Importing nil point error

I know ya'll are getting tired of me posting bugs and errors etc, but I need carrara to work for me. I made a model in another program and exported as a lightwave object file. The model imports in the program I made it in just fine, but I need to know if the uv's and other stuff works in carrara. This is my first model I made that I'm thinking about selling so I need to check it on all programs available to me.

380 x 129 - 13K
I don't want to sound grouchy, but it's not the bugs, mistakes or errors that get annoying. Everybody needs help sometimes. Modeling is a complex task, and I commend you for how far you've come. But Personally, what gets irritating is having to constantly remind you that you need to give us something to work with. For instance:
What program was used to create it?
What import parameters did you select when the window opened with the crap-load of options?
Does the model have a crazy-high poly count?
You say it opens in the program used to create it, but not Carrara? Have you tried to open it in any program besides Carrara and the creator program to make sure it's just Carrara that chokes on it?
Did you use good modeling practices? In other words, is it a clean mesh, or are there issues with normals, N-gons and the like?
Etc. etc. etc. ???
I used the default settings, and everything is cleaned up and there isn't any n-gons. I used modo and I was going to try another program to open it with, but blender is pissing me off. I can't find a simple way of importing an lwo file into blender. Any other file format I have used so far has completely screwed up the uv maps. Polycount.. about 296,000 so I don't think that is crazy high I would think crazy high would be in the millions. I have lost touch with how high is to high when it comes to my models with this computer. So yeah that is how it is, also sorry I thought maybe the error message was enough.
Carrara's error messages are notoriously vague. That's why the info really, really helps! I don't know how high is high for a poly count in Carrara, but I think a V4 is somewhere in the 65,000 poly range, so get a couple of those, plus clothes and I would imagine you're bumping the amount you have.
It imports into blender but it looks like a bird crapped it out. This is just going to be one giant headache I can tell. I can't deal with blender do you know of another program out there that does lwo. Blender is driving me insane
I don't know what you can do with it once it's in, modification/editing wise, but I think DAZ Studio can import it. So can Poser. If this is a model you wish to sell, ensuring it works in those two programs would be fairly important I think. I believe there is a free version of D/S. Check the web site store to see what's available.
Daz doesn't import lwo files. Why doesn't all 3D programs get alone seriously why does it work well in one program but in another it just looks like a big pile crap. I mean how the heck does other people get the models to work in most programs. With poser there is an error for importing. I have a question in what way would I go about exporting the model where it would friggin properly and keep it's uv's I can't seem to find much on modo exporting so any help would be nice obj doesn't work nor fbx, nor . dae, and a few others. .dae imports nothingness. If I use .obj format the uv unwrap for the model becomes a jumbled mess. I tried just about all combos for .obj to see if it would import right in carrara and nothing. I tried every combo for lwo and nothing.
Why are you working in .lwo when .obj is the industrial standard? Modo does .obj and far more apps can open and use it. I generally avoid using .lwo in carrara because it takes a lot of work to completely rebuild the shaders. Try downloading a few lwo freebies and you will see what I mean.
Could be worse, some .3ds models still explode in carrara.
No it doesn't. But step back, take a deep breath, exhale and then think a few moments about what you are asking here. Extend this line of thinking down the slippery slope that it puts you on.
Do you think that the vi editor in a UNIX server should be able to open up Microsoft Word files flawlessly? Heck, why doesn't Photoshop read text files too? It is a crazy thing you are proposing.
3D programs don't "get along" because each one does things a little bit differently and has different features. In places where interoperability between disparate systems is crucial, then we have developed standards and protocols -- the closest we have in 3D to this is OBJ (and a couple of others). But there is no governing body like ANSI or ISO dictating, "Thou shalt behave thusly!"
Not to undermine evilproducer's concerns and questions -- it is important to share that information when seeking help -- let me simply say that from a programming perspective, this is a bug. A NULL pointer error will crash and a well-written program ought to detect it and handle it gracefully; even if that means telling you "Sorry, I cannot open your file."
The trick is, where did this bug come from? Your screenshot offers some clues to a programmer's eye. There is a path and filename (D:\dazdevel\hudson\......\tree.cpp) where the error occurred. This is the source code file that was compiled into the executable code that is Carrara. My guess is, Carrara is using code written for its own tree primitives. Since your model came from another program; I find that intriguing. This loops us back to evil's questions -- we need to know a heck of a lot more about what is going on.
NOTE TO DAZ: It would be really nice of you to auto-generate a process dump during an error like this so that programmers can figure out what went wrong. Too busy adding the latest flashing widget to D|S? Fine...give me the symbol files and I'll debug it for you... >:(
You said it was an LWO file. I may be out on a limb here...but does it open in LightWave?
Dunno I haven't got light wave I will check later today. Umm.. Manstan if I export it is as .obj file the uv unwrap and maps completely screw up on me the model is fine, but for some reason the uv map polygons are stretched in everyway (more like exploded in everyway). The lwo file was the only format that seemed to keep the uv's and export honestly I haven't got a clue as to what to export as anymore. I'm not on my work computer so for important details I will have to come back again later today.
I would say that you should export from Modo as an OBJ and re-do your UV mapping in Carrara. Or use Modo from start to finish. The UV mapping relationships are stored in the file so you can also consider using a program like UVMapper Pro to lay out the UVs and then import into Carrara.
Did Windows Error Report manage to trigger a dump file? Even without symbol files, that can sometimes be enlightening to look at (if you know how...not for the faint of heart).
This is a comparison of uv's in carrara compared to modo. This is what obj does.
Must be an earlier version as Carrara doesn't export LWO anymore.
Oops,never mind re-read the OP thread
dain bramage...
At least you have a brain left mine has fried from this nonsense I'm fixing go and model something else for now to get my head back on straightish.
I think you have jumped to a conclusion here and are blaming OBJ. The issue may lay elsewhere...
Is this model of your's licensed in any way? Can it be shared out to us for exploring?
No it isn't licensed yet, if you plan on using it on something donate some money my way and throw some credit up for me that usually is my license. I guess I could let ya'll play with it, but right this second I'm doing something else I'll put up the link up later on. It is the weekend so things may take longer to put stuff up.
I didn't mean that I wanted to use it -- I was wondering if it was possible to help find out what is wrong with it.
I'm going to put a link for it up. I'm just saying that because some people may take it and run for it sorry being paranoid runs in my family. Hold on wait which format should I put up. I have been through so many formats that I can't remember which one you want.