Dinner for few available at Amazon Prime

Hello guys,
My short film Dinner for Few has been around now since 2014, but it is now available at Amazon Prime. Modeled, rendered and partialy animated in carrara is a good example of what you can do with this software. To watch it search at Amazon prime under "Dinner for Few"

1920 x 1080 - 2M
Post edited by NASSOS on
Thanks for the heads up. Brilliantly done!!
NASSOS, I watched it several months ago on Amazon Prime. I was completely captivated from beginning to end. Bravo!
Cool. I will try to check it out tonight or tomorrow
I'm trying to keep it up there as much as possible but I do not know if there are people watching it or not and I don't know if it going to last. Adding your comments at Amazon Prime helps.
Congratulations. Watched it through Amazon prime. Wishing you continued success.
thanks, what a great job you did!
You and your whole team did an outstanding job, NASSOS. High compliments!
We were told today we won 2 more awards, this bring the count to 77 awards internationaly.
Surprized? Not me. Proud of you? Hell Yeah!!!
For anyone who may have not yet seen (or heard of?) this, you really have to check it out.
I love "Behind-the-Scenes" featurettes so I had a blast on the Story page, reading the briefs and then watching the awesome videos in there!
The "Crew" page reveals that three folks from our very own forums were deeply involved:
Be sure to check out the full movie, Dinner for Few at Amazon (Free with Ads) and don't forget to rate it and leave your feedback. It's the least we can do as Carraraists to our fellow Carraraists! ;)
It's truly an honor to have such amazing talent in our corner. It's truly inspiring to see that such an amazing production can come using the software we all know, love and defend... Carrara! It's also a treat to visit your eyes upon what some of these fine folks do! I mean, NASSOS has worked for Dreamworks Animation, Warner Bros and many more... Check out his website! JetBird is an amazing photographer amongst many other things as well as being featured in the Dogwaffler of the Moment! He's also a huge part of Carrara Cafe and the C3DE (which has interviews of both NASSOS and faba (Eva))! Check out his website! Kostas' Site may be under maintenance at the moment, but click the little Play button in the bottom right and behold! Also chaeck out some more of his music on YouTube! I originally met NASSOS and faba in the older Carrara forums. I was a newbie and had no idea who or the talents of these awesome folks. Both have helped me in many ways. I'll never forget how faba would try coming to my rescue toward my questions pertaining to Fenric's ERC for Carrara plugin, which she helped immensely in its creation. She's done a lot of cool stuff, including making a really awesome Carrara figure that, for the life of me, I cannot find the animation test videos of anymore. But do check out here award-winning Carrara-made animation, The Frog Prince!
Damn, this is some awesome music writing by Kostas!
Congratulation to the whole team. Standing Ovation from Wisconsin, USA!
Thanks Dartanbeck for all your good words. DInner for few has maybe one or two more festivals to go and then it retires for good, it had a good run for what it was. Menwhile last time I checksed with Faba, she did a film with Blender which was very nice and creative. I do not know what Danas does these days. I'm sure though he also remains creative and occasionaly I see some of his post at FB. Kostas is also doing lots of music, he wrote the music for a feature film recently, I'm not sure of the title, but it is one of these films that the star is a dog. No animation but live action with a dog star! The film you put the poster picture up, was released last year and J. K. Simmons stars on it. You can see him on the top of the poster. It had a great run too. Indeed very nice music!
That's not just a poster... it's a music video! Click on it! ;)
Dinner for Few deserved it's good run - it is a real piece of art, that one. Very well done!
Extraordinary artwork coupled with the powerful music makes this an incredibly dramatic presentation. It had my complete attention from start to finish. One of the best things I have seen made with Carrara. Absolutely well done.
Ah he made one of these making of videos. We did one for Dinner for few too. Looks really good. I have seen the movie a few times, it came here in LA and played at the GReek film festival and from what I understand also had a relase in the uSA as well as in Greece of course. I think this is the same orchestra that performed the Dinner for few music in Bratislava.
I love that segment! It's available to view at the official Dinner for Few website (Story > Videos) as well as on YouTube. You guys are an amazing team! I hope to see more in the future!!!
Yeah... Kostas is very good at what he does! Very, Very Good!