50 or more. Try converting the skin first, if that is a 3DL skin you can be sure the settings are really messed up;) I'll check this thread in a couple of hours in case I can be of assistance:)
ETA: What HDRI are you using? Try decreasing the trace distance from the default 350 to maybe 150 and testrender, should give you more direct light as if you set it too high the architecture will most likely block the light;)
Ok, so I changed material on the character from iRay defaults to 3Delight skin. Luckily she had a preset for that. I can't seem to find where to adjust the IBLM light intensity though. I also don't have an HDRI applied. As I mentioned, I simply loaded the scene and IBL Master Control prop. On this test render in 3Delight everything is now black. You can't even see her at all.
*** Update
Ok so here is test 3delight render based on Paris' website instructions. So the only thing different for me here is that I am still just using the default HDRI that loads with IBL Master.
Ok, so I changed material on the character from iRay defaults to 3Delight skin. Luckily she had a preset for that. I can't seem to find where to adjust the IBLM light intensity though. I also don't have an HDRI applied. As I mentioned, I simply loaded the scene and IBL Master Control prop. On this test render in 3Delight everything is now black. You can't even see her at all.
*** Update
Ok so here is test 3delight render based on Paris' website instructions. So the only thing different for me here is that I am still just using the default HDRI that loads with IBL Master.
Light intesity = 10, Max Trace = 350 (default)
So this is getting closer I think.
Definitely an improvement. There's a LOT of information buried in this thread. Also as you probably have noticed, Parris readme's and videos are very detailed so you should find a solution to most possible issues with IBLM in there;)
Glad you're on the right track! Your render was a tiny bit grainy I noticed, you get rid of that by upping the diffuse samples in IBLM light settings from 16 to 32 or more, depending on light angle and scene. Happy rendering!
Ok, so I changed material on the character from iRay defaults to 3Delight skin. Luckily she had a preset for that. I can't seem to find where to adjust the IBLM light intensity though. I also don't have an HDRI applied. As I mentioned, I simply loaded the scene and IBL Master Control prop. On this test render in 3Delight everything is now black. You can't even see her at all.
*** Update
Ok so here is test 3delight render based on Paris' website instructions. So the only thing different for me here is that I am still just using the default HDRI that loads with IBL Master.
Light intesity = 10, Max Trace = 350 (default)
So this is getting closer I think.
Definitely an improvement. There's a LOT of information buried in this thread. Also as you probably have noticed, Parris readme's and videos are very detailed so you should find a solution to most possible issues with IBLM in there;)
Glad you're on the right track! Your render was a tiny bit grainy I noticed, you get rid of that by upping the diffuse samples in IBLM light settings from 16 to 32 or more, depending on light angle and scene. Happy rendering!
So I increased the diffuse to 32. I also tried using a different HDRI environment. The render still looks pretty grainy and also colors aren't showing up as I would expect compared to the iRay render.
Ok, so I changed material on the character from iRay defaults to 3Delight skin. Luckily she had a preset for that. I can't seem to find where to adjust the IBLM light intensity though. I also don't have an HDRI applied. As I mentioned, I simply loaded the scene and IBL Master Control prop. On this test render in 3Delight everything is now black. You can't even see her at all.
*** Update
Ok so here is test 3delight render based on Paris' website instructions. So the only thing different for me here is that I am still just using the default HDRI that loads with IBL Master.
Light intesity = 10, Max Trace = 350 (default)
So this is getting closer I think.
Definitely an improvement. There's a LOT of information buried in this thread. Also as you probably have noticed, Parris readme's and videos are very detailed so you should find a solution to most possible issues with IBLM in there;)
Glad you're on the right track! Your render was a tiny bit grainy I noticed, you get rid of that by upping the diffuse samples in IBLM light settings from 16 to 32 or more, depending on light angle and scene. Happy rendering!
So I increased the diffuse to 32. I also tried using a different HDRI environment. The render still looks pretty grainy and also colors aren't showing up as I would expect compared to the iRay render.
