Anyone know how to change the display pictures for shaders or objects?

First... the new forum software absolutely hates me. After several weeks of trying to log in and being denied, I pretty much gave up, but just found out I can log in to my computer at work. Not happy. :(
Anyway, I'm trying to change the display/preview pictures for the shaders and objects I've created and saved in the 'my objects' and 'my shaders' sections. I know there must be away to do it, but I have no idea how. Anyone got any ideas?
HI Jon :)
Welcome back :)
There's a little program called P3do explorer
It'll let you change the icon pics.
3Dage, you're awesome as always :) Thank you, I'll give this little program a whirl when I get back home (to the computer that the forums will not allow me to use to login).
Is it difficult to use? I'm really keen on changing the preview pics to renders that I have done so I can clearly see what the shader/object really looks like.
P3dO Explorer is the only way I know to do this. It is quite easy to use just to change an image - I use it for all my commercial products to ensure that the thumbs are as useful as possible.
Hi Jon,
Are you talking about Shadermixer shaders?
I've noticed that they don't automatically create a proper icon due I think to the fact that you can't see shadermixer shaders in the preview window. I normally render a small preview to replace the icon created IIRC it is about 90 x90 pixels and replace it. From memory I think you have to name/rename it including the same name as the preset and place it in the same folder.
Hope this is useful.
Does the free version do this, or is it just the Pro version?
HI ProPose :)
As far as I know it's only in the Pro version,.
but,. download the free version and try it out. see if it works.
Does the free version do this, or is it just the Pro version?
Looking at the site, only the pro version. Pretty cool looking ap, too bad it is windows only.