Question on Genesis and SmartContent in 8.5

First I could be missing something right in front of me.
I am just re-installing content and playing with how I want to do it so I don't have much really loaded at the moment.
I noticed two things, I loaded up a genesis figure in DS and I had sliders to portion between morphs. Male, Child, Female. In Carrara I can choose a child morph but not a % of child morph like I can in DS Even mixing a bit of each one. Am I missing something or is it only all or nothing.
I also found that smart content in DS is apparently smart. I took a genesis figure added it, added the JS pants that come with. When I select the pants the smart content changes and only shows me what applies to those pants. In this case the textures.
In Carrara Smart Content doesn't change. Meaning when I go to category ->materials-> wardrobe it shows me EVERYTHING that is loaded still (not sure if it including DS only items). It also doesn't hide or collapse the other categories that no longer apply. Did I miss something in there or is Carrara Smart Content not smart yet? (makes it fairly useless in general)
how I solving this myself before was moving everything because of the unconventional naming structures imposed my various companies/artists/PA's my problem before was finding the textures/poses/props that went with item X. Before I was manually moving everything related into the same subfolder. I would put a Pose/Prop/Mat/Morph/clothing-> with its own Mat folder
Just curious here as I figure out how I want to re-install everything
HI Milo :)
Smart content works the same way in Carrara,. ,. you select the genesis figure,. expand it to see the "Actor" level, and then you'll find the Child morphs, in the parameters tab. and yes, you have a slider to apply as much or as little of each shape as you want (see pic)
There are different types of smart content which will be displayed, depending on what part of the figure you've selected.
and also different types of parameters, depending on whether you've selected the "Genesis" or "Actor", or "Head" level of the figure.
There's now a "filter" search box at the top right of the Parameters section, where you can type "child" or "Ears" etc, and it'll show you only those parameters. and a little blue button on the top left, where you can select only the parameters from a "section" of the figure
Also,. if you select clothing or hair, once it's in the scene,. and you're looking at the Smart content (files),. then the browser will show only the materials which apply to that selected item (pic)
The reason that you're not seeing it,. is that you're in a specific "Category" view,. not the All smart "Files" view,.
the same issue would apply if you were browsing using the Products view.
The Category and Product views are both, manual methods of loading the content.
The Smart Content "Files" view, will change depending on what figure or part of a figure you have selected in the scene.
Hope it helps :)
*Thank you*
I was looking in the Categories! And just getting the Genesis figure was a little interesting. BUt that helped a TON! Now I can see the Parameters.
Thank you again! Makes a LOT more sense.
Now I will have to decide if its worth even breaking up installs into catagories/Runtimes :D