Doors in Environments (Functioning preferably)
Posts: 1,404
This might seem petty and I don't mean it to be. I have some really cool environments and am disenheartened when I realize it has no door. Often in a series, it's nice to have a character enter or exit and it leaves me a little cold on the picture when my character doesn't have a door to storm out of or burst through. I do have some environments that have non-functioning doors and I can squeeze by by making them move towards it and just letting the audience fill in the rest.
Just a small note. I'm not sure what all goes into that but there are some REALLY cool env here and if they can make that, please, don't forget the door.
Just my 2 cents.
Post edited by DDCreate on
Only cause you mentioned need for more doors, the 1970's Motel has no less than 50 functioning doors.
Functioning doors make alot of sense. Entrances and exits are storytelling.
Just a side note: If the environment has the door as a separate item (can hide/unhide) then create a cylinder, place it against the side of the door you want the hinge to occupy and parent the door to the cylinder. Hide the cylinder. By rotating the cylinder on its Y-axis, you can animate that door. It's a simple work-around for those who haven't delved deeper into the intricacies of D|S.
Good tip! That makes perfect sense!
Banging head on desk now.
Thank you so much for this.
You're more than welcome. An additional detail I neglected to mention. make your cylinder diameter as close to the wall thickness as you can (or smaller) but the cylinder length is irrelevant. Remember, the door will rotate around the circumference of the cylinder. I also tend to parent the cylinder (usually renamed for clarity) to the wall/asset to which the door originally belonged. I use the same technique when I want a detail (guns, wheels, etc) to rotate on a common axis.
I've used this at least 3 times now and it works great! Perfect work around!
someone could create a door creator script maybe?
at least for rectangular ones
you frame the door you want
render it
the script applies a decal to that part of the geometry with cutout opacity and a door prop that loads your render as a texture
Have you looked at Collective3d's Room Creator kits?
I think this is a good idea as well i hate not being able to open doors some senes are just a solid set not allowing u to hide or do any thing with it. sure i could add a door from an other set but when its opened u see the other one behind it. Windows are not such a big deal but it would be nice to be able to crash threw them lol and yes i know theres a product out there that allows this. :)
I DID NOT know about the Shattered product. Thanks for prompting me to search. VERY cool
If you can't hide a door object, you should be able to make the texture 100% transparent.
Make a primitive cube/plane, the shape of a door, and add the texture to that object. Use more planes, or cubes, for the inner-trim of the door. (Because if the door was not an actual object, there will not be trim when the door is made invisible.
Also... There is a room-builder somewhere in the store...
More stuff you can use. (There are free "doors" in here, with trim.)
It's called Room Creator 2
That looks interesting. Would it be possible to design a room in SH3d - blank, no furniture and textures - to import it as a room (prop) into DAZ?