Hmm, you might need to up the diffuse samples to 64 or 128 depending on HDRI and render settings. You can tint the HDRI light in the surface tab if you want a more yellowish tone by selecting the control sphere. Now render settings? Is progressive on? That mode will generally render faster (atleast on my IMac) but apparently requires a higher diffuse setting cause it uses the raytracer, note that the pixel filter settings aren't working in progressive mode, it always renders with the box filter at 1x1( equals no filter so noise will be more visible). Also in progressive mode shadow rate is not active. If you use the "normal mode", what is the shadow rate at? I recommend setting it to 0.2 or 0.1. If more, it renders faster but you get less detail and shadows may get artifacts. Try my "default settings": Ray trace depth:2, Pixelsamples 6x6 or max 12x12, Shadow samples(only needed for standard DS lights) 1, gammacorrection on, gamma 2.20, gain 1, pixel filter catmull-rom at 2x2.
The gamma part is important;)
This might be old news for you but I'm posting it just to be sure your rendersettings are ok. Hope this helps!
ETA: The eye surfaces seem to be off, you mind sharing the settings? I might be able to help;)
Hmm, you might need to up the diffuse samples to 64 or 128 depending on HDRI and render settings. You can tint the HDRI light in the surface tab if you want a more yellowish tone by selecting the control sphere. Now render settings? Is progressive on? That mode will generally render faster (atleast on my IMac) but apparently requires a higher diffuse setting cause it uses the raytracer, note that the pixel filter settings aren't working in progressive mode, it always renders with the box filter at 1x1( equals no filter so noise will be more visible). Also in progressive mode shadow rate is not active. If you use the "normal mode", what is the shadow rate at? I recommend setting it to 0.2 or 0.1. If more, it renders faster but you get less detail and shadows may get artifacts. Try my "default settings": Ray trace depth:2, Pixelsamples 6x6 or max 12x12, Shadow samples(only needed for standard DS lights) 1, gammacorrection on, gamma 2.20, gain 1, pixel filter catmull-rom at 2x2.
The gamma part is important;)
This might be old news for you but I'm posting it just to be sure your rendersettings are ok. Hope this helps!
ETA: The eye surfaces seem to be off, you mind sharing the settings? I might be able to help;)
This is a dumb question, but should I be adding any additional lights? I don't see where you default settings are. I don't see anywhere to set the Ray Trace Depth, Pixelsamples, Shadow Samples. I do have Gamma on and 2.2 for that and gain is default at 1.0. I also don't see a pixel filter catmull-rom 2x2
Hmm, you might need to up the diffuse samples to 64 or 128 depending on HDRI and render settings. You can tint the HDRI light in the surface tab if you want a more yellowish tone by selecting the control sphere. Now render settings? Is progressive on? That mode will generally render faster (atleast on my IMac) but apparently requires a higher diffuse setting cause it uses the raytracer, note that the pixel filter settings aren't working in progressive mode, it always renders with the box filter at 1x1( equals no filter so noise will be more visible). Also in progressive mode shadow rate is not active. If you use the "normal mode", what is the shadow rate at? I recommend setting it to 0.2 or 0.1. If more, it renders faster but you get less detail and shadows may get artifacts. Try my "default settings": Ray trace depth:2, Pixelsamples 6x6 or max 12x12, Shadow samples(only needed for standard DS lights) 1, gammacorrection on, gamma 2.20, gain 1, pixel filter catmull-rom at 2x2.
The gamma part is important;)
This might be old news for you but I'm posting it just to be sure your rendersettings are ok. Hope this helps!
ETA: The eye surfaces seem to be off, you mind sharing the settings? I might be able to help;)
This is a dumb question, but should I be adding any additional lights?
If needed, depends on if your HDRI gives the direct light you need. In the render I posted I used anAoA distantlight as direct lightning, but getting the right HDRI to fit your render is kind of crucial I guess.
I don't see where you default settings are. I don't see anywhere to set the Ray Trace Depth, Pixelsamples, Shadow Samples. I do have Gamma on and 2.2 for that and gain is default at 1.0. I also don't see a pixel filter catmull-rom 2x2
So here is another screenshot showing all settings and the output. As you can see I bumped diffuse up to 64, but still pretty grainy. Also her eyes are glowing. Lastly if you look at the top left corner you can see that the ceiling lights aren't actually rendering at all. I am pretty sure that the entire scene environment is iRay only though.
