Substance Painter question
Posts: 3,146
I know this is the wrong forum but there's a few users of SP here that are very good and I'm hoping someone can answer my question.
Are regular materials not editable? I can't find a height slider or any sliders for metal and such.
I'm using an orange and red material (not smart material) in a fill layer. It's from the SP site and is called 'fabric_cloth'.
It depends entirely on the material, and what parameters the author exposed. I don't have that particular material, but other fabrics expose height & normal parameters under the material's 'Technical Parameters' tab.
Similarly metals typically expose base colour, metallicity, roughness, specular sliders, & sometimes others such as brush rotation for (say) brushed aluminium.
Smart materials generally have extra features, such as calculated edge wear etc.
Probably mostly user error but I swear I can't find any tweak sliders. Must be this material. Thanks Tango!
I too have a Substance Painter question:
Can I have Substance Painter for Christmas? I promise to be good... next year! ;)
Put it on your list and we'll see what Santa says.
That's what my parents always told me when I was little.
Santa Rocks! Love that guy... and his whole team!