Emission lighting using primitives

I've been using primitives with emission as my light sources. I've been struggling to keep the planes out of the camera view when I'm setting up my scenes (I want the lights close to control the falloff.)
Is there a way to hide the plane while maintaining the emission? I tried setting the cutout opacity to a very low number (like, .0001) but, when rendered with the light between the subject and camera, I get A LOT of noise in the render (I'm guessing artifacts from the "barely there" plane.)
Basically, a way to hide the physical plane and make the emission surface work like a spotlight or point light.
Lowering the cutout opacity is the only method of which I am aware. Have you tried dropping it another power of ten (0.00001)?
Set the cutout opacity to 0.000001 and it should work (5 0s and a 1)
I just tried it with a 5ft plane on the ground with a figure standing on it.
Temperature 6500
Luminance 5000
Luminance Units: Watts
Efficacy 150
Well-lit up to her armpits with no grain. 1920x1080 resolution.
You can use .ies files to control the spread of light, many can be downloaded free after a quick search. Works with non-flat meshes. I have attached an example test render of a Heart shaped light I made showing the effect.
Awesome! Thank you...