So here is another screenshot showing all settings and the output. As you can see I bumped diffuse up to 64, but still pretty grainy. Also her eyes are glowing. Lastly if you look at the top left corner you can see that the ceiling lights aren't actually rendering at all. I am pretty sure that the entire scene environment is iRay only though.
Ok first thing I notice is you have the shading rate at 1. That is way too much, my suggestion would be 0.1, that will give you a much sharper render with less grain. Simply put, shading will be much more accurate. And yes the environment seems to have IRay shaders. Try applying the 3DL default shader to the set, found in your content library/shader presets/DS default (or something like that). If you want the ceiling lights to be emissive you have to apply the Area light shader to them. Select them in the surface pane, go to light presets/Omnifreaker/UberArealight and apply the shader. Light settings can then be found in the surface pane. Note that you will have to increase the shadowsamples quite a bit from the default 8, or they will also produce grain. Also activate ambient and set the strength to 90-100% and color to white or yellow. Light intensity may have to be bumped up to 500% or even more to show, since the scene is a daylight scene. If you don' need the ceilinglights to actually emit light, just use the DS default shader and set ambience as I described, they will look as if they are turned on, but will render much faster.
Your shading rate setting of 1 is the default setting but it's the root of your problem, you will be surprised when you turn it down;)
So here is another screenshot showing all settings and the output. As you can see I bumped diffuse up to 64, but still pretty grainy. Also her eyes are glowing. Lastly if you look at the top left corner you can see that the ceiling lights aren't actually rendering at all. I am pretty sure that the entire scene environment is iRay only though.
About her eyes, check the cornea, is there a "fake" reflections map in the opacity channel? Try setting the lightning model to glossy plastic, glossiness to 90 or more, specular strength to 90 or more, specular color to almost pure white, uncheck "multiply specular through opacity" and lower opacity to about 10%. Set reflection strength to over 90, color to white, set refraction strength to 100%, refraction index to 1.6. For the rest of the eye surfaces, set specular and reflection strength to 0. Set pupil lightning model to matte. I might have forgotten something LOL but this should give you a pretty descent looking eye. Go from there;)
Note, these settings work for the DS default shader, if the eyes use the UberSurface or something else) you have a different ballgame with more options, specular settings will not work exactly the same and so on.
ETA: Set diffuse color for the cornea to a dark grey/black and diffuse strength to 100%. For all the eye surfaces check the ambient channel and make sure ambient strength is 0.
So here is another screenshot showing all settings and the output. As you can see I bumped diffuse up to 64, but still pretty grainy. Also her eyes are glowing. Lastly if you look at the top left corner you can see that the ceiling lights aren't actually rendering at all. I am pretty sure that the entire scene environment is iRay only though.
Ok first thing I notice is you have the shading rate at 1. That is way too much, my suggestion would be 0.1, that will give you a much sharper render with less grain.
I'd go with 0.4 first but upping pixel samples to at least 8. And preferably switching to progressive (and then forgetting the whole shading rate mess) and upping pixel samples to 10 - which should help with both occlusion and area lights.
And of course I hope Geminii23 realises that surface settings will need to be looked at as well.
I have started using IBL master instead of UE2 for car/HDRI renders... its a definite speed improvement.. but....I get these lines in refelctive surfaces? Any ideas?
Render uses IBL master, plius one stick DAZ distant light.. note the lines on the hood and fender..
I have started using IBL master instead of UE2 for car/HDRI renders... its a definite speed improvement.. but....I get these lines in refelctive surfaces? Any ideas?
Render uses IBL master, plius one stick DAZ distant light.. note the lines on the hood and fender..
That's funny, I just did this the other day, but used only the IBLM with no additional lights.
It was rendered using progressive mode, it would be nice to know your render settings. If not progressive, what was the shading rate? What ray trace depth did you use? Is it possible you had it set too low?
