UrbanPad reboot

Two years ago, GamR7 came with a nice product called UrbanPad. Maybe some of you remember it (see
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It's was procedural modeler with a lot of possibilities, very good to model urban environments and architectural background.
Unfortunately, it went broke soon after releasing a very workable version.
Anyhow, Lionel Barret, technical leader of this project, is trying to reboot this product and I agree with him it would be a very good idea.
He seems to be in the business case phase of his project and is conducting a pool on the matter.
The pool can be accessed at Urban pad reboot
If you have 5 minutes during a render :-), you may wish to answer this poll.
I remember this. I was broke too so left it.
Will check it out.
I remember it too.... Bought a non-working version as they attempted to grab cash while in bankruptcy freefall.
I filled out the questionare, but BUYER BEWARE.
I remember there were issues with the license check tool they were using. Sometime, on some systems, the product wouldn't even start.
Half the posts in the support forum were on that subject. I just hope Lionel has learned from that lesson :-).
I've never had the problem through and the two licenses I bought (one for my laptop, one for my desktop) have been working like a charm ever since.
I bought Architool, but I almost never use it, as I find UrbanPad far more powerful for architecture creation.
Well, it LOOKED like an interesting app... :blank:
I'm sympathetic to being hijacked by bad business partners though.... Whatever he puts together I'll take a look at. I'll wait before I buy, but if he can put out something close or superior to what UrbanPad promised at the prices he's hinting at, there will be no hard feelings, lol. I love anything that can build procedurally....