about the transfer utility and clothes distribution.
Hi, I love DAZ Studio, but I've not ever distributed the clothes for DAZ figures.
I use DAZ Studio transfer utility when I create clothes with my original mesh.
But when I used transfer utility to the clothes, it has generated copy of weight map and bone from original genesis figure.
DAZ EULA says "User may not in any case ... distribute, transfer...which any Content, or any part thereof...".
So, I cannot distribute any clothes that used transfer utility once for the cloth , without another contract with DAZ .
Is it correct for my understanding about the transfer utility ?
The use of the Transfer Utility to create new add-ons for Genesis (or whatever the donor figure was) is covered by the section of the EULA that allows the use of DAZ content to create products that require the original figure - obviously you can use the clothes as a stand alone item in a wardrobe or over the back of a chair, but their main use is on Genesis. What you couldn't do, for distribution, is use the Transfer Utility to rig another human figure with the Genesis weights and bones since that wouldn't be an add-on for the original Genesis.
Moved to the Commons as it isn't really a New User style question.
Thank you for a clear answer.
I'm glad to know that the Transfer utility is available for making clothes for genesis figure.
I hope the further development of the genesis figure products with DAZ !
It's also a question some of us old users were asking too. Thanks.