ETA: And another thougth, what is the shader for the car body? Everything looks smooth except for the reflections, is it something like the UberSurface shader and is it possible you had some reflection blur that'd require more samples?
I know I asked this earlier in the thread but I can't find my question, or an answer if one was given. Will this convert 3DL skies to Iray? Its a moot point since I already bought it lol, but I would still like to know.
I know I asked this earlier in the thread but I can't find my question, or an answer if one was given. Will this convert 3DL skies to Iray? Its a moot point since I already bought it lol, but I would still like to know.
If you want the IBLM Light to not cast any shadows, you can dial the Shadow Strength down to 0. https://www.chrisparrishdesign.com/ibl-master/?id=6#ui-id-7
...I tried that and it looked completely awful, everything, particularly the characters, looked like "flat"cardboard cutouts even with the distant light. Also didn't need to do that for the bus stop scene.
I don't think it is the IBL light as that should primarily create the ambient effect and any shadows should be soft for that. It must have something to do with the HDR itself, but again, then the same effect should have appeared in the bus stop scene. it's as if there is some other stray light causing it. Perplexing.
Ok, another thought: Are you using the shadow catcher ground plane that comes with IBL Master as well as scene geometry that creates a ground in the scene? And are they at two different heights (creating two sets of shadows)? If you have ground geometry, you should turn of the shadow catcher (hide the IBLM ground plane).
@kyoto kid
You might want to check out the free HDRI's by agent unawares. I picked them up and they cover pretty much everything from night skies to broad daylight;) Great dynamic range! I used one of them in this render:
...may have found what was causing it. Maximum trace distance was up too high, dropped it to the same level as it is in the bus stop scene.
Going to be a bit though as 3DL is in an optimising pass with almost 700 images to crunch (takes longer than the actual rendering itself).
I've found you need to increase the IBLM diffuse samples in progressive mode compared to the default. Probably because progressive uses the box filter at 2x2 so you can't "denoise" the render without modifying the render script. Progressive is still generally faster for me even if I have to up the diffuse samples to 128 or more.
Lol you should consider getting the scene optimizer! Glad you solved the problem:)
...well tried everything I could think of and unable to fix the double shadow situation. Still confused as to why it doesn't occur in one scene but does in another. I made sure all the light and render settings were the same between both scenes (a real pain because both are fairly complex and take a long time to load so swapping between them is a time consuming operation which requires closing the Daz programme down each time to clear all buffers or skin surfaces get messed up). If it is because of the Distant Light and HDR "sun light", I cannot believe that just by accident I happened to get both to line up exactly the same to cancel out the effect (the distant light's position was set according to the shadows in the photo backdrop back when I originally created the scene). I checked to see if there was a .jpg or .png of the HDR backdrop in the Textures folder but all are .hdr.
There are no other "hidden" lights (like one that somehow was accidentally parented to something in the scene) or they would show up in the camera drop down menu.
I don't have PS or any 2D software that is capable of editing HDRIs to try and correct the issue. I also would think the Ambient component of the IBL light (which is mainly what I thought it did in 3DL by taking the place of the UE component, as a separate "helper light" is used for the "sun" in outdoor HDRs) wouldn't create hard defined shadows.
Sven - Box at 1x1. Effectively "no filter". Box 2x2 would blur everything to Kamchatka.
Greg - grain as in "raytracing noise" is covered by pixel samples and/or light shader samples. 16x16 pxs should be enough; as for light shaders, it depends. Grain that is aliasing in nature - only manually.
Thanks Kettu, I stand corrected:)
Should I be able to see the effect of the boost lights in the workspace, in iRay preview? or is the effect only visible in an actual render?
No ... or rather not in a way that you would find particularly useful in my opinion. Boost Lights are mesh lights (geometry with emissive shader settings turned on). So DrawSyles don't do much to simulate them prior to render. The NVIDIA Iray DrawStyle is a realtime render (or not so realtime depending on your graphics card) that lacks certain physical aspects so that it can be faster than Photoreal mode. So if you set the Environment Mode to Scene Only (basically turning the IBL off so you can see just the mesh light) and set Cutout Opacity for the mesh to 1, and turn up the Luminance, you get a little white dot on your subject where the light would be. At least that's what I get - YMMV. I can't see that being helpful to anyone.
