Join us today 17th December to Discover 13 Vital Explanations on Lighting [Webinar] (Commercial)

Understand Light Effects, Properties and Types
13 Aspects of Light Explained
Community sharing of lighting tips and challenges
Webinar to be broadcast Sunday 17th of December – 20:00 GMT/12:00 PST/15:00 EST
(Webinar recording to be submitted to the DAZ store)
Above image by Artur Rosa (VUE) – see his DeviantArt Gallery here
Let there be light….
When I first ventured into 3D digital art, one of the things I struggled most with was light.
It wasn’t just in how to light particular scenes, but it was the terminology and the physics of light that I didn’t understand very well. Terms such as “volumetric light”, “diffraction” and “subsurface scattering” eluded me and made this area of 3D art a little harder to get into.
This community masterclass will help those who have struggled with these lighting terms. We’ll also go into some of the science of light to give a fuller background on the subject.
Duration : 1.5 hours
Presenter : Paul Bussey – Owner of Digital Art Live/ Editor of Digital Art Live Magazine
13 Aspects of Light Explained.
Light Effects
- Reflection
- Refraction
- Caustics
- Translucency
- Shadow
Light Properties
- Mood
- Colour
- Intensity
- Decay
Light Types
- Point light
- Spot light
- Area light
- Directional light
- Volumetric light
Community Sharing of Achievement and Challenges with Light
If time and enough content, we'll open some time up to community members to share their challenges and achievements from their 3D scenes.