Looking for Wings Tutorials
Posts: 16
Does anyone know of a wings tutorial for Hex or Silo? :)
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Does anyone know of a wings tutorial for Hex or Silo? :)
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There are many kinds of wing, aircraft, bird, insect, bat,.. all have many permutations, it will help if you were a little more precise. There is also a 3d application called wings although I suspect that is not pertinent :)
While there may be many types of wings, with many permutations, THAT is not an answer.
Knowing a specific type of wing DOES NOT help you answer the question.
Either you know of WINGS TUTORIALS (regardless the type or permutation) or you don't. It's JUST that easy.
The 3d app, "Wings" is about as relevant as your answer was.
Leilana, there are no Hexagon specific wing tutorials.
There are several YouTube tutorials about 3d Wing Modeling.
Here is the YouTube Search results page: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=3d+bird+wing&oq=3d+bird+wing&gs_l=youtube.3..33i21.14920.18924.0.19079.
Most results are for Blender, but the basics of poly modeling remain the same.
Hope this helps!
Are you in a moment of bad mood?
Was it really necessary to answer in such a harsh tone?
Hi kizzle,
big thanks for this link! :) I will look at this tutorials