However, you could load a spotlight in the scene and position it to be where the boost light is, then parent it to the LightBoost base. That would give you a better simulation. You would then probably want to turn the spot or the Boost Light off when you did a render. Bare in mind that you can't make a spot a ghost because it doesn't have shader settings (opacity).
Ah. Odd for me to say, but, good. Good because now I don't feel so stupid.
Thanks for your help.
Hi. Please forgive my ignorance on this, I am only now trying to learn how to use the IBL after all this time. I also don't have a lot of experience in trying to use iRay since I am on a Mac with AMDs. But here goes...
So I can have a starting baseline, I did a test indoor scene with 3Delight and then in iRay. The scene I am using is the Corner Store and I believe all the materials are designed specifically for iRay. The only lighting I am using currently is just the IBL Master Control prop itself with default settings. Also, the camera Headlamp is set to auto. In the 3Delight test you can see that the character skin looks all plasticy and teh scene is dark. Also the ceiling lights from the environment are not showing at all. The 3Delight test finished rendering in less than 10 minutes. In the iRay test things looks pretty good, but it took nearly two hours for my system to render the same small 800 x 800 scene. Ideally what I am trying to achieve would be to get the 3Delight render look as close to the iRay results as possible.
Any help on where to begin would be greatly appreciated.
Looks like IRay skin to me, if so you have to convert it to 3DL to get a descent result. I've found that I generally increase the IBLM light intensity to atleast 10 to get similar strength as in IRay. And you can set limits off, if you use a jpeg as HDR you may want to up the light intensity to 50 or more. Try converting the skin first, if that is a 3DL skin you can be sure the settings are really messed up;) I'll check this thread in a couple of hours in case I can be of assistance:)
ETA: What HDRI are you using? Try decreasing the trace distance from the default 350 to maybe 150 and testrender, should give you more direct light as if you set it too high the architecture will most likely block the light;)
Ok, so I changed material on the character from iRay defaults to 3Delight skin. Luckily she had a preset for that. I can't seem to find where to adjust the IBLM light intensity though. I also don't have an HDRI applied. As I mentioned, I simply loaded the scene and IBL Master Control prop. On this test render in 3Delight everything is now black. You can't even see her at all.
*** Update
Ok so here is test 3delight render based on Paris' website instructions. So the only thing different for me here is that I am still just using the default HDRI that loads with IBL Master.
Light intesity = 10, Max Trace = 350 (default)
So this is getting closer I think.
Definitely an improvement
. There's a LOT of information buried in this thread. Also as you probably have noticed, Parris readme's and videos are very detailed so you should find a solution to most possible issues with IBLM in there;)
Glad you're on the right track! Your render was a tiny bit grainy I noticed, you get rid of that by upping the diffuse samples in IBLM light settings from 16 to 32 or more, depending on light angle and scene. Happy rendering!
So I increased the diffuse to 32. I also tried using a different HDRI environment. The render still looks pretty grainy and also colors aren't showing up as I would expect compared to the iRay render.
Hmm, you might need to up the diffuse samples to 64 or 128 depending on HDRI and render settings. You can tint the HDRI light in the surface tab if you want a more yellowish tone by selecting the control sphere. Now render settings? Is progressive on? That mode will generally render faster (atleast on my IMac) but apparently requires a higher diffuse setting cause it uses the raytracer, note that the pixel filter settings aren't working in progressive mode, it always renders with the box filter at 1x1( equals no filter so noise will be more visible). Also in progressive mode shadow rate is not active. If you use the "normal mode", what is the shadow rate at? I recommend setting it to 0.2 or 0.1. If more, it renders faster but you get less detail and shadows may get artifacts. Try my "default settings": Ray trace depth:2, Pixelsamples 6x6 or max 12x12, Shadow samples(only needed for standard DS lights) 1, gammacorrection on, gamma 2.20, gain 1, pixel filter catmull-rom at 2x2.
