LAMH Issue

I have all three of the plugins catalyzer,standard and the player. Can't get it to work anymore.Keep getting a message about one of them needs be uninstalled. But doesnt say which. Didnt have issues til catalyzer but I deactivated that and still having issues.
As far as I can remember you need to remove the player when using the full LAMH plugin. You can't have both on the same machine.
Thanks . The weird part is I cant get the blasted thing to work. Now I am getting crash reports.
Sometimes a DAZ scene saved with a LAMH preset in it will cause DAZ Studio to crash when you try & open that scene again. You throw out that scene, if that is your problem, and create a new scene.
Or you turn off the plugin and delete the LAMH bit.
I had high hopes for this program. Unfortunately, it is a train crash...or at least, a computer crash on DAZ 4.10.
If i try to use the scissors, it crashes; if I try to select individual guide hair, it crashes; sometimes it crashes for no reason at all.
It seems to me, having read the forum threads, that there is a fundamental problem either with the RCurves in DS or with the implementation of plugins that use RCurves. Garibaldi had the same problems, although not so pronounced but does not work in Iray.
I hope that one day, LAMH is released in a new version that is more stable. As it is, I have spent days trying to get this to work, reinstalling through DIM (which has its own problems), manually installing it, being patient with it...all to no avail. Maybe the only solution will come when Nvidia offer native support for RCurves.
When it takes three days to discover that the plugin is just wasting time - time that could have been used for production - it is time for a refund, which regrettably I have now requested.
I really wish LAMH well but, currently, it is simply not sufficiently reliable to be viable, imo.
Something I've noticed is that with two identical scenes, one with LAMH hidden within a group and one which is not, the un-hidden scene loads correctly everytime, I'm guessing that LAMH loading causes some sort of conflict when LAMH fur is hidden.
Solution response from Alessandro
"actually yes, grouping/parenting LAMH items is a limitation that we won't be able to fix until DAZ makes some fixes in the SDK. So better to avoid doing it.
Now, you can recover the scene doing like this:
- disable the LAMH plugin
- restart Studio and open the scene, which now should load (even if the LAMH fur will be lost)
- resave the scene
- enable the LAMH plugin and restart studio
- now, load the scene and reapply the fur on the Wolf (or, better yet, just load a LAMH Wolf and use the pose of the 'naked' one)
I hope this helps! "