Losing control of hot points?

I have used the capslock to move hot points and I have used modifiers like spin and shake with no trouble.
Now I have a relatively simple animation that I want some things to shake in. As soon as I select the modifier the object jumps in translation to another spot. I move the hot spot to the object and as soon as I let the mouse button go, it jumps even further away. I am unable to join the hot spot to the center of the object (or even close)!
I have a group with three subgroups and four primitives in each subgroup. I want to modify the subgroups. It seems like the only function that acts wierd like this is the modify command.
Anybody seen anything like this before? Do I have to start over?
Whoa! I decided to simplify and made just a "W" out of four cylinders into a group. When I spin the group the four cylinders slide around independently. Clearly, my problem is that I do not understand grouping! Help?
Let's simplify: If your group looks like in the picture there shouldn't be a problem with spinning. Grouping is easy: just select all the cylinders and enter strg g.
i think something is wrong with my software. When I select a primitive, I use capslock to move the hot spot. As soon as I let up the mouse button, the object moves with the hot spot in the original space.
This is not right. The hot spot should have been the only thing to move. Is there a setting I am not aware of?
Yes, the Shake modifier. When it is off/removed, the hot spot moves correctly. I assume one must turn off all modifiers when moving hot spots?
Ok, I have made sure that the W above is clean. The hot spots of the four cylinders are centered as is the group. When I spin the group, everything rotates in the right axis and looks fine.
With the spin removed (and no other modifiers), as soon as I add Shake, the object translates in the vertical axis and then begins shaking correctly. How can I avoid the translation at the beginning?
Picture on the left is before and right is after JUST adding Shake to Group. It moves upwards quite a bit. Then I run the animation and it shakes (but in the wrong place).