The gamma part is important;)
This might be old news for you but I'm posting it just to be sure your rendersettings are ok. Hope this helps!
ETA: The eye surfaces seem to be off, you mind sharing the settings? I might be able to help;)
IBLM/3DL render, UberSurface skin, eyes are DS default shader:
This is a dumb question, but should I be adding any additional lights? I don't see where you default settings are. I don't see anywhere to set the Ray Trace Depth, Pixelsamples, Shadow Samples. I do have Gamma on and 2.2 for that and gain is default at 1.0. I also don't see a pixel filter catmull-rom 2x2
If needed, depends on if your HDRI gives the direct light you need. In the render I posted I used anAoA distantlight as direct lightning, but getting the right HDRI to fit your render is kind of crucial I guess.
All that stuff is found in the render tab/Editor, the pixelfilter won't show if progressive is on.
So here is another screenshot showing all settings and the output. As you can see I bumped diffuse up to 64, but still pretty grainy. Also her eyes are glowing. Lastly if you look at the top left corner you can see that the ceiling lights aren't actually rendering at all. I am pretty sure that the entire scene environment is iRay only though.
Ok first thing I notice is you have the shading rate at 1. That is way too much, my suggestion would be 0.1, that will give you a much sharper render with less grain. Simply put, shading will be much more accurate. And yes the environment seems to have IRay shaders. Try applying the 3DL default shader to the set, found in your content library/shader presets/DS default (or something like that). If you want the ceiling lights to be emissive you have to apply the Area light shader to them. Select them in the surface pane, go to light presets/Omnifreaker/UberArealight and apply the shader. Light settings can then be found in the surface pane. Note that you will have to increase the shadowsamples quite a bit from the default 8, or they will also produce grain. Also activate ambient and set the strength to 90-100% and color to white or yellow. Light intensity may have to be bumped up to 500% or even more to show, since the scene is a daylight scene. If you don' need the ceilinglights to actually emit light, just use the DS default shader and set ambience as I described, they will look as if they are turned on, but will render much faster.
Your shading rate setting of 1 is the default setting but it's the root of your problem, you will be surprised when you turn it down;)
About her eyes, check the cornea, is there a "fake" reflections map in the opacity channel? Try setting the lightning model to glossy plastic, glossiness to 90 or more, specular strength to 90 or more, specular color to almost pure white, uncheck "multiply specular through opacity" and lower opacity to about 10%. Set reflection strength to over 90, color to white, set refraction strength to 100%, refraction index to 1.6. For the rest of the eye surfaces, set specular and reflection strength to 0. Set pupil lightning model to matte. I might have forgotten something LOL but this should give you a pretty descent looking eye. Go from there;)
Note, these settings work for the DS default shader, if the eyes use the UberSurface or something else) you have a different ballgame with more options, specular settings will not work exactly the same and so on.
ETA: Set diffuse color for the cornea to a dark grey/black and diffuse strength to 100%. For all the eye surfaces check the ambient channel and make sure ambient strength is 0.
I'd go with 0.4 first but upping pixel samples to at least 8. And preferably switching to progressive (and then forgetting the whole shading rate mess) and upping pixel samples to 10 - which should help with both occlusion and area lights.
And of course I hope Geminii23 realises that surface settings will need to be looked at as well.
I have started using IBL master instead of UE2 for car/HDRI renders... its a definite speed improvement.. but....I get these lines in refelctive surfaces? Any ideas?
Render uses IBL master, plius one stick DAZ distant light.. note the lines on the hood and fender..
That's funny, I just did this the other day, but used only the IBLM with no additional lights.
It was rendered using progressive mode, it would be nice to know your render settings. If not progressive, what was the shading rate? What ray trace depth did you use? Is it possible you had it set too low?
ETA: And another thougth, what is the shader for the car body? Everything looks smooth except for the reflections, is it something like the UberSurface shader and is it possible you had some reflection blur that'd require more samples?
I know I asked this earlier in the thread but I can't find my question, or an answer if one was given. Will this convert 3DL skies to Iray? Its a moot point since I already bought it lol, but I would still like to know.