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Just wanting to be a little pest... Which other changes in the new version *drools* we can expect? *Drools even more*
I literally LOVE it as is now, but new options and ways to use it... *Drown in drool*
you need to do a cool simulation of all of that drool :)
Alberto - you rock - thanks so much
has anyone else noticed a reduction in volume when an animated object is placed inside the fluid. ?
I just made a scene with a fish in a tank, (and a lil' fishy) but the liquid is getting smaller as the animation progresses.
the lighting is basic, but hopefully you can see the progress over 10 sec
If i remove the animated model from the domain,. the fluid performs normally,. reduction.
there's no "body force" on the fish,.
I think the simulation has issues with moving solids. I tried one where a wall moved in on a volume of liquid and rather than it pushing the liquid out of the way. it just absorbed it. I raised it with Alberto and he said that where a solid and liquid coincided, it just takes that point on the fuild grid as a solid. I suspect that something similar is happening for you, as the fish is moving, it is absorbing the water where it moves. We may just have to accept this as a limitation of the simulation.
Perhaps the fish simply drinks the water!
Anyway I noticed that behaviour too. It would be nice if Alberto manages to obtain a nice "push" effect.
I tried some simulation on a moving char, the drops adehere for a moment to his clothes and simply disappears when the body moves slighly forward.
Hi Phil :) that makes sense,. i'll just add the fish in after the sim.
Imago :)
That also makes sense,. i'll try welding the fishes mouth closed :)
There are some changes. The first one is viscosity ( I reproduce some results Guy shows in
The viscosity update is an adaptation of other, smaller, Guy's engine to the current one I use in FLUIDOS. As the two engines are independent and have different functionalities, this time I had to make changes in the insides of the engine.
There are more improvements, but the update is not finished by now.
This update won't solve the voracious thirst of this fish !
Alberto, it looks wonderful! That licorice candy being molded... Looked so yummy!
Now that I managed to obtain the right effect, new functions sounds truly nice!
Can't wait to see it!
Great work!
A thought I just had, suddenly: Maybe the fish will stop drinking the water if the "Range" of body force is set on 2 and in repulsive mode.
You can try it by all means but in my tests this can have other unwanted side effects like churning the water due to the repulsive force - although I didn't try it with a fish!
Uhm... Even with a very low value on the repulsion? I'm doing some tests myself, in order to attain truly sticky fluids, maybe I'll find a solution to it instead.
Often you discover the Holy Grail looking for the Yeti!
Hi Jusel - alberto passed on some information he received from you which I'm exploring but what version of Nvidea driver do you have installed - mine is the one recommended 381.65 but I believe there is a later one.
After tests, tests and more tests, there is no way to have a 60FPS simulation synched with my 30FPS animations. Everything is set in the right way (Animation: 30 FPS, 299 frames - Simulation 60 FPS, 598 Frames - Visualizing Domain 100% at 299 frames).
Someone managed to do it work?
The more simple and direct form is this:
1. Set up your animation in the Assemble room putting the desired render fps in the sequencer (30 FPS in your case). The timing must be the final intended one (as the normal when you do not use fluid simulation).
2. In the Fluid Domain Properties put the needed FPS and the correspondent number of frames. #frames of simulation = #render frames * (FPS simulator / FPS sequencer). In your case, as you want to render 299 frames, you must put 598 in the FPS of Fluid Domain Properties.
3. Run the simulator. All will be automatically sinchronized.
4. Put Completion in the FluidS modifier a 100 % at frame 299, as you did. It's ready !
After the step 2, do not move the keyframes or change the position objects, etc. you set up in step 1, unless you want to modify the base animation. In that case, you have to do the step 2 again.
It's exactly what I did, Alberto. The result is always what you can see in the video. I don't know what I'm doing wrong!
Forget that, I downloaded that old example file you posted here and, after putting the right values in it, now it works fine. Saved it for future usage!
The strange thing it's that if I make a NEW emulation it doesn't work... but if I use that old file it works the right way!
Maybe it contains some secret line of code I'm lacking?
If that secret line of code exists, then it must be so secret that I can't even see it.
Here, there is a .car file with an animation similar to yours.
I'll try it, thanks!
I'll also send you one of my "faulty" attempts, maybe you can spot which is the difference!
Here, this is the guilty one, Alberto. No matter what, it refuses to synch, even with the same identical setup as the one I got from you.
Ah, the last one worked instantly!
I saw that someone noticed that Fluidos run only 2% and then stops while openCL is missing. But I've already instaled newest version, checkd other options and simulation still stuck at 2%. I missed something?
@ AnimaToy:
There is an option that disables OpenCL allowing you to use just the CPU, useful when your graphic card decides to tease you.
@ Alberto:
No news yet about the new version? My mouth can't contain the drool thinking about it!
I've also had simillar issues ,. things just stopping at 2% ,. no error message,. it's usually "resolved" by changing the settings for that sim,.
Try a really simple straight forward scene,.
if that runs ok,. then, it's not an OpenGL issue,..
the issue is possibly with the Sim's settings.
Try changing the cell size ... higher,. and maybe increase the subdivision
I've already tried any possible settings, but it change nothing, still freezes at 2%
Try this, AnimaToy...
Exact same result - 2% and nothing more ;(
Is Carrara freezed too, or only the progress bar?
The new version has some more engine options. And the FluidS modifier is faster and the diffuse particles representation is better.
Your file has something strange issue. I coudn't render it as an avi movie. At the 100 %, Carrara freezes, no matter what the last frame is.
Yay, thanks man!
I can't wait to grab the new version and start experimenting!
About the file... I thought it was a issue for me only! Every time I render a movie Carrara freezes! The only way to render is Image Sequence and then use VirtualDub to make the movie clip.
It's something inside the file, then?
I noticed that the memory used or available for Fluidos is very low what cause a crash for the elaborate scenes.
There is not only the fluid itself, but also the objects which take part in the simulation.
A render in .AVI is always at the base “Uncompressed” thus a lot of allowance of memory,and at the end a compilation of the frames. Here, one would say that it is the drop which makes overflow the vase.
A render in images sequence is always better, Fluidos is not the only cause of crashes.
I have 16 GB of RAM and 4 GB on my GPU. A very bacis setup (unless GPU prices frops a bit) but I get those problem only when rendering a movie of Fluidos simulations.
I think it because of the "uncompatible" file format Fluidos works with (the .PLY files it generates), maybe the CPU or the GPU are asked to "do something more" to handle them and they simply surrender.