How do I save DS window layouts?

I want to be able to switch between two different screen layouts depending if I got an external monitor hooked up to the laptop or not. If my laptop has an external monitor I want the viewports on the external screen but the work panes such as parameters and smart content and that type on my laptop's main screen.
I also want to use just one screen when I am not using a secondary monitor which would be the case when I am not home.
The default answer: save and switch Layouts
Go to: Window>Workspace>Save Layout As
You can save as many as you like. Since you dont see already saved Layouts in the Save Layout dialogue I end up saving layouts with many different names, but you can see where they get saved here Windows Path: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4\user layouts.
To load / switch Layouts go to: Window>Workspace>Select Layout
Set Lock Docking/Undocking to be off and undock your panes or groups of panes to make them a floating pane(group) to place them on the second monitor. Maximise a pane or snapping a floating pane(group) to screen edges or other window edges would be a nice feature for doing this.
I never used a second monitor with DazStudio - so I cant tell if the undocked / floating pane(group(s)) stay on the second monitor or if they get moved back to the main monitor if you have the wrong Layout for multimonitor loaded while there is no second monitor connected or it is switched off.
I just checked this and now I see there is a special action for doing this manualy if needed with Window>Workspace>Off Screen Pane (Tab) Groups.. to get them moved back to the main monitor.
The Activities feature without switching Layouts
But wait, just in this moment I had another idea. Why not have custom shortcuts for the different Layouts without even selecting them in the Select Layout dialogue. Therfor you can skip the part with Save Layout As and use the Activities feature without the need of enableing the Activity Bar (this takes up some screenspace).
Just go to Window>Workspace>Customize and scroll the left side Actions list down to the bottom and open Workspace. Then right-click on "Show Activity 0" - choose Change Keyboard Shortcut and press the key combination you like. I choose Alt+F1 because its not already in use and still easy to remember. Repeat this for "Show Activity 1" : Alt+F2 then you can hit Accept - press Alt+F2 or whatever to "Show Activity 1" (the second one) - then undock the pane(s) and/or pane group(s) and arrange them on your second monitor - finaly save the current Workspace Layout.
Now you can switch between Activity 1 and 2 without the Activity Bar on screen. Good to know - the next time I connect my TV with my laptop I will try this. As you can see you can have different Workspace Layouts called Activities saved in one Base Layout they called Actors,Wardrobe & Props, Pose & Animate, ect. the actual name is unimportant but you can rename it if you like on the right side Activities list right-click on them "Rename Item" or add another 'Single Monitor' / 'Multi Monitor' Activity - but I think not everyone is using them because this can lead to confusion.
Customize_Workspace_Shortcuts_SwitchActivity_1.png 614 x 636 - 88K
Lately I'm getting into detail with how to customize the DazStudio interface and this is my thread for this topic:
How to Customize Daz Studio - to speed up Workflow!? [WIP]