OT: I Saw Iron Man 3 Today
Posts: 1,409
I'm not going to say anything to spoil it for folks who haven't seen it but are planning to, but I really enjoyed. A lot. If you enjoyed any of the other Marvel superhero movies over the last few years, you shouldn't miss it. If it was a piece of music, I'd say it had just enough cowbell.
Thank for the spoiler free review! I am really excited about this one!
Quick question...how age appropriate is it for under 10 yr olds? My older one has seen Avengers and Iron Man 1 and 2, but the younger one was a bit scared at times at some of the more intense scenes. I definitely have not let them watch any of the Dark Knight movies yet.
I would say that your child isn't going to be able to get through this one.
It's not quite as bad as Dark Knight, but it comes pretty close at some points. There were a fair number of intense sequences.
I will say that it was well worth the price of admission. Saw the IMAX 3D version and it was one of the few movies where I felt like the extra price was worth it.
Thank you!
I hate saying no to my boys cause they love comic book characters and the super hero games and comic book cartoons, but I definitely er on the side of caution with some of these comic book films now after how intense and adult themed the Dark Knight saga was.
That and I hate when people bring kids that are far too young into arguably more adult films. Nothing worse than kids getting scared, crying or generally interrupting everyone else around you.
There are probably things that are more intense than the Avengers, so you may not want your younger one to see it. I won't go into specifics, but I doubt I would have enjoyed those scenes when I was that age. I can PM you if you need more details, but if you're going to see it anyway, it probably isn't necessary.
That probably happens more than it should, because of the idea (at least here in the U.S.), that comics, especially superheroes, are for kids. Nothing could be further from the truth. The last I heard, most superhero books were really aimed at the 30-50 age range.
I would say that you should probably see it on your own first. Then you can decide on your own whether they should see it.
Worst case, you end up seeing it twice.
I don't want to give away many plot details, but the action sequences are a lot less "cartoony" compared to the previous Iron Man movies. And where the action in the Avengers was more intense, it was mostly directed towards non-humans.
Iron Man 3 is considerably less cartoony. And there is a lot more human on human action. No aliens involved. And several sequences without armor.
That's good advice. The violence seems more real when it's against humans. That's not to say it's graphic gore, but still, it's a lot more intense when it's directed at humans rather than random alien invaders.
Also, as is standard these days, there is a short scene after the credits. There was also a preview of the upcoming Thor movie; it looks really good too.
Thank you for being a responsible parent!! I really have a hard time when parents have unruly kids and are either oblivious to it or just say "they are being kids", deal with it.
I have mixed feelings about seeing IM3. Loved the first one, wasn't to thrilled with the second and so far, I am not to thrilled with the trailers. based on what legionair said, i am not thrilled with the more human on human aspect. I want superhero movies to be about out of this world type powers, bigger than life characters and good against evil. I was really let down with the last dark knight movie. Watched it once on DVD as opposed to the 100 times I have watched batman begins.
I am a big Thor (the comic) fan and am looking forward to the next movie. I would really LOVE to see a Ka-Zar movie with the Savage Land in full CGI glory, that was my fav comic growing up.
Thank you for being a responsible parent!! I really have a hard time when parents have unruly kids and are either oblivious to it or just say "they are being kids", deal with it.
I have mixed feelings about seeing IM3. Loved the first one, wasn't to thrilled with the second and so far, I am not to thrilled with the trailers. based on what legionair said, i am not thrilled with the more human on human aspect. I want superhero movies to be about out of this world type powers, bigger than life characters and good against evil. I was really let down with the last dark knight movie. Watched it once on DVD as opposed to the 100 times I have watched batman begins.
I am a big Thor (the comic) fan and am looking forward to the next movie. I would really LOVE to see a Ka-Zar movie with the Savage Land in full CGI glory, that was my fav comic growing up.
I have to say that I liked this one even better than the first two. I think the problem with the second movie was that it didn't really do much different from the first one. This movie isn't just more of the first two, it is different. There is definitely a good vs evil theme to this, and while the bad guys may be human, they are truly super-human, not more ordinary thugs in copies of Tony's armor. You may like it more than you expect. Or you might not. If you don't mind spoilers, there are plenty of sites online with plot synopses; that might help you decide whether or not to spend the money now, or wait until Fall when the dvd comes out.
Honestly, there is no comparison between Iron Man 3 and the Dark Knight Rises. It's only my opinion, but DKR was a terrible movie, all around. I could honestly not find any redeeming qualities to it. I would put it on the same level as Spiderman 3 since they seemed to suffer from a lot of the same problems.
And I waited on line to see DKR at a Thursday at midnight showing. So it isn't like I was a casual viewer or going in with low expectations.
IM3 wasn't as good as the Avengers, but it was better than IM2. It also came across as a very decent end to the trilogy. But still left a few questions open.
The violence was more "real" but it seemed a fitting escalation from the events of the Avengers. And unlike the Dark Knight movies, it wasn't always dark and serious.
I'm also looking forward to Thor... but honestly, the Guardians of the Galaxy has me more intrigued. I wish they would consider making a Hawkeye movie because I was pretty impressed with Jeremy Renner's take on him.
I saw it last night. The AMC theater I usually go to had an early IMAX showing at 9:00 PM.
Overall, it was ok. Not bad and not great. Believability was non-existent for most of the film and some things I really had a tough time beveling, even in a comic book movie.
I didn't like how the movie changed up the Mandarin. Was very disappointed that the character was nothing like the one I know from the comics I had read as a kid.
One thing that several people who saw it last night in the theater when leaving was that a large number of people didn't know who a character in the end scene after the credits was, despite having scene the Avengers.
This film is part of Marvell's is the first in the Phase 2 series of films that will lead up to Avengers 2. The Phase 3 films I understand will start after Avengers 2 with the Ant-Man movie.
Totally agree with you on this! Here is something I am working on but am needing help rigging it big time. I have it grouped but Poser is not playing nice with the rigging.
I saw IM3 yesterday, I really loved it. Loads more than the second one. I want to rewatch it again, immediately and I never do that with films. I really loved the end credits - I need